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Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping called Sunday for more vigor and cooperation to boost ties between China and Caribbean nations.


When meeting with Donald Ramotar, President of Guyana, Xi said Guyana is the first English-speaking Caribbean country to establish diplomatic relations with China, which laid a solid foundation for the bilateral relationship.

China is willing to enhance communication and cooperation between the two countries' governments, parliaments and political parties, and deepen cooperation in such fields as infrastructure, mining, agriculture, forestry and fishery, Xi said.


He pledged to carry out projects including airport, hydro-power generation plant and e-government in Guyana.

Xi also noted that China and Guyana share extensive common interests in the domains of climate change and the reform of the international system, urging close cooperation in multilateral sphere.


For his part, Ramotar spoke highly of China's development and its important contribution to safeguarding world peace and assisting developing countries.

Guyana looks forward to beefing up communication and cooperation with China so as to raise its level of development, the president said.

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Originally Posted by Sunil:
When meeting with Donald Ramotar, President of Guyana, Xi said Guyana is the first English-speaking Caribbean country to establish diplomatic relations with China, which laid a solid foundation for the bilateral relationship.

Well, we have Fatboy and the PNC to thank for that.  That Fatboy was visionary, too much so for his constituency.


Trinidad and Tobago PM hails Chinese dream

Xinhua  10:11, June 02, 2013  


PORT OF SPAIN, June 1 (Xinhua) -- Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said here Saturday that by realizing the Chinese dream, China could become a world model.
"We see in your China Dream a splendid opportunity for China to become a model for the world," she said when making a toast at a welcome luncheon in honor of visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The prime minister said the region recognizes China as "an economic and geopolitical powerhouse," and her country looks forward to deepening its collaboration with China for mutual benefit and development.
She added that Trinidad and Tobago has always demonstrated unwavering support for the one-China policy.

"Today we have signed a number of agreements with China. In this regard, we seek to deepen bilateral collaboration in the areas of trade and investment, energy, technical cooperation and cultural exchanges," said Bissessar.
The prime minister said that Trinidad and Tobago expects a more strategic and comprehensive relationship with China in several fields, including maritime, energy and creative industries, as well as food sustainability, tourism and financial services.

She also said Trinidad and Tobago will seek to strengthen the relations between China and Latin America as well as the ties between China and the Caribbean region.
"We see this visit as an opportunity to solidify this collaboration," said Bissessar.

Xi arrived here Friday for a three-day state visit to Trinidad and Tobago, the first by a Chinese head of state since the two countries set up diplomatic ties in 1974.
Earlier in the day, Xi held talks with Bissessar on expanding bilateral cooperation. Following the talks, representatives of the two sides signed a host of cooperation deals.

Trinidad and Tobago is an important cooperation partner of China in Anglophone Caribbean, and the two countries have expanded political, economic, trade and cultural cooperation over recent years.
In Port of Spain, Xi will also meet with leaders of Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, the Bahamas, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Suriname and Jamaica, all of which are Caribbean countries with diplomatic ties with China.
Xi said in a statement issued upon arrival that he looks forward to discussing bilateral ties with leaders of the Caribbean countries and exploring together ways to boost cooperation.

"I believe that with the concerted efforts of all participants, these meetings will be successful and elevate the friendly relations and cooperation between China and Caribbean countries to a new level," he said.

From Port of Spain, the Chinese president will travel to Costa Rica and Mexico for state visits. He will then fly to California for a summit meeting with his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama on June 7-8.


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