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PPP would establish a special crime unit says Harper

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Harper says there must be a zero tolerance towards domestic violence

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All of the laws concerning women would be reviewed - Harper

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Industrial sites would be developed n entrepreneurs would get incentives for creating jobs Harper tells the Rally as she speaks to manifesto

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PPP has been PPPromising for 23 years.....................listen to all the speeches they have nothing to run on no big project no big game changer they have delivered to Guyanese in 23 years. More promising and cussin.


Nothing to point to they have delivered laar to the people in 23 years..


I wish someone would have asked her why now? Why has the government not addressed the sexual offense Act that has been sitting on the President's desk for 3 years? We  had 34 women murdered in domestic violence last year. We have had hundreds of rapes only 25 prosecuted and with only 3 convictions. There are a host of other inequities that blossomed before their eyes that they neglected and now this lady is supposed to be the one that speaks to it and turn it around. She was deputy of a department where in spite of our country being one half black, not one black ambassador came out of her office over her entire 15 year tenure.


This woman is talking pure shyte her current serving attorney General was caught on tape speaking in the most disrespectful and vulgar terms about a young female reporter. He wanted to organize de gyal so he bald head uncle can jam de ting as he puts it.


Why isnt Lis addressing that? these people are lying to the public daily and Lis is no different she is their new Liar in the Lair.


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