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LIKE any other country, Guyana is not a perfect society, and entrepreneur guru Yesu Persaud has said that if Guyanese cannot find ways to work together, they will continue to de-elevate themselves and their beloved country, Guyana.Speaking at a forum named Culture Conversation, hosted at Moray House at Camp and Quamina Streets in Georgetown, Persaud said that with exception of the Amerindians, the other peoples of

Prominent businessman Stanley Ming raising a question at the forum

Prominent businessman Stanley Ming raising a question at the forum

Guyana came in ships as cargoes; and the purpose for which they came was to work on the sugar plantations. And they all endured hardship, a commonality he said that should inspire Guyanese to stick together, and love and respect each other for the good of Guyana.

The looking down on one another because of ethnic and cultural differences, he said, will only add to the fear of insecurity, and would do no good for the youth and for development of this country.
Unless Guyanese appreciate who they are, Persaud said, Guyana will not be going anywhere; and will be going down instead of going up.

Emphasising his point, the lead private sector executive told the gathering of mostly persons in the arts that their ancestors came to Guyana in ships, and if they do not work together, they will go down as a sinking ship.

Persaud contends that Guyana is a fascinating country, and Guyanese should not allow hasty assertions to cloud their judgement on the beauty of national unity.

The differences of ethnic groups in Guyana, he said, is not a situation that is unique to Guyana. He pointed out that, even in some Western countries, differences exist among the Europeans.

But the ethnic groups in Guyana, he said, can overcome their differences by first appreciating each other for who they are, and resolving to work in the best interest of their country.
When all Guyanese begin working together, Persaud told the forum, themed “Different Origin — Common Future”, Guyanese will begin to achieve together, and will have a future that all can be

The panellists on Cultural Conversations: Different Origins — Common Future; Guyana’s Post-Emancipation Identity

The panellists on Cultural Conversations: Different Origins — Common Future; Guyana’s Post-Emancipation Identity

proud of.
He was one of five panellists at the lively, rich, and highly informative discussion. The other panellists were Francis Bailey, Sara Bharrat, Vanda Radzik, Eric Phillips and Dr Paloma Mohamed.

An academic, playwright and culture enthusiast, Dr Paloma Mohamed said that, in Guyana, there is a great tendency to talk extensively about the problems, but little about the solutions.
For Guyana to move forward, she said, Guyanese must think of a common future, begin to see differences as beautiful diversity; and stop the pointless and disgusting political blame game.

She lamented the culture in Guyana where opposing political parties do not recognise the good done by the other. Notably, when the PPP/C was in power, their narrative gave the impression that the PNC did nothing good for Guyana; and now they are in the Opposition, the new Administration seems not to see any good in them.

According to Dr Mohamed, the failure to recognise the good in each other is the reason for the “start over” whenever a new Government takes office.

She said the dismantling of this cycle will require that rival political parties recognise and acknowledge what is good and bad, and resolve to build on the good.

Francis Bailey, an accomplished musician and multimedia artist with a passion for social justice and youth work, noted the importance of culture and the bond it creates.

Culture, he said, ties a people to their homeland, and reflects the sum total of the traits of a group transported from one generation to another.

Guyana, he said, has a rich tapestry of culture, and the future of a united Guyana would require an appreciation and celebration of the differences of the people of the different ethnic groups.

The Guyanese identity, he said, remains in all, and must be shared.
Director of the African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA), Eric Phillips, said Guyana is a nation with one people but from different lands, and the Africans are not descendants of

A section of the gathering at Moray House on Wednesday

A section of the gathering at Moray House on Wednesday

slaves, but rather the enslaved.
He said the latter is not told, as he pointed to the distorted and selective history of the African people. They suffered and endured, he said, and he contended that without economic justice, there will be no common identity.

Social and sustainable development, women’s rights, and gender equality advocate Venda Radzik also addressed the forum.

