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Former Member
Writ filed in court to reduce Jagdeo’s pension, benefits

Executive member of the Working People’s Alliance, Desmond Trotman, has filed a writ in the High Court to reverse the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act 2009.
The affidavit was drawn by Attorney-At-Law, Christopher Ram, on behalf of Desmond Trotman. The Attorney General is sued as the representative of the State of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo
The writ is seeking a declaration that the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act 2009 which purports to amend Article 181 (2) of the Constitution without complying with the special legislative procedure laid down by Article 164 of the Constitution is unconstitutional, null and void.
The Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act was passed during the Ninth Parliament on April 30, 2009 by the National Assembly. It was assented to by the then President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo in May 2009.
The writ states that sections of the Act violate Article 181 (2) of the Constitution in that they fall outside the scope, meaning and intendment of a pension and gratuity granted by the said article.
According to Article 181 (2) of the Constitution, “A person who has held the office of President shall receive such pension or, upon the expiration of his term of office, such gratuity as may be prescribed by Parliament. Any such pension or gratuity shall be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.”
Section 2 of the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act 2009 provides several benefits for every person who having held the Office of the President and ceased to hold that office by virtue of the provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution or otherwise, during the remainder of his lifetime.
Some of the benefits highlighted in the writ are services of personal and household staff including an attendant and a gardener; provision of vehicles owned and maintained by the State; an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares provided on the same basis as that granted to serving members of the Judiciary; and a tax exemption status identical to that enjoyed by a serving President.
Section 3 further provides that “The Minister may, subject to negative resolution of the National Assembly, make regulations for giving effect to the provisions of this Act.”
The writ also requests a Conservatory Order preserving the status quo which existed prior to the date when the Act came into force until the hearing and determination of the proceedings.
According to the writ, the Act affects former President Bharrat Jagdeo who assented to the Act in May 2009 and demitted office on December 3, 2011.
No former President of Guyana is alive, save and except Prime Minister Samuel Hinds who is in receipt of a salary and allowances, and that the granting of a Conservatory Order will not deprive him of any benefits.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
why are folks obsessed with Jagdeo and out to pauperize him?

He was unreasonable and forced(threatened) his (PPP) majority parliamentarians to vote for the retirement package as per Moses Nagamootoo.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
why are folks obsessed with Jagdeo and out to pauperize him?

He was unreasonable and forced(threatened) his (PPP) majority parliamentarians to vote for the retirement package as per Moses Nagamootoo.

It was not Jagdeo alone who forced the PPP majority parliarmentarians to vote for the Retiement package....
his stoog Ramotar also threaten them.
I wish them luck in getting his pension benefits reduced. The benefits do seem an excessive burden on a 3rd world nation. However I don't believe that they have a legal argument.
Originally posted by westdem:
Let’s not forget past presidents benefitted in the same manner. To name a few, Arthur Chung, Desmond Hoyte.
This is a totally different package. It was forced through parliament recently. This is a preposterous milking of the state assets by Jagdeo. It has to be reduced to reasonable rates. It should not exceed 3/4 of his payments while in office.
Originally posted by Brodaman:
Writ filed in court to reduce Jagdeo’s pension, benefits

Executive member of the Working People’s Alliance, Desmond Trotman, has filed a writ in the High Court to reverse the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act 2009.
The affidavit was drawn by Attorney-At-Law, Christopher Ram, on behalf of Desmond Trotman. The Attorney General is sued as the representative of the State of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo
The writ is seeking a declaration that the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act 2009 which purports to amend Article 181 (2) of the Constitution without complying with the special legislative procedure laid down by Article 164 of the Constitution is unconstitutional, null and void.
The Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act was passed during the Ninth Parliament on April 30, 2009 by the National Assembly. It was assented to by the then President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo in May 2009.
The writ states that sections of the Act violate Article 181 (2) of the Constitution in that they fall outside the scope, meaning and intendment of a pension and gratuity granted by the said article.
According to Article 181 (2) of the Constitution, “A person who has held the office of President shall receive such pension or, upon the expiration of his term of office, such gratuity as may be prescribed by Parliament. Any such pension or gratuity shall be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.”
Section 2 of the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act 2009 provides several benefits for every person who having held the Office of the President and ceased to hold that office by virtue of the provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution or otherwise, during the remainder of his lifetime.
Some of the benefits highlighted in the writ are services of personal and household staff including an attendant and a gardener; provision of vehicles owned and maintained by the State; an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares provided on the same basis as that granted to serving members of the Judiciary; and a tax exemption status identical to that enjoyed by a serving President.
Section 3 further provides that “The Minister may, subject to negative resolution of the National Assembly, make regulations for giving effect to the provisions of this Act.”
The writ also requests a Conservatory Order preserving the status quo which existed prior to the date when the Act came into force until the hearing and determination of the proceedings.
According to the writ, the Act affects former President Bharrat Jagdeo who assented to the Act in May 2009 and demitted office on December 3, 2011.
No former President of Guyana is alive, save and except Prime Minister Samuel Hinds who is in receipt of a salary and allowances, and that the granting of a Conservatory Order will not deprive him of any benefits.

Who reads Knews?
Originally posted by westdem:
Let’s not forget past presidents benefitted in the same manner. To name a few, Arthur Chung, Desmond Hoyte.

Jagdeo worked hard comparing to other leaders, so he deserve the pension, Ramjattan is behind on destorying Jagdeo legacy, he should focus on fixing his the country and move forward. not on other on the former president personal life. Ramjattan will never be a leader.
Originally posted by Burhamson:
Originally posted by westdem:
Let’s not forget past presidents benefitted in the same manner. To name a few, Arthur Chung, Desmond Hoyte.

Jagdeo worked hard comparing to other leaders, so he deserve the pension, Ramjattan is behind on destorying Jagdeo legacy, he should focus on fixing his the country and move forward. not on other on the former president personal life. Ramjattan will never be a leader.
the president's pension i s a matter of public concern. In an autocratic PPP environment it would not be a natter of question since they would not permit it. Well, they have no choice now but to be democrats.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Burhamson:
Originally posted by westdem:
Let’s not forget past presidents benefitted in the same manner. To name a few, Arthur Chung, Desmond Hoyte.

Jagdeo worked hard comparing to other leaders, so he deserve the pension, Ramjattan is behind on destorying Jagdeo legacy, he should focus on fixing his the country and move forward. not on other on the former president personal life. Ramjattan will never be a leader.
the president's pension i s a matter of public concern. In an autocratic PPP environment it would not be a natter of question since they would not permit it. Well, they have no choice now but to be democrats.

Majority of Guyanese would agree to the former's president allowance, it's only Rmjattan and you have a problem with it. I don't know of any other leaders who came under Scrutiny regarding their allowance, that's goes to show you how much ramjattan is burning with Envy...
Originally posted by Burhamson:
Originally posted by FC:
The amount is excessive and needs to be questioned.

5000 usd?

I made that in two trips to the usa!

You should help him out then.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Burhamson:
Originally posted by FC:
The amount is excessive and needs to be questioned.

5000 usd?

I made that in two trips to the usa!

You should help him out then.

I don't need to help him out, Jagdeo worked hard for the Guyanese people , and deserve the package. it was the Guyanese people he always put first in line. Don't see the problem.
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
why are folks obsessed with Jagdeo and out to pauperize him?

Parliamentarions on the whole will have no pension when they get kicked out by the people.

jagdeo's pension is a little bi excessive.

These bozos in the opposition will be giving the opposition leader more money than the president.
Originally posted by Burhamson:
Majority of Guyanese would agree to the former's president allowance, y...

51% voted against the PPP...and you dont know that all who voted PPP approve.
Originally posted by westdem:
Let’s not forget past presidents benefitted in the same manner. To name a few, Arthur Chung, Desmond Hoyte.

They certainly didnt get a package that lucrative.
i hope Jaggy took enough to last him a life time...Guyanese cannot repay this great son of the soil for what he did for our dear country...all the best Dr are the best President Guyana has ever seen.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
why are folks obsessed with Jagdeo and out to pauperize him?

He was unreasonable and forced(threatened) his (PPP) majority parliamentarians to vote for the retirement package as per Moses Nagamootoo.

It was not Jagdeo alone who forced the PPP majority parliarmentarians to vote for the Retiement package....
his stoog Ramotar also threaten them.

Ramoutar didn't hold a gun to their head.

Once parliament passed a law, it cannot be reversed. If so, then, burnham's constitution can also be reversed...
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Writ must also be filed in court to reduced the opposition leader's pension.

Don't shoot off before getting to facts. No other pensioner, opposition or otherwise, has anything the magnitude of BJ. Pension should be based on some reasonable algorithm for the Guyana economic reality. BJ's pension seems from another much more developed nation.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Writ must also be filed in court to reduced the opposition leader's pension.

Don't shoot off before getting to facts. No other pensioner, opposition or otherwise, has anything the magnitude of BJ. Pension should be based on some reasonable algorithm for the Guyana economic reality. BJ's pension seems from another much more developed nation.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

If you want justice then first you must be prepared to give.
Yes, it MUST be cut to save Guyana's taxpayers money. Guyana cannot afford to pay a Pension package of $3 Million a month. Especially when Jagdeo worth $Billions.

(1) payment in respect of the expenses incurred in the provision and use of water, electricity and telephone services at the place of residence in Guyana;
No way. Jagdeo should be responsible for his own utilities.

(2) services of personal and household staff including an attendant and a gardener;
How many members on his staff? 5..15..50? The title and salary of every staff member should be public. No hiring of cronies with unlimited salary as staff members. Perhaps 5 staff members should be Govt employees. All others should be the responsibility of Jagdeo.

(3) services of clerical and technical staff, if requested;
See answer in (b)

d. free medical attendance and medical treatment or reimbursement of
medical expenses incurred by him for the medical attendance or treatment
of himself and the dependant members of his family;
Free medical should apply to treatment available in Guyana with reimbursement for only major surgery overseas. There must not be any reimbursement of travel and medical expenses for, e.g., a toothache treatment in New York.

(5) full-time personal security and services of the Presidential Guard Service at the place of residence;
How many personal security 5...15...50? see answer (b) 3-5 Policemen can guard his mansion.

(6) the provision of motor vehicles owned and maintained by the State;
ONE vehicle is good enough.

(7)toll free road transportation in Guyana;
Jagdeo can have unlimited toll
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Writ must also be filed in court to reduced the opposition leader's pension.

Don't shoot off before getting to facts. No other pensioner, opposition or otherwise, has anything the magnitude of BJ. Pension should be based on some reasonable algorithm for the Guyana economic reality. BJ's pension seems from another much more developed nation.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

If you want justice then first you must be prepared to give.

Not sure what's your point, whose the goose, who's the gander. If any opposition or other Govt worker receive such an excessive pension, then surely address similarly as with BJ's. It is interesting that all during the campaign and up to now, the PPP has not sought to defend it via national banchmarks. So, please by our guests and expose the other excessive pensions.

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