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These People dont care Rat;s ass about the GUYANESE PEOPLE



Opposition says ‘No’ to Hydro-Electric Power Bill : ...PM Hinds ‘begs’ for support for the benefit of the Guyanese peoplePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Nadine Sanchara   
Thursday, 18 July 2013 22:05

THE Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill was last evening rejected by members of the combined parliamentary Opposition, who voted against its second reading after also choosing to abstain from the debate on the bill.Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh had warned that without parliamentary support on this bill, progress with the Amaila Falls Hydro Power (AFHP) project could be threatened as critical deadlines and expiration dates are looming. The amendment to the Hydro-Electric Power Act would have increased the penalty for the breach of regulations made under the principal Act to $1M, and would have also conferred on the president pposition-says-no-to-hydro-electric-power-bill--pm-hinds-begs-for-support-for-the-benefit-of-the-guyanese-people&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="FALINK_2_0_1">the power to create hydro-electric offset reserve areas and rules for the establishment of the said areas, and for the conservation and preservation of the environment and ecosystem surrounding the hydroelectric resources in Guyana.
The bill was read for the first time on June 13, and was scheduled to be read a second time last evening when a vigorous debate was also expected. However, in a show of their non-support for the bill, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) chose not to participate in the debate, leaving the government Members of Parliament (MP’s) “begging” for their support.
Prime Minister and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Samuel Hinds, who moved the second reading of the bill in the National Assembly, noted that the opposition parties chose to remain mum as it relates to the Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill and stated that this clearly shows their opposition to a developmental initiative which would bring pposition-says-no-to-hydro-electric-power-bill--pm-hinds-begs-for-support-for-the-benefit-of-the-guyanese-people&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="FALINK_1_0_0">electricity rates down by more than 50 percent and protect the country against the volatility of oil prices.
“For the benefit of the people of Guyana, we are prepared to beg the opposition to reconsider their position and support this bill,” Hinds stated, while still trying to convince opposition members to lend their support.
The PM further cautioned that if this bill is not passed, it may take five to ten years to attract pposition-says-no-to-hydro-electric-power-bill--pm-hinds-begs-for-support-for-the-benefit-of-the-guyanese-people&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="MIVA_LINK_1_0_0" name="MIVA_LINK_1_0_0" target="_blank">investors to come back to Guyana and invest in such a project, regardless which political party is in government.
In his bid to persuade members of the House of the bill’s importance, Hinds noted that the existing Act is nearly 60 years old and as such, there is much that requires updating.
According to him, the bill sought to address the environmental considerations which in these times, he said, must be factored into hydro-electric power development projects.
Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr. Robert Persaud, said that the amendments to the Hydro-Electric Power Act were harmless but very important, noting that Guyana has long had tremendous potential in the area of hydro-power.
“If we’re moving so close, why is it we cannot have some level of consensus, if only just to realise that long-held dream and aspiration, ambition we’ve had as a nation?” he questioned.
He further stated that, putting aside that dream, it is also about the economic, social and the environmental survival of the nation.
Persaud stressed that any objective observer would be startled as to why a country with such tremendous potential in hydropower is still discussing whether or not there should be support for amendments and eventually for the entire project.
He further emphasised that the People’s Progressive Party Government has made it clear and shown by its actions that it is serious about the eventual development of a hydro electric station.
“I want to assure you, Mr. Speaker, and assure the people of Guyana, that the PPP/Civic will not be daunted and that we will stay on the course of ensuring that there is hydro electric development in our country,” he emphasised.
Persaud stated that the amendments to the Act would allow Guyana to not only be compliant with its international partners, but would also ensure that the impact of the project is minimised.
He added that the passage of the bill would not bring any political points or glory to anyone, but it will ensure that Guyana, as a nation in its march forward and in its efforts to develop a hydro electric station, does so in compliance with the best environmental safeguards.
Minister of Public Works, Mr. Robeson Benn, said that the missing term in Guyana’s development equation is the question of cheap power.
“Our country will always remain poor, backward, underdeveloped, if we cannot solve the question of power and in this case, hydro power,” he asserted.
The minister also joined his colleagues on the government side in “begging” fo

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Chinese sugar factory no good. Chinese Moca Moca hydro no good. Hope Canal faces overrun expenses. Amaila access road no good. What makes you believe that a hydro of this magnitude will not have an overrun of another 150 mill usd? The opposition saved Guyana here. They must go back to the drawing board and come up with a better hydro vision. 

Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
This is a sad chapter in Guyana history.

Sad indeed, if only the PPP could get in their arrogant hard head that they need to work with the majority backed opposition demands to end the under the table deals, the people would have benifeted big time....

Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
100% of the populace will agree on cheaper and cleaner electricity four years from today.

Certainly that includes the opposition. It's amazing  to note  the number of vampires with foreign passports who occupy the government side of the house, shedding crocodile tears over the defeat of the bill.

Remember, when everybody was telling Jagdeo that Fip never built a road and Jagdeo insisted on paying him US$15.4M to build a road; Fip floundered. Future generations have to pay for getting nothing. 


"Cheap" is bird talk.