She told the gathering that Social Studies, which to a large extent covers history in the early levels in school, should be dropped.
She advocated for it to be replaced with Cultural Studies, with heavy focus on music, the arts and culture. This, she said, will be a great step in ending the communicable disease called racism.

Radzik, who was once part of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), said she is proud to have been part of the Civil Rebellion against the Burnham Administration.

During that period in the late 1970s, she was arrested and jailed with 18 other women who were peacefully picketing in support of women/housewives who had lost their livelihoods due to a clamp down on essential food items that were banned by the then Administration.

But despite this, she said, there were things that President Burnham did which were praiseworthy, and she recognised him for it. The late Guyanese leader, she said, ignited the spirit of nationalism in her, and she will forever thank him for that. Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, she said, also did good things for Guyana, and must be recognised and praised for it.
Guyanese, she said, do not “big up” themselves, and tend to focus too much on the negatives. A case in point, she said, is the media. She pointed out that while much focus is placed on crime, scant attention is paid to the solution and the reporting of what is good about Guyana.

Meanwhile, member of the Global Shapers Community, and Director on the Board of Transparency Institute Guyana Inc, Sara Bharrat, contended that politics is the source of division in Guyana.

She maintained that it instils a level of fear, and she recalled her experiences growing up in an East Indian-dominated community.
Bharrat alleged that part of her fear is peddled by a certain religious organisation with close links to the PPP/C. The organisation, she said, has managed to infiltrate the leadership of many mandirs.

The fear, she said, is passed down from one generation to another, and it is time for a united effort to ‘kick the ghost of fear out’, and for all to start listening to the other side of the story.

Radzik was also critical about religion, contending that it is man-made and does not put women in a too pleasant light. And some of the proponents of religion, she said, can be passed as anti-Christ rather than followers of Christ — the peace-loving man who reached out to all, but especially the poor and downtrodden in society.
The discussion organised by ACDA was sponsored by CGX Resources Inc. It was part of Emancipation Day observances, and was moderated by Professor Suresh Narine.

Professor Narine urged that a spirit of entrepreneurship be inculcated in the different ethnic groups, to ensure their growth and development. This, he said will redound to a better Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Interesting, but I have heard from several sources that DDL was a tough place to be a black professional.  This from sources which are way too diverse for there not to be some level of truth in it.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Interesting, but I have heard from several sources that DDL was a tough place to be a black professional.  This from sources which are way too diverse for there not to be some level of truth in it.

You believe that all Indians discriminate against negroes. PNC is in power now and they are replacing indians with primary school droput negores.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Interesting, but I have heard from several sources that DDL was a tough place to be a black professional.  This from sources which are way too diverse for there not to be some level of truth in it.

I know several  "black" professionals and the story is different. 

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Interesting, but I have heard from several sources that DDL was a tough place to be a black professional.  This from sources which are way too diverse for there not to be some level of truth in it.

I know several  "black" professionals and the story is different. 

Redux manufactures his own facts.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Interesting, but I have heard from several sources that DDL was a tough place to be a black professional.  This from sources which are way too diverse for there not to be some level of truth in it.

I know several  "black" professionals and the story is different. 

Well each person has their own experiences, and it is incumbent on you to respect that.


Besides YOU being an Indian might not hear a truth from an Afro Guyanese that I might hear.  Especially during the PPP era when many black professionals were afraid to speak out.



And please don't claim that you aren't Indian as you claimed that Eusi Kwayana chased you out of your village in the 60s.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You believe that all Indians discriminate against negroes. PNC is in power now and they are replacing indians with primary school droput negores.

Yes because the PPP replaced blacks with Indians, and now the PNC is returning the favor.


Did you ever wonder why so many state controlled entities were headed by Indians?


Any discussion of Indian racism is taboo, and so this is why I will ensure that people do not duck this issue/  This as we hear endlessly of all the ills that Africans have committed against Indians.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

You believe that all Indians discriminate against negroes. PNC is in power now and they are replacing indians with primary school droput negores.

Yes because the PPP replaced blacks with Indians, and now the PNC is returning the favor.


