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caribny posted:
The irony is that APNU now has something that skeptical supporters might want to hear.  It is no longer about APNU representing their interests better than they did over the past 3 years. Its now about the fact that an Indian racist party is likely to get back into office.

This will be a very tribal elections, and these types of elections generally dont end well. But we can think [thank] Mr. Charrandass for that.  He suddenly developed a "conscience" just when it suited Jagdeo. He was a yes man until then.

Mentioned all is not lost as yet, 2019 elections will be the mother of all democratic elections.You have the stats take a look. APNU-AFC will have to shed some of the dinosaurs. Hopefully they listened to advice, meet and apologize to their supporters in all corners of the country.

Last edited by Django
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:
Baseman posted:

Volda mussy puffing up mo. Soon she guh blow up!

PNC goose cook!

Volda needs to find a nice koolie man husband to take care of her and retire from politics.


No, domination of weak men isnt her thing. She is a strong woman who needs a strong man to satisfy her.  Based on what we see on GNI, inclusive of you, this isnt going to satisfy her.


Don't worry about that Carib.  Prashad wants you to find a nice Hindu woman and get some nice Hindu Dougla kids.


It is no longer about APNU representing their interests better than they did over the past 3 years. Its now about the fact that an Indian racist party is likely to get back into office.

  Your expression, a statement representing All Blacks in Guyana, sing it loud you might get some Indos on GNI to believe you. You making such statement is promoting Racism on this Forum, sad.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

She strong nuh, she mouth strong and coolie man named Charrandas gi she lil shuggah cane and now she puff up laka Japanese Blowfish!

Take note of the fact that when Volda puffed up her face Charrandass ran away in fear. No Volda doesnt want a man like that.

How you know suh good wuh good fuh she?  You like a pusser susser!

Baseman posted:

How you know suh good wuh good fuh she?  You like a pusser susser!

Strong women never like weak men. She puffed out her cheeks and Charrandass burst into tears and went fleeing to Canada.    Suppose she gave him a good buse down?  The man would have had a heart attack!

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:

KP, are you coming to Errol's shinding?

Welcome back, I hope you behave your self now that PPP put a shocker on your party. 

Bhai, I recommended you for a  Medal of Honour for your swimming. I hold no grudge against you. 

Like I told Mars, never swam a day in my life, never learnt. You got the wrong man. 

kp posted:

The PPP needs to do a clean sweep, bring young, fresh blood representation of all the races, many of the old faithfuls have to stand aside.

Promote the many young blacks that are in the PPP, bring bright educated into office. REBRAND the PPP, the cup is an old image, move with the times.

 I know they listen to the diaspora, we must demand such change, from now until the next election let's remind them on GNI.

Strangely GNI posters who don't like the PPP or its supporters will say that the PPP or its supporters don't have views like the one you wrote above.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

How you know suh good wuh good fuh she?  You like a pusser susser!

Strong women never like weak men. She puffed out her cheeks and Charrandass burst into tears and went fleeing to Canada.    Suppose she gave him a good buse down?  The man would have had a heart attack!

Really ?

Charandass bussed the balls of all of the PNC MP's combined including Granger's in one shot. PNC MP's are walking around with buss balls. 


If you listen to the people instead of the various political commentators you will learn that life for the average Guyanese has become more difficult since the coalition government took power three years ago.  Thousands of jobs have been lost leaving families without an income.  My friend's daughter who earned a degree from UG supported the coalition government but now she is deeply disappointed with so much new taxes on the people.  She said this government will fail because of their egos  and lo and behold it happened. 

The PPP received the whip just three years ago and now APNU got it unexpectedly.  It's a changing Guyana.  Granger acted like Burnham when he came into office. Burnham's time was different.  The power of the people will bring you in line or smash you.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If you listen to the people instead of the various political commentators you will learn that life for the average Guyanese has become more difficult since the coalition government took power three years ago.  Thousands of jobs have been lost leaving families without an income.  My friend's daughter who earned a degree from UG supported the coalition government but now she is deeply disappointed with so much new taxes on the people.  She said this government will fail because of their egos  and lo and behold it happened.