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July 19th, 2013


By: Moses Nagamootoo MP


The PPP last night threw the Motion on the floor of Parliament to raise the debt that the Government has to guarantee for public corporations and companies from $1 billion to $150 billion, to stalemate any possibility of cooperation between Government and the Opposition, as if the PPP regime had designed a shut-down of the Amaila Hydro Project, and had identified the Opposition as scapegoats.


The PPP Government wanted to play hardball with Local Government Elections and shut down debate on the laws that could pave the way for these elections this year, and attempted to blackmail the Opposition that, unless they support Amaila related measures, they would not bring Local Government Bills for approval.


When the Opposition sought to place the Local Government Bills up for debate, the Government refused to introduce them, and the Minister of Local Government chose to be the 'dumb-boy', in the Parliament.


The AFC was prepared to support, mas we still do, the amendment to the Hydroelectric Power Bill, which we would like to call the "Flora and Fauna" Bill, if only the PPP would proceed with the Local Government Bill and assure their assent. But the PPP insisted that it was "all or nothing" - that we would have to support the other measure to raise the debt ceiling.


The AFC has taken a principled position that we would approve all Amaila related laws once the IDB, which is undertaking a technical and other review of the project's feasibility, give the Amaila Project the green light. It would be irresponsible for us to guarantee borrowing to the tune of $150 billion and not have informed guarantee that the project is feasible. And this remains our position. To do otherwise would be to abandon the people of Guyana, and to place them in a vicious trap of future debts.


I want to refer to what I said during the 2013 Budget Debate: "Instead of progress, many public corporations are a liability to the people, estimated at some US$281,794,465 or GY$57,204,276,395 (G$57.2 billion) last year. These include the Guyana Power and Light.


I was interrupted when I made these disclosures. I had hit the bull's eye!


The Hansard shows that first, Ms. Teixeira, wanted to get the source of what she described as "very interesting figures". Then, the Finance Minister, in utter bafflement, wanted me to repeat to repeat the figures and to say what they were about.


I said, "it is G$57.2 billion and that is the public corporation liability".


It was at that point that I described GPL as a huge black hole, saying that it is "inefficient; it mismanages; it wastes and it squanders".


I referred to the $6 billion last year, and the additional $11.2 billion requested this year.


As for the other giant state corporation, Guysuco, I pointed out that Government had guaranteed loans in the amount of $29 billion as part of a $47 billion recapitalisation programme, and they are showing nothing for this.


So when this government says it wants to raise the amount of liability of the people of Guyana for loans contracted by state corporations and companies from $1billion to $150 billion, this must raise a red flag.


The PPP and the PNC would continue to do battle over whose administration borrowed the most: In 1992 the inherited national debt, both external and domestic, in Guyana $ "nominal" amount stood at G$263 billion, most of which was written off. This year, the national debt stands at about $380 billion.


We are high on debt, like a drug addict on morphine. We are back in the vicious debt circle, like a dog chasing its own tail. [END]

Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
100% of the populace will agree on cheaper and cleaner electricity four years from today.

Now tell us about the two people......

who give "Fip US$15 Million" cut as a bonus...

Did these two thieves ......

get 100% support from the populace also....

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
100% of the populace will agree on cheaper and cleaner electricity four years from today.

Now tell us about the two people......

who give "Fip US$15 Million" cut as a bonus...

Did these two thieves ......

get 100% support from the populace also....

The Prince trying to sell his snake oil of cleaner and cheaper electricity.....


Anyone hear from Joey Jagan blabbing recently. Here is why he is cool. He drinking PPP soup. A son with a fat cat salary at OP and a daughter with a fat cat salary at the UN. PPP an'nt corrupt no mo

Originally Posted by genius:

Anyone hear from Joey Jagan blabbing recently. Here is why he is cool. He drinking PPP soup. A son with a fat cat salary at OP and a daughter with a fat cat salary at the UN. PPP an'nt corrupt no mo

Hehe, is weh Prasad deh?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by genius:

Anyone hear from Joey Jagan blabbing recently. Here is why he is cool. He drinking PPP soup. A son with a fat cat salary at OP and a daughter with a fat cat salary at the UN. PPP an'nt corrupt no mo

Hehe, is weh Prasad deh?

Baseman yuh doing a good Job to expose de corruption

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by genius:

Anyone hear from Joey Jagan blabbing recently. Here is why he is cool. He drinking PPP soup. A son with a fat cat salary at OP and a daughter with a fat cat salary at the UN. PPP an'nt corrupt no mo

Hehe, is weh Prasad deh?

Baseman yuh doing a good Job to expose de corruption

Nuh, just Joey hypocrisy.  The PPP has a perception issue because they are doing well and people are highlighting a few Indians.  What they don't say, Indians were building nice houses even under PNC quasi apartheid era.  The issue of Black-Indian comparisons were there as far as I remember.  Blacks always looked in bewilderment as how poor Indians rise. Today they have the Indian "boogey man" to point to.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Nuh, just Joey hypocrisy.  The PPP has a perception issue because they are doing well and people are highlighting a few Indians.  What they don't say, Indians were building nice houses even under PNC quasi apartheid era.  The issue of Black-Indian comparisons were there as far as I remember.  Blacks always looked in bewilderment as how poor Indians rise. Today they have the Indian "boogey man" to point to.

huh . . .??


other than the magical buse out with the other catamites in your head that never end, what does this gratuitous 'blackman' rant have to do with anything on this thread?


red herring much


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