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This is Ravi DEV:


"On January 12th 1998, when anti-Indian violence did break out – the PPP was caught with their pants down in terms of providing protection for their supporters. Shown that the Emperor PPP had no clothes, it was not surprising that the violence against Indians intensified. During 1998, dozens of Indians, primarily businessmen, were murdered. In fact ROAR was launched on Jan 17th 1999 at a rally against crime where it issued a detailed proposal for the reform and professionalisation of the Forces. I pointed out then that Africans who were silent about the lack of effort of the Force to apprehend the murderers were β€œcreating a Frankestein that would come back to haunt them.” The PPP lambasted ROAR, deeming us β€œracists” and reiterated their support for the Forces."


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