Freedom House talking points

the sugar industry was bequeathed by the PPP to the new Gov't on life support, and after the hard decisions to downsize were made y'all, less than a year after, start hollering that "thousands of jobs have been lost" . . . deathly afraid that the Coalition's actions would bear fruit and embarrass Jagdeo

he and his people were given more than 14 years to handle . . . they simply stole and failed

same with the $40.00/per car PPP Berbice Bridge

so they pull a "Hail Mary" to rob the new Gov't of TIME

suh g'wan dahside with yuh transparent crocodile self

Last edited by Former Member

Our country will not go anywhere if we don't think independently and oppose when our party or government goes out of line.  Charrandas made history by crossing party line and voted with the opposition.  It may look unethical or unfaithful but in reality it's for the greater good of the country.  Why allow the PNC to dominate the government and have Moses and Ramjattan serving as defenders of the regime's decisions rather being part of the decision making process? This is not democracy.  This is a totalitarian government 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why allow the PNC to dominate the government and have Moses and Ramjattan serving as defenders of the regime's decisions rather being part of the decision making process? This is a totalitarian government 

who elected you (or Charandaas) to speak FOR Prakash Ramjattan and PM Moses Nagamootoo?

what nerve

and yes, yes, we know as far as you and your cohort are concerned, ONLY Indo members of the AFC actually count

and you have no idea what "totalitarian Government" means, so stop being ignorant throwing words around just because they sound real real stink and therefore appropriate to pelt at that 'Blackman' government

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

KP, are you coming to Errol's shinding?

Hey Mits, welcome back.  Lots have happened.

 Abie pon Tap again!!

You folks need to calm down. You look like a bunch of Indo KKK. Prashad has his Indesh now.

Look hay, Volda posting.

kp posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

KP, are you coming to Errol's shinding?

Hey Mits, welcome back.  Lots have happened.

 Abie pon Tap again!!

You folks need to calm down. You look like a bunch of Indo KKK. Prashad has his Indesh now.

Look hay, Volda posting.

Volda will not invite you to her birthday party.  Mits can bring piece cake for you.  I heard the theme is green and yellow party colors.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:

"It is no longer about APNU representing their interests better than they did over the past 3 years. Its now about the fact that an Indian racist party is likely to get back into office."

Your expression, a statement representing All Blacks in Guyana, sing it loud you might get some Indos on GNI to believe you. You making such statement is promoting Racism on this Forum, sad.

Not saying that Cribby is a racist but I do agree with your observation here. I may be wrong but Cribby may have been the first poster to mention black and Indian regarding the passing of the NC motion.

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

KP, are you coming to Errol's shinding?

Hey Mits, welcome back.  Lots have happened.

 Abie pon Tap again!!

You folks need to calm down. You look like a bunch of Indo KKK. Prashad has his Indesh now.

Honey, we just having lil fun. No one knows who will win the elections next year. Nothing is guaranteed. Take a look at Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia 2016 Electoral College predictions. This was released the night before elections day. Btw, the Indo KKK comment is very uncomplimentary for you. It doesn't go well with your profile photo. Leave that to the hardened race centric posters.


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Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted: 

How you know suh good wuh good fuh she?  You like a pusser susser!

Strong women never like weak men. She puffed out her cheeks and Charrandass burst into tears and went fleeing to Canada. Suppose she gave him a good buse down?  The man would have had a heart attack!

In the end, Charandas outwitted her. Brains always outlast muscles.

ronan posted:

. . . deathly afraid that the Coalition's actions would bear fruit and embarrass Jagdeo

I for one never feared that the Coiltion's actions would bear fruits. From the time they signed that Valentine's Day love letter, I knew that they were destined to fail. Putting lipstick on a pig does not remove the fact that it is still a pig. Jagdeo isn't suffering any embarrassment. Infact, Jagdeo is looming large and has been doing so since he took the leadership role on the Opposition side of the Assembly. Infact, he has owned that house the past three + years.

kp posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

KP, are you coming to Errol's shinding?

Hey Mits, welcome back.  Lots have happened.

 Abie pon Tap again!!

You folks need to calm down. You look like a bunch of Indo KKK. Prashad has his Indesh now.

Look hay, Volda posting.

Ralph R's son married an Afro., queen bee married an old Dougla to get green card, she has lots of QC PNC friends, so she should be proud of her Afro connections. I don't have any Afro in my family, not that anything is wrong with that. You and your team chastise me because I don't join on your bandwagon. Merry Christmas. Eat, drink and be merry. 

Leonora posted:
kp posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

KP, are you coming to Errol's shinding?

Hey Mits, welcome back.  Lots have happened.

 Abie pon Tap again!!

You folks need to calm down. You look like a bunch of Indo KKK. Prashad has his Indesh now.

Look hay, Volda posting.

Ralph R's son married an Afro., queen bee married an old Dougla to get green card, she has lots of QC PNC friends, so she should be proud of her Afro connections. I don't have any Afro in my family, not that anything is wrong with that. You and your team chastise me because I don't join on your bandwagon. Merry Christmas. Eat, drink and be merry. 

Gyal, I thought we are not allowed to expose personal information about other posters. If this is what you mean.


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