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Sugar industry plagued by unnecessary political interference

Posted By Stabroek staff On April 1, 2011 @ 5:03 am In Business | No Comments

a“Poor management and unnecessary political interference, continue to plague Guyana’s struggling sugar industry,” according to Chairman of the Institute of Private Sector Development (IPED) Dr Yesu Persaud.

In his assessment of last year’s performance of the localeconomy contained in IPED’s 2010 annual report Dr Persaud said that human resources and cash flow problems apart “the [sugar] industry is in dire need of a non-political solution.”

Despite the continued sluggishness of the industry Persaud presented an upbeat picture of last year’s performance of the country’s economy noting that the major factors that influenced growth last year were the performances of the gold, forestry, construction, rice and wholesale and retail sectors.

Persaud noted that last year the Guyana economy grew by 3.6 per cent against the backdrop of a 0.5 per cent growth in economies elsewhere in the Caribbean and a 4 per cent growth in the global economy. “These numbers signal that we are out of the great recession but some fears continue to linger as to whether there would be a double dip recession which can possibly be triggered by the debt crisis and budget deficit in Europe.”

According to Persaud, the overall economic outlook for 2011 seems to be positive. “Local economic performance can be stymied due to the unwelcoming investment climate in the year of election,” Dr Persaud added.

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President Jagdeo trots out economic blueprint

May 10, 2011 | By | Filed Under News 

… GuySuCo’s political interference charge

Government yesterday insisted that it will continue to offer “political support” to keep key ailing sectors alive.


Hear a jackass bray in response to a business giant!


Hear more BRAYING  bad judgement:



The good news is that government has an economic blueprint that will improve the country’s fortunes four-fold. These include the development of oil and gas resources, tourism, agro processing and the Information Technology sector, according to President Jagdeo.



Oil and Gas development to date - ZERO;


NEW MAJOR Tourism to date  - ZERO;


NEW major Agro-processing to DATE  - ZERO;



NEW COMPLETED Major Information Technology investment  - ZERO.



Man! Guyana was definitely in the hands of a mule with a sloth brain.



This is the great man Jagdeo cursed out and then the next week went to Parliament to use the PPP's majority to pass a law to benefit his best friend. Yesu Persaud is perhaps one of the two greatest Guyanese industralists. 


Persaud noted that last year the Guyana economy grew by 3.6 per cent against the backdrop of a 0.5 per cent growth in economies elsewhere in the Caribbean and a 4 per cent growth in the global economy. “These numbers signal that we are out of the great recession but some fears continue to linger as to whether there would be a double dip recession which can possibly be triggered by the debt crisis and budget deficit in Europe.”

According to Persaud, the overall economic outlook for 2011 seems to be positive. “Local economic performance can be stymied due to the unwelcoming investment climate in the year of election,” Dr Persaud added

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Wonder if any US socalled Prof can digest what Mr Persaud is stating.

 Pavi don't bother with me. I went through the rigors and received tenure. That means I have a job until I die. Don't have to retire. Now get back to what Yesu Persaud is saying. 


this is a true guyanese indian,too bad he is not more active to help his country from the ppp thieves.he is a great business man but he will die knowing his country is still the worse country in the caribbean.this man deserve more than a ppp government,he have done good things for his country.but its like labour lost.the ppp government could have learn a lot from this man 


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