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Same Shit Different Day


Flogging this crap to death, the guys who back the corrupt PPP have nothing else to complain about, this is coming from a few individuals....booooring.




Salaries, Pensions and Pretexts




Red Thread plans protest action against Govt – on decision to increase salaries of Ministers



Yarde and Lincoln - Suddenly Dem get Blind


Did AFC support hefty increase in ministers salaries?


Letter to the Editor: Grassroots being trampled with gov’t salary increases





Salary increases “too early” – Dr David Hinds


Money, Money, Everywhere



Questions for the new Govt on this salary increases fiasco



Teachers union upset at ministers' "super" salary increases; demand higher pay, de-bunching


“Meat for the boys and bones for the workers” – PPP


On the money



PPP will have to save Guyana from AFC/PNC Fat Cows.





Joe Harmon needs to shut up if he cannot properly present the (quite reasonable) Gov't position on minister salary increases


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

Context is everything in life. Context underlies the movement of life in the world and individual action in it. Every action has a context. One of the greatest, phenomenal explanations of the indispensability of context in understanding human action I have ever seen was when a cricket writer in the Guardian newspaper of the UK analyzed the achievements of the global cricket star, Sachin Tendulkar. Using the methodology of context, the writer showed that in cricketing history, Tendulkar was far down the order as a great batsman. He put him as the 28th greatest batsman in history. There isn’t space here to elaborate on the article. I suggest you Google and read it. You will learn from it. I have. The fifty percent salary increase for Ministers and Parliamentarians is creating waves. It may be more factual to describe it as a tsunami of disappointment. Why is there this huge reverberation? Context is the answer. Context 1- In two Ashni Singh budgets since 2011, APNU-AFC had denounced the huge income for many PPP big-wigs. Since that was just a year ago, it was too early in the rule of the coalition government to award themselves a substantial elevation in income. It is not a question of justification because of poor ministerial earning. Cabinet Ministers deserve to be paid more. It is context. Coming so soon after the denunciation of the hefty sums the PPP kings and queens paid themselves, the move was unwise. Maybe next year, but not four months after the assumption of office. Context 2 – The entire population of Guyana will admit that the pay packet of policemen, teachers, nurses and public servants is as ugly a sight as sadistic hunters killing innocent animals. The coalition government just passed a budget in which public sector employees were awarded an Ashni Singh pittance. Why in the context of that recent national outpouring of chagrin did the Ministers assign themselves a hefty pay packet? Surely, the Cabinet has to have some pretty naïve members if they think that the increase would not have irritated large sections of the population. At the time of writing, the teachers’ union is livid. No doubt as the days move out, other unions will sing the same refrain. Context 3- Raphael Trotman made some pellucid statements in August when the salary hike was announced. Speaking on behalf of the Government, he literally backed down and apologized for any move the government might have made to guide people into thinking that salary increase for Ministers was about to happen. In unambiguous language, he said it would not happen in the immediate future. From August to the end of September is certainly the immediate future. In Canada, the US, Europe and in places like Nigeria, India, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, Trotman would have received calls for his resignation. However light-handedly the media want to treat Trotman, he is facing extensive embarrassment and needs to jump on a damage-control machine ASAP Context 4- Guyana in the midst of a huge corruption exposure campaign. On a daily basis, Guyanese are hearing about extravagant sums that went into the pockets of the major players of the previous regime.  Big money is the centre of these corruption scandals. It is not wise thinking and a good strategic move that right in the middle of this campaign that Guyanese have emotionally embraced, that the new government gave its Ministers some handsome pay packets. Context 5- The salary increase came too soon after the 2015 election victory. Four months is too short a period for a government to stumble. Governments are going to make mistakes that exasperate citizens but not just four months after electoral success.  After a rapturous, emotional and satisfying election victory, the victors have to ensure they nurture the extensive sympathy and support they received. A huge salary increase isn’t the most elegant way to do it. Context 6 – The PPP is on the warpath. Even the blind can see that. Armed with the optimism it lost the election by less than 5000 votes, it won seven (?) of the ten Regions, and that there is no grand embrace between the AFC and APNU ( Stabroek News and Ralph Ramkarran said so), the PPP is in election mode. The PPP is in a fighting mood. Why would the ruling coalition embark on an unpopular policy that would make its enemy’s work easier? The AFC called in Dick Morris from the US to help with polling. The AFC called in Alstrom Stewart from Jamaica to help with election campaigning. It has to call in Julius Caesar to help with strategizing. But he died along with the Roman Empire thousands of years ago.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

Context is everything in life. Context underlies the movement of life in the world and individual action in it. Every action has a context. One of the greatest, phenomenal explanations of the indispensability of context in understanding human action I have ever seen was when a cricket writer in the Guardian newspaper of the UK analyzed the achievements of the global cricket star, Sachin Tendulkar. Using the methodology of context, the writer showed that in cricketing history, Tendulkar was far down the order as a great batsman. He put him as the 28th greatest batsman in history. There isn’t space here to elaborate on the article. I suggest you Google and read it. You will learn from it. I have. The fifty percent salary increase for Ministers and Parliamentarians is creating waves. It may be more factual to describe it as a tsunami of disappointment. Why is there this huge reverberation? Context is the answer. Context 1- In two Ashni Singh budgets since 2011, APNU-AFC had denounced the huge income for many PPP big-wigs. Since that was just a year ago, it was too early in the rule of the coalition government to award themselves a substantial elevation in income. It is not a question of justification because of poor ministerial earning. Cabinet Ministers deserve to be paid more. It is context. Coming so soon after the denunciation of the hefty sums the PPP kings and queens paid themselves, the move was unwise. Maybe next year, but not four months after the assumption of office. Context 2 – The entire population of Guyana will admit that the pay packet of policemen, teachers, nurses and public servants is as ugly a sight as sadistic hunters killing innocent animals. The coalition government just passed a budget in which public sector employees were awarded an Ashni Singh pittance. Why in the context of that recent national outpouring of chagrin did the Ministers assign themselves a hefty pay packet? Surely, the Cabinet has to have some pretty naïve members if they think that the increase would not have irritated large sections of the population. At the time of writing, the teachers’ union is livid. No doubt as the days move out, other unions will sing the same refrain. Context 3- Raphael Trotman made some pellucid statements in August when the salary hike was announced. Speaking on behalf of the Government, he literally backed down and apologized for any move the government might have made to guide people into thinking that salary increase for Ministers was about to happen. In unambiguous language, he said it would not happen in the immediate future. From August to the end of September is certainly the immediate future. In Canada, the US, Europe and in places like Nigeria, India, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, Trotman would have received calls for his resignation. However light-handedly the media want to treat Trotman, he is facing extensive embarrassment and needs to jump on a damage-control machine ASAP Context 4- Guyana in the midst of a huge corruption exposure campaign. On a daily basis, Guyanese are hearing about extravagant sums that went into the pockets of the major players of the previous regime.  Big money is the centre of these corruption scandals. It is not wise thinking and a good strategic move that right in the middle of this campaign that Guyanese have emotionally embraced, that the new government gave its Ministers some handsome pay packets. Context 5- The salary increase came too soon after the 2015 election victory. Four months is too short a period for a government to stumble. Governments are going to make mistakes that exasperate citizens but not just four months after electoral success.  After a rapturous, emotional and satisfying election victory, the victors have to ensure they nurture the extensive sympathy and support they received. A huge salary increase isn’t the most elegant way to do it. Context 6 – The PPP is on the warpath. Even the blind can see that. Armed with the optimism it lost the election by less than 5000 votes, it won seven (?) of the ten Regions, and that there is no grand embrace between the AFC and APNU ( Stabroek News and Ralph Ramkarran said so), the PPP is in election mode. The PPP is in a fighting mood. Why would the ruling coalition embark on an unpopular policy that would make its enemy’s work easier? The AFC called in Dick Morris from the US to help with polling. The AFC called in Alstrom Stewart from Jamaica to help with election campaigning. It has to call in Julius Caesar to help with strategizing. But he died along with the Roman Empire thousands of years ago.

Knucklehead, whats your point for posting this stupidness, eh??

Originally Posted by cain:

Why derass u copy it again?

Its puzzling to know what kind of smarts these  people have, to run organizations.

De people might shame and chase dem out of a developing country.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

Very true.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

If one look deep into the recess of Nagamootoo's soul, they may find the same concern from him.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

If one look deep into the recess of Nagamootoo's soul, they may find the same concern from him.




Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

If one look deep into the recess of Nagamootoo's soul, they may find the same concern from him.




dem whiteman dungheap food yuh consumed is takin it's toll on yuh mental cabarisity...


did u by chance share it with rumjaat an nagabutu

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Anan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

If one look deep into the recess of Nagamootoo's soul, they may find the same concern from him.




dem whiteman dungheap food yuh consumed is takin it's toll on yuh mental cabarisity...


did u by chance share it with rumjaat an nagabutu

From a Journalist: he turned into a disgraceful PUPPET

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

If one look deep into the recess of Nagamootoo's soul, they may find the same concern from him.




Actually it shows in Nagamootoo's sad face. He doesn't seem to be enjoying his corner office.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

If one look deep into the recess of Nagamootoo's soul, they may find the same concern from him.




Actually it shows in Nagamootoo's sad face. He doesn't seem to be enjoying his corner office.

Looks are deceiving, Kaz. Naga is a happy camper. The man earning a basic salary of $1,715,000 per month plus frills. He will soon get a luxury vehicle worth $23M. He knows he will never be President as per the Cummingsburg Accord even if Granger dies in office. He is also aware of his age limitation in 2020, so he is enjoying his five years as PM. Da man happy and contented.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles

October 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 


Good to see that Freddie may be moving away from apologizing for the government.

PNC is slowly loosing support from their regulars. Freddie is mad ,he was hoping for big government job, for all the hard work and steady protest he was taken to the curb. To the PNC Freddie is now "Road Kill".

If one look deep into the recess of Nagamootoo's soul, they may find the same concern from him.




Actually it shows in Nagamootoo's sad face. He doesn't seem to be enjoying his corner office.

Looks are deceiving, Kaz. Naga is a happy camper. The man earning a basic salary of $1,715,000 per month plus frills. He will soon get a luxury vehicle worth $23M. He knows he will never be President as per the Cummingsburg Accord even if Granger dies in office. He is also aware of his age limitation in 2020, so he is enjoying his five years as PM. Da man happy and contented.

Every HOUSE SLAVE on the Planet does exactly that.  There was no need for you to explain!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Looks are deceiving, Kaz. Naga is a happy camper. The man earning a basic salary of $1,715,000 per month plus frills. He will soon get a luxury vehicle worth $23M. He knows he will never be President as per the Cummingsburg Accord even if Granger dies in office. He is also aware of his age limitation in 2020, so he is enjoying his five years as PM. Da man happy and contented.

Human beings are a peculiar creature. No matter how much they get/have, they just don't take lightly to someone being placed in a place which they think is theirs. At this point, Harmon is occupying that Nagamootoo's space. See it everyday in the workforce. Nagamootoo can't be any different. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Looks are deceiving, Kaz. Naga is a happy camper. The man earning a basic salary of $1,715,000 per month plus frills. He will soon get a luxury vehicle worth $23M. He knows he will never be President as per the Cummingsburg Accord even if Granger dies in office. He is also aware of his age limitation in 2020, so he is enjoying his five years as PM. Da man happy and contented.

Human beings are a peculiar creature. No matter how much they get/have, they just don't take lightly to someone being placed in a place which they think is theirs. At this point, Harmon is occupying that Nagamootoo's space. See it everyday in the workforce.

Kaz, that is a good thing, a blessing in disguise for Nagamootoo. Harmon is doing the dirty work and that will absolve Naga from blame.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Looks are deceiving, Kaz. Naga is a happy camper. The man earning a basic salary of $1,715,000 per month plus frills. He will soon get a luxury vehicle worth $23M. He knows he will never be President as per the Cummingsburg Accord even if Granger dies in office. He is also aware of his age limitation in 2020, so he is enjoying his five years as PM. Da man happy and contented.

Human beings are a peculiar creature. No matter how much they get/have, they just don't take lightly to someone being placed in a place which they think is theirs. At this point, Harmon is occupying that Nagamootoo's space. See it everyday in the workforce.

Kaz, that is a good thing, a blessing in disguise for Nagamootoo. Harmon is doing the dirty work and that will absolve Naga from blame.

Smart house slave eh?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Looks are deceiving, Kaz. Naga is a happy camper. The man earning a basic salary of $1,715,000 per month plus frills. He will soon get a luxury vehicle worth $23M. He knows he will never be President as per the Cummingsburg Accord even if Granger dies in office. He is also aware of his age limitation in 2020, so he is enjoying his five years as PM. Da man happy and contented.

Human beings are a peculiar creature. No matter how much they get/have, they just don't take lightly to someone being placed in a place which they think is theirs. At this point, Harmon is occupying that Nagamootoo's space. See it everyday in the workforce.

Kaz, that is a good thing, a blessing in disguise for Nagamootoo. Harmon is doing the dirty work and that will absolve Naga from blame.

Somehow human being don't care for that blessing in disguise. So many people could enjoy the good life in obscurity but choose to expose themselves where the reward don't justify the risk. Yet they insist to doing so. 


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