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Green and yellow fruits and vegetables on white wooden table photo image_picture free download

IT IS TIME - to paint entire Guyana in yellow and green. Do yellow and green represent a country or provide jobs, food, lands, and cash grants to its people? The answer is NO. The people from APNU/AFC believe that colors are magic, are a bunch of cucumbers, lime, and sour tomatoes.                                     

So, where are all the colors today? Where are the promises of jobs and education and progress?

Gerhard Ramsaroop: He came out hot and sweaty, selling snake oil and telling people that AFC makes Guyana a glittering city on a hill.

Gerhard - donated a few rotten barrels to a hinterland village for the villagers to full water and he gets one page of newspaper coverage. Can you imagine if he had donated something more valuable?

AT ONE TIME - people were jumping like frogs between APNU and AFC, not knowing the two-party foundation will fall and leave them hanging.

VIPER - As much as I post the best of Guyana on GNI, occasionally, I have to highlight some of the historical failures that failed to overcome its present-day success.                                                               

QUOTE - They say snakes do travel on a smooth path to success, but also, if you don't remember your history, you bound to regret its return. Don't let that happen.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Viper posted:

I spoke to Dr. Ramayya a few years back and what he revealed to me is exactly what has happened in Guyana.

Did Ramayya tell  you about dem shooting at him after his TV show in New Amsterdam talking about the PPP, during a past PPP government. Ask him how arrogant, nasty and vindictive were PPP regional officials. Now dem government ministers.   

@Prashad posted:

Gerhard is a good boy. He got used big time. Guyana politics is all about koolie crabdog fight up of their fellow Koolies Jorgan style, racial hate and dishonesty. Gerhard is too innocent to play the game

I believe Ramjattan was good until he joins APNU that put him in a bind to be like Granger. There was no escape once you get into the evil den.

@Viper posted:

Gerhard Ramsaroop: He came out hot and sweaty, selling snake oil and telling people that AFC makes Guyana a glittering city on a hill.

Gerhard - donated a few rotten barrels to a hinterland village for the villagers to full water and he gets one page of newspaper coverage. Can you imagine if he had donated something more valuable?

You know nothing about Gerhard and don't even come close to his achievements in life.  As you normally do, you talk from your ass, because it makes your brain feel good.

@Viper posted:

Gerhard Ramsaroop: He came out hot and sweaty, selling snake oil and telling people that AFC makes Guyana a glittering city on a hill.

Gerhard - donated a few rotten barrels to a hinterland village for the villagers to full water and he gets one page of newspaper coverage. Can you imagine if he had donated something more valuable?

@Tola posted:

You know nothing about Gerhard and don't even come close to his achievements in life.

As you normally do, you talk from your ass, because it makes your brain feel good.

= Viper talk from his ass =

Perhaps from his top and bottom asses. heee heee heeee  

Viper does not know that Gerhard is well established in Germany. 

@Mitwah posted:

Viper is a PNC snake.

Species Profile: Rough Green Snake [Opheodrys aestivus) | SREL Herpetology

You can make fun while I describe your failed party's mission that you supported and still do. You failed to realize where you went wrong. Not everything is fun. You don't care about the bigger picture, you care about your personal interest. The same thing I had problems with Gilbakka, but when I think of it, you are worse. Well, not everybody supports a one man's interest when Guyanese in general deserve more than political bullshit. Please make it a habit to debate with facts, appreciate leadership with vision, and denounce brain dead politicians. Jealousy shouldn't be a motive to kill people's dreams.


D_G, incidentally Viper is also well established in New York. The brother runs a good business operation there.

Regarding GR, I was surprised that after nearly 5 years of Coalition gross failures, he still found the courage to write a whole article supporting their re-election. It would be interesting to know how he feels about the Coalition now that they spent 5 long months trying to deny the voters in Guyana their inalienable rights to choose their government.

@Viper posted:

You can make fun while I describe your failed party's mission that you supported and still do. You failed to realize where you went wrong. Not everything is fun. You don't care about the bigger picture, you care about your personal interest. The same thing I had problems with Gilbakka, but when I think of it, you are worse. Well, not everybody supports a one man's interest when Guyanese in general deserve more than political bullshit. Please make it a habit to debate with facts, appreciate leadership with vision, and denounce brain dead politicians. Jealousy shouldn't be a motive to kill people's dreams.

The fact is, I did not support the Coalition in the last election. Am not a Jagdeo /Ali fan.

@Former Member posted:

= Viper talk from his ass =

Perhaps from his top and bottom asses. heee heee heeee  

Viper does not know that Gerhard is well established in Germany. 

Ans you call yourself the Moderator? come on get with it, Viper did not attack you. You of all getting into the gutter with the rats.

Last edited by kp
@kp posted:

Ans you call yourself the Moderator? come on get with it, Viper did not attack you. You of all getting into the gutter with the rats.

Moderators on GNI are like watchmen. They don't have the power to suspend anyone, so they become like deranged posters to say any crap whenever they feel like it. I respect them as people but not as moderators. 


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