Did you ever wonder why so many state controlled entities were headed by Indians?


Any discussion of Indian racism is taboo, and so this is why I will ensure that people do not duck this issue/  This as we hear endlessly of all the ills that Africans have committed against Indians.

Racist weather Indian or African is Bad. Indian or African is Bad Too.


What is worst is when Indian & African Racist

team up on Freedom Day....

and Lie about Granger & Nagoomotoo

Increasing Ministers Salaries by 100%.


Who would Imagine Ravi can get "J"

to bend over and say such things

about Granger & Nagamootoo on Freedom Day.


"J" whine good

when Ravi push the wood up his backside.


Granger right....

when Dem two Racist start Howl....

they Quickly spread their lies all over Monkey Mountain.




Meanwhile, member of the Global Shapers Community,

and Director on the Board of Transparency Institute Guyana Inc,

Sara Bharrat, contended that

politics is the source of division in Guyana.


She maintained that it instills a level of fear,

and she recalled her experiences

growing up in an East Indian-dominated community.


Bharrat alleged that part of her fear is

peddled by a certain (RACIST) religious organisation

with close links to the PPP/C.


The organisation, she said,

has managed to infiltrate the leadership of many mandirs.


The fear, she said, is passed down

from one generation to another,


and it is time for a united effort

to ‘kick the ghost of fear out’,

and for all to start listening to the other side of the story.



PPP Racist marry PNC Racist

on Freedom Day

to spread lies about the AFC-APNU ALLIANCE.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Interesting, but I have heard from several sources that DDL was a tough place to be a black professional.  This from sources which are way too diverse for there not to be some level of truth in it.

I know several  "black" professionals and the story is different. 

Well each person has their own experiences, and it is incumbent on you to respect that.


Besides YOU being an Indian might not hear a truth from an Afro Guyanese that I might hear.  Especially during the PPP era when many black professionals were afraid to speak out.



And please don't claim that you aren't Indian as you claimed that Eusi Kwayana chased you out of your village in the 60s.

I buy your argument that I might get from them what they want me to hear. The same might be with you. Plus. You are still making assumptions. Have a good day.

Originally Posted by Zed:

I buy your argument that I might get from them what they want me to hear. The same might be with you. Plus. You are still making assumptions. Have a good day.

Unlike you I listened to Indians, when they complained about racism under the PNC during the Burnham era.  I didnt argue that they were wrong and racist to have those views.  You see, unlike you, I know that African racism is as prevelant and as damaging as is Indian racism.


YOU feel the need to ignore or deny the existence of Indian racism, evn as you trumpet every real or perceived ill committed by Africans against Indians.



You however hold yourself as an expert on what Afro Guyanese endured during the PPP era, based on what they told you.


You are no more expert on what it was to be Afro Guyanese under the Jagdeo/Ramotar eras, than I am on what Indians endured under Burnham, or might be enduring under this Granger gov't. 


In fact I knew some Indians were feeding me a line, when their "suck up" comments, were accompanied by wishing that they were black, and then speaking ill of their fellow Indians.  During a period where a hostile African gov't was in power, saying "nice things" was a strategy that some Indians adopted for survival. 


Ditto for Afro Guyanese during the equally vindictive, vicious, and racist Jagdeo/Ramotar era. So those comments which you heard might well have been within that context.


Originally Posted by caribny:

Interesting, but I have heard from several sources that DDL was a tough place to be a black professional.  This from sources which are way too diverse for there not to be some level of truth in it.

Yesu Persauds/DDL was one of the few success stories of the LFSB era.  LFSB never attempted to touch him, and he knew why!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Interesting, but I have heard from several sources that DDL was a tough place to be a black professional.  This from sources which are way too diverse for there not to be some level of truth in it.

Yesu Persauds/DDL was one of the few success stories of the LFSB era.  LFSB never attempted to touch him, and he knew why!

Yesu is now retired and has all day to help the Government.  Why is his services not being tapped especially on the international investments?


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