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