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Baby dies after visit to Plaisance Clinic

March 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Medex allegedly urged mother to keep silent from media A family is claiming that a nurse at the Plaisance Health Centre is responsible for their son’s death, although preliminary post-mortem results indicate that the child died from a brain haemorrhage.

 Dead: Four-month-old Kevin Critchlow

Dead: Four-month-old Kevin Critchlow

The couple, Kevin Critchlow Snr., and his wife Suemede Critchlow, are alleging that one of the nurses attached to the health institution, administered the wrong injection to their four-month-old child, Kevin Critchlow Jr, and then asked her (Suemede) to keep quiet about it. Yesterday, the child’s mother explained that both her son and his five-year-old cousin who shares the same last name were scheduled to attend clinic on Wednesday last. She said that she left her 30 Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara residence early Wednesday morning to take her perfectly healthy son to clinic. She said that upon arriving, the nurse collected Kevin Jr and his cousin’s clinic card, along with other children’s, and wrote the names of the vaccines on them, before going to the vaccination cooler to retrieve multiple injections. “My son was supposed to get the vaccine for four-month-old, and his cousin had to get the 39 injection… They both name Critchlow, and I don’t know if she mix up the medication,” the aggrieved mother explained. The woman went on to say that the nurse gave her son four vaccines, two in his mouth, and one on each of his thighs. She said that she then took the child home, and made her way to work. The young mother related that when she got home from work on Wednesday evening, her husband told her that the child had been sleeping for most of the day. She explained that she woke him, tended to him as she normally would. Then she noted that the child’s thigh was swollen and he had a “slight” fever, but she was not alarmed, as it was normal after effects of an injection. After tending to the child, Critchlow recalled that she retired to bed with her husband.  After the child failed to make alarms as he usually would on several intervals at nights, the mother decided to wake him to feed him. It was upon waking up to breastfeed the child some time after midnight, that the woman saw blood pouring through the child’s nostrils, and froth streaming from his mouth. She said that she immediately alerted her husband, and rushed the child to the GPHC, where he was checked and pronounced dead on arrival. The woman said that she went back to the Plaisance Clinic on Thursday last to confront the nurse. She said that she walked with the now dead child’s Medical Clinic Card, which the Medex at the facility collected and handed over to the nurse. She said that the nurse then tried to change something on the clinic’s chart (record). “They took the clinic card, and the nurse went and got the big clinic chart that they keep there, and then I saw her with a pen trying to change something. Right away I asked her for my son clinic card, and she gave it to me,” the saddened mother recalled. Critchlow said that the Medex then approached her and explained that what happened with her child was a mistake. “She say it was a mistake and don’t call the media, and she tell me “shhhh, don’t mek no noise”.” Critchlow said that she then took this information to the Doctor in charge of the institution, and he promised her that a thorough investigation will be conducted in order to get to the bottom of the matter. This is the second instance in two weeks, where a family is alleging medical malpractice. On March 3, last, the relatives of Akeela Benons were pointing fingers at doctors at GPHC. The hospital has since dismissed those claims, by outlining the pre-existing complications of Benons’ case. In an interview with Kaieteur News yesterday, GPHC administration stated that it is currently looking into the circumstances surrounding the death of Kevin Critchlow Jr. Blood samples were collected from young Critchlow’s body during yesterday’s post mortem, and results are expected to prove whether or not the brain haemorrhage was caused by the administration of a wrong injection, or some other unknown issue.

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