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Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Other men have been suspended or banned for fabricating slander of the highest order. These culprits should not be allowed to get away with the false claims and documents they have fabricated and "published" on GNI.

I also suggest that they apologize unreservedly to the GNI community for the damage they have done to this forum. Anything less than that is unacceptable.


There is a link for every post I made. Can you not read ?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jai Shri Raam Yuji, you up early.


Please look at the issue and let us move away from personalities.




The main issue is the lack of credible and trusted leadership in the AFC.


Burhnam incarnate is destroying the AFC while the top brass of the AFC is scared to bell the cat.


Let us talk issues.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jai Shri Raam Yuji, you up early.


Please look at the issue and let us move away from personalities.




The main issue is the lack of credible and trusted leadership in the AFC.


Burhnam incarnate is destroying the AFC while the top brass of the AFC is scared to bell the cat.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jai Shri Raam Yuji, you up early.


Please look at the issue and let us move away from personalities.




The main issue is the lack of credible and trusted leadership in the AFC.


Burhnam incarnate is destroying the AFC while the top brass of the AFC is scared to bell the cat.


Let us talk issues.



Illustrate with facts???  YUJIIIII???




Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jai Shri Raam Yuji, you up early.


Please look at the issue and let us move away from personalities.




The main issue is the lack of credible and trusted leadership in the AFC.


Burhnam incarnate is destroying the AFC while the top brass of the AFC is scared to bell the cat.


Let us talk issues.

That is not an issue whatsoever. So don't make up another false claim. So far none of your claims have held up water.

It is the credibility of the PPP regime that is in question. Is the PPP fit for purpose? The answer is a resounding NO!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Talk is cheap.


Gerhard fled from the AFC. A party with a leadership crisis.

I have been told by a top leader that Gerhard is an insider at the HOUSE of CHANGE and a "nat-a-rass" waterboy like you want to tell me otherwise??



Come on man illustrate with FACT.


The LIES cannot cut anymore.  STOP it, it is too shameful to see how you people continue to LIE.


Have some personal dignity.  At least respect your children and tell the truth today.


yuji has dem AFC boys giddy.




Post some topics where we can engage in a civil manner and it will benefit all. Your posts are now like a broken and scratched up record.


Your target audience here are mostly overseas Guyanese. They are already informed.


Ever wondered why overseas funding dried up for the AFC ?


Ever wondered why TK left the AFC ?


Ever wondered why Gerhard is leaving ?


Ever wondered why there is MISTRUST of the leadership of the AFC ?


Ever wondered why the PPP has unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice ?


Stop talking and start listening.

Last edited by Former Member

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