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ity to hike property taxes by 10%


The Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) will be hiking taxes by 10% for residential and commercial properties from the start of next year.

It is hoped that with the increased revenue, City Hall will be able to offset its expenses for various works across the capital.

The move to hike the rates was recommended by the M&CC’s Finance Committee after a meeting last Thursday, where it reviewed the rate structure for properties.

At yesterday’s statutory council meeting, where the committee’s report was adopted by way of a motion, Town Clerk Royston King said the …to continue reading this article, please subscribe.  Already a subscriber ? Sign In.

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The coalition govt is giving a whole new meaning to tax and spend economics.  This will drive more people to the lines at the passport office and the US Embassy where every man gets a visa to the US.  De-populating to get ready for war with the Spanish speaking neighbor???

Bibi Haniffa

City to hike property taxes by 10%

The Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) will be hiking taxes by 10% for residential and commercial properties from the start of next year.

It is hoped that with the increased revenue, City Hall will be able to offset its expenses for various works across the capital.

The move to hike the rates was recommended by the M&CC’s Finance Committee after a meeting last Thursday, where it reviewed the rate structure for properties.

At yesterday’s statutory council meeting, where the committee’s report was adopted by way of a motion, Town Clerk Royston King said the city has not done any revaluation of properties within the last two decades. He noted that the council should seek the assistance of the ministries of Finance and Communities to have a revaluation of properties done.

 Royston King
Royston King

However, he explained that while the revaluation would take time, council can move ahead and introduce a 10% increase in property taxes.

Oscar Clarke
Oscar Clarke

Chairman Oscar Clarke, in the committee’s report that was seen by Stabroek News, stressed that the council would need to justify the reason behind the hike in rates to the public.

Clarke said the council must produce documentation on what is proposed. He added that if the council wants to see improvement, there must be some means of justification with documents. “Council must look at the percentage increase across the board and give justifications,” he said, while pointing out that discussions must be held for medium-term and long-term plans for valuation of properties where recommendations are considered important.

Also supporting the increase for the hike were Councillor Alfred Mentore and the City Solid Waste Director Walter Narine. Mentore said if the council is going to jack up the rates, the services provided must be excellent and there should not be a scenario where “residents in some areas not being able to access some facilities.”

 Alfred Mentore
Alfred Mentore

Meanwhile, Narine said that to his knowledge only Guyana collects commercial waste free of cost. He stated that the council is spending millions on a weekly basis to remove waste and businesses are paying limited rates. He noted that the last rate increase was done in 1992.

Additionally, King recommended that council moves ahead and sets up a valuation department for the city.

He explained that with its own department, the city would be able to accelerate valuation of properties rather than depending on the Ministry of Finance’s valuation department.

He added that with the division, council would be able to have different rates for different sections of the city. “For example in Bel Air those residents would likely pay a different rate from those living in Albouystown because of the facilities available,” he explained.

Recently, the city’s financial woes have halted infrastructural works. The Presidential Park project and the Kitty Market restoration were halted due to lack of financing. Garbage disposal companies contracted by the city have also threatened to discontinue their services due to lack of payments.


The last rate increase was 24 years ago,there should be no objection to the increase,depends on what method they use for calculating property taxes.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The coalition govt is giving a whole new meaning to tax and spend economics.  This will drive more people to the lines at the passport office and the US Embassy where every man gets a visa to the US.  De-populating to get ready for war with the Spanish speaking neighbor???

Woman, talks sensibly for a change. Taxes are what fund schools and infrastructure in most municipalities. Instead of making stupid declarative statements; punctuate them with some analysis as to why you have an opinion. Otherwise you will always be taking for a political sycophant and an airhead.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

The coalition govt is giving a whole new meaning to tax and spend economics.  This will drive more people to the lines at the passport office and theUS Embassy where every man gets a visa to the US.  De-populating to get ready for war with the Spanish speaking neighbor???

Suh when they arrive in the US,they will stay illegally and work for chick peas,every minute looking behind their backs.


I think that Oscar Clarke hits the nail on the head. Must have short term and long term plans that are made known to citizens so,citizens of Gt know How their money is spent. There must be transparency. 

Also, the other side of the issue must be examined. This is the efficient use of resources by tthe council. A lot of wastage and poor management of resources in GT.


Somehow the property tax revenues over the past two decades was no issue. Now the council need more money to operate and King seems bent on levying the increase arbitrarily. Clarke seem to be trying to talk sense into King's head but I doubt King cares about sense.


Georgetown is taxing properties based on assessed values from more than twenty years ago. The last time there was an increase was 1992 which is when the PPP started their tenure. I guess the PPP supporters were fine with the increase then. For Georgetown to operate efficiently as a city, they have to collect taxes based on assessed values and they have to do better with enforcing collections. Too many people do not pay property taxes because they have a connection in the government or they have a business and bribe the people responsible for collection. It's time to restore the city back to its former glory using taxes to pay for services such as garbage collection and cleaning.

Nehru posted:

ity to hike property taxes by 10%


The Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) will be hiking taxes by 10% for residential and commercial properties from the start of next year.

It is hoped that with the increased revenue, City Hall will be able to offset its expenses for various works across the capital.

The move to hike the rates was recommended by the M&CC’s Finance Committee after a meeting last Thursday, where it reviewed the rate structure for properties.

At yesterday’s statutory council meeting, where the committee’s report was adopted by way of a motion, Town Clerk Royston King said the …to continue reading this article, please subscribe.  Already a subscriber ? Sign In.

When NYC hikes your rates you behind just shut your pie hole and keep quiet


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