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What exactly is Lis going to tell us about Domestic violence?


Is she going to tell us that Jagdeo was a wife abuser?


Is she going to tell us why all dem minister wives kill themselves? No?


Is she going to tell us what she has done for women in her 23+ Years while wukking for the thief man PPP?


Where was her voice when Manickchand was cussing the American government claiming that TIP did not exist in Guyana?


Where was her voice when Jagdeo's "wife" came out and made serious allegations against him? Is she going to address that topic?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

HM_Redux acting like Vanessa Kissoon to bruck up PPP meeting before it started. The undemocratic PNC lifestyle is very contagious on their supporters.

Vanessa Kissoon's head ain't screwed on too right she would fit perfectly in with the PPP.


But lets be clear. What vanessa kissoon was doing is heckling, that means yapping I know you chaps aint been to far in school. She was not toting a gun like kwame and odinga beating up women during the elections.


BTW what does Lis think about kwame running over women with his car and odinga assaulting that young lady in 2011 at the polling booth? she sanctions that behavior or she can't remember?


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