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Former Member

The X-ray and ultrasound machines at the Skeldon Hospital have been grounded for the past two months, and several air conditioning units are not operable at that medical facility.
This is according to Director of Regional Health Services, Jevaughn Stephens, in response to questions posed by councillors at the Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne) Regional Democratic Council (RDC) meeting last week.
Stephens said an electrical problem has affected the smooth functioning of the Skeldon Hospital. According to him, the Skeldon Hospital, in the past, received power from the Skeldon Sugar Estate to power its heavy-duty equipment, but since the closure of the estate, this is no longer possible.
“We had to take off some of the services, because the building used to get power from GuySuCo (Guyana Sugar Corporation) and we are no longer getting power from GuySuCo. We did an assessment and decided to put it on GPL (Guyana Power and Light) grid; that is what is taking the time,” Stephens said.
“If we connect the equipment to the grid presently, we will be running a serious risk. Every day, we keep calling GPL,” he explained.
The hospital has since been transferring its emergency patients to the New Amsterdam Hospital, situated 50 miles away.
Region 6 Chairman David Armogan, in response, said the situation needs to be tackled with more urgency. He said a generator could be rented in the interim to power the heavy-duty equipment.
Armogan said he has been receiving numerous reports from persons who had gone to the Skeldon Hospital and could not be treated because the X-ray machine was not working. Many other patients had to be sent to other facilities because doctors could not get an ultrasound.
Armogan noted that the situation must be addressed with a great degree of urgency. He has promised the Regional Administration’s intervention to see whether the GPL would give priority to that hospital’s application to be hooked up to its grid.

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Nehru posted:

Everything the PNC and the Namakaram Crabdaag touch turns to FILTH!!!!!

bai ease up nuh with this nimakram and crabdog croaking! The PPP build a crime lab that did not work...another  whole building had to be knocked down because the concrete was brittle as biscuit... supenaam stelling build three times but still is bruck up, and then there was the one that floated away down the Cuyuni before it could be used! I can remind you of Kato school or the Cable haul but that would be like  kicking you in the nuts!

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

D2, everything VS Charity and Skeldon

if you are from the corentyne you would know the brits built health centers  all along the coast....nice little concrete buildings that are there some 50 years later with only sporadic use. It is not a black people thing but a guyanese inefficient thing.


I see the resident brhamamamammamaamam complained to admin about my 2 posts and had them removed because I called him an effin idiot! . This is his M.O. Lacking substance in his posts, he runs to admin to complain.


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