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Former Member

WPA withdraws from APNU over non-consultation on MPs

-leaves door open for reconciliation

The Working People’s Alliance (WPA) has withdrawn from opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) after not being consulted on the candidates selected as its representatives in the National Assembly and the Region Four Regional Democratic Council (RDC).


It has however left the door open to reconciliation.

“The time has come when the WPA is forced to draw a line in the sand and say that enough is enough. Since 2015 there has been no new and progressive dispensation within the APNU and there is no recognition of the rights of the partners to contribute to the decision-making process and more importantly, for each party, not the General Secretary of the PNCR, or its Leader, to determine unilaterally, the allocation of seats to each member party of the APNU for Parliament, RDC and NDC. In a meeting before the March 2. 2020: General and Regional Elections, with you, comrade Granger and other PNCR representatives in the Ministry of the Presidency Media Centre, we made our position clear on the above matter and were assured by you that we have an agreement – only to learn that this was not so when our nominee for Region 10 was not put on the list of candidates,” WPA Secretary Tacuma Ogunseye wrote in a letter to APNU leader David Granger on Wednesday.  

“Mr. Granger, we are convinced that there will be no significant attitudinal changes within the APNU on the matters raised above, and those which must engage the attention of the organization and be corrected, if it is to regain the government at future elections. It is this conviction and the circumstances referenced that WPA feels it can no longer remain a member of the APNU,” he added. 

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The WPA always gets two seats before joining the Coalition. They had a chance to expand but they didn't.  The WPA, TUF, and the AFC could have come together and formed one party in a democratic way.


So Hinds wasted all that time calling for the burning of the ballot boxes. Lewis and Kwayana may also come to realize that they have been wasting their time too.

The truth is that had Hinds been able to get those ballot boxes burned and the Coalition were to assume office illegally the WPA would have still be denied any representation in that government. Granger had already signaled back in January that he will appoint whoever he choses regardless of any agreements the other parties think that have with the PNC. That is what prompted his son in law Gaskin to threaten to pull the AFC out of the Coalition. Even then Granger gave a half hearted promise to the AFC which no well thinking person expected him to keep. Ramjattan was never going to be the PM under a re-elected Granger administration. At least thanks to the PPP winning, Ramjattan didn't have to be pissed at Granger like the WPA is right now.


AFC made a crucial mistake. They could have pulled out of the coalition and try to rebuild but they are now rotting in the belly of the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

AFC made a crucial mistake. They could have pulled out of the coalition and try to rebuild but they are now rotting in the belly of the PNC.

I don't think the AFC can do what the WPA can because the WPA doesn't have any seats to forfeit whereas the AFC does. The AFC is essentially trapped until the next elections unless they want to be trapped.


I guess they are now stuck in the belly of the PNC.

Granger will now pressure them to prove their worth and eventually purge them out of the belly of the PNC. These chaps never learn.

@Former Member posted:

I don't think the AFC can do what the WPA can because the WPA doesn't have any seats to forfeit whereas the AFC does. The AFC is essentially trapped until the next elections unless they want to be trapped.

The AFC is  another arm of the PNC, but in disguise.  The PNC Back Benchers.


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