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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

the results to be different.


Do you want your PNC to be back in power? Yes or No!



If the AFC beings no Indian votes with them then the PNC will not be in power, unless Indians stay home in huge numbers.


So will the AFC convince Indians to vote for a PNC dominated gov't? YES or NO!


Its that simple Mitwah, because APNU already has the bulk of the black and mixed votes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Caribj, you are insane to think that the results would be any different for doing the same thing over and over these past 2+ decades. Your racist tune is boring.


Your PNC lacks a platform.


Do you want your PNC to be back in power?



Mitwah let me make it easy for your mad woman brain to understand.


APNU 41%.  AFC 7%, because Indos fled them, thinking that they were handing over the country to "black man".


All the PPPites happy as pappy at this turn of events.


You seem unable to furnish proof that this analysis is wrong.


FACT.  If the AFC participates in an APNU dominated coalition this means that it will be part of a PNC gov't.


YOU will not vote for the PNC< so why so sure that Indians will not express this opinion, by refusing to vote, rather than supporting the AFC who they might see as a sell out.


You have FAILED to suggest or provide any evidence that PNC haters like you will support an APNU dominated, but AFC led coalition!


So YES the PNC might well lack a platform, SO WHY WILL INDIANS VOTE FOR A PNC DOMINATED GOV'T?


Mitwah stop proving me right that, in your hatred of the PNC, most Indians will see the AFC as a sell out by joining with them!


The PNC will NOT let the AFC dominate an APNU/AFC gov't in the unlikely event that they win.  AM I BEING CLEAR, or should I learn Hindi so you can understand better?

Originally Posted by caribny:



Mitwah let me make it easy for your mad woman brain to understand.


Caribj, it's not your mother that you are addressing. Did you not grow up in a single parent home?


You are mad to think that the results would be different for your PNC doing the same thing over and over again come May 11th.


Any Alliance to be successful has to be AFC lead. It is because of the AFC that we have come to this pass or juncture in our history.


Where did the PNC find a dunce Indian  hater like you?



Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:



Mitwah let me make it easy for your mad woman brain to understand.


Caribj, it's not your mother that you are addressing. Did you not grow up in a single parent home?




You know you wouldn't appear to be the mad woman that you are if you addressed ONE fact.


Will the AFC keep that segment of the PPP vote which it captured last election in regions 5 and 6, and attract others in regions 2-4 if it is seen as capitulating to the PNC?


If the answer is that the AFC will lose its support it will NOT change the outcome for the PNC!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Any Alliance to be successful has to be AFC lead.




 Most of the vote that Nagamootoo brought was from Indians who were upset with the PPP and sought an Indian alternate.  They will NOT be foolish to believe that the PNC is going to roll over and allow a take over by a party 25% of its size.


So it is NOT automatic that the AFC will obtain the votes in regions 5 and 6 that it did in 2011.  After all what happened to the votes which the AFC obtained in regions 4 and 10 in 2006? 


The AFC gets votes from disaffected people.  The PNC won back many of the votes that it lost when Granger was seen as a better candidate than Corbin.


How do YOU know that the Indians who supported Nagamootoo in 2011, because they were angry with Jagdeo, will follow him into the arms of the PNC?



You cannot say ONE POSITIVE thing about the PNC, and yet you really do think that PPP supporters are going to switch their vote to the PNC?


REST ASSURED the PNC will dominate the AFC in that alliance just as it does the WPA! An APNU AFC gov't will feature Nagamootoo as a titular president, with a mainly PNC cabinet.  Nagamootoo will be for ever aware that his presidency would be immediately ended if he alarms the PNC, because all the PNC would need to do will be to end the coalition, and that would force new elections.


So the PNC will run the show.


So will you vote for a PNC gov't?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:



Mitwah let me make it easy for your mad woman brain to understand.


Caribj, it's not your mother that you are addressing. Did you not grow up in a single parent home?




You know you wouldn't appear to be the mad woman that you are if you addressed ONE fact.


Will the AFC keep that segment of the PPP vote which it captured last election in regions 5 and 6, and attract others in regions 2-4 if it is seen as capitulating to the PNC?


If the answer is that the AFC will lose its support it will NOT change the outcome for the PNC!

Knuckle head, like you can't wait for May 11th. I am not your mother. Thanks for conceding that your racist PNC with Indian blood on its hands will not win for the 7th time. What has your PNC accomplished since the last election? Please don't go off at a tangent as usual.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
 that your racist PNC with Indian blood on its hands

You and many Indians have this opinion of the PNC and yet want the PNC to regain power?


This is why you are a mad woman.  You cannot scream how evil the PNC is, and then vote for their return to power?


Those people who supported Nagamootoo last time didn't do so for him to become a de facto PNC supporter.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
 that your racist PNC with Indian blood on its hands

You and many Indians have this opinion of the PNC and yet want the PNC to regain power?


This is why you are a mad woman.  You cannot scream how evil the PNC is, and then vote for their return to power?


Those people who supported Nagamootoo last time didn't do so for him to become a de facto PNC supporter.

Once again, I am not your mother. Moses is the best one to lead an Alliance for national Unity. I don't hear your PNC talking about constitutional changes.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
? Please don't go off at a tangent as usual.

Do you really think that the PNC, as you know it, is going to become the junior partner in a APNU/AFC alliance gov't merely because Nagamootoo is the head?


Your problem is that you really think that they will concede to that.


Let me burst your bubble. THEY WILL NOT! President Nagamootoo will lead a gov't where most of the MPs, will be PNC, as will be most of the cabinet.  They will dissolve government any time he gives them reason to think that he is attempting to weaken the PNC.


So Mitwah why are you planning to vote for a party that you think is violent and racist, because that is actually what you are planning to do?



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
. Moses is the best one to lead an Alliance for national Unity. I don't hear your PNC talking about constitutional changes.

There you go again.  Do you really think that Nagamootoo is going to lead APNU?


He will be the president of Guyana. APNU will retain its separate identity, and if they think that Nagamootoo is going to attempt to weaken the PNC they will withdraw from the alliance. 


Being a mad woman is clouding your vision.


If APNU thought that they needed the AFC wouldn't they be the ones begging them to join?  The AFC knows that it cannot defeat the PPP on its own.  So they are begging APNU.  APNU knows that they will win more votes than the AFC, so in exchange for conceding the presidency, they will demand the largest % of the electoral list and a priority to ensure that they retain the bulk of the MPs, and they will demand most of the cabinet.


Nagamootoo will therefore be a guest in a de facto PNC gov't, and like all guests, he can be put out as soon as the host ceases to want him there.


Sorry if that bursts your bubble but it is what it is.


Caribj Babu, I know I am distracting you from herding your cockroaches.


Asked what is the AFC’s most important message needed to be getting across to the voting population, Nagamootoo spoke to the benefits of national unity.
“Guyanese security lies in national unity. The AFC wants Guyanese to know that the broader the coalition, the better it will be for all of us. This is because we can bring an end to the racial polarization. Our message is that we need to revive the Guyana dream that all persons will be secure. There is no reason for anyone to fear and there is nothing to lose,” Nagamootoo said in conclusion.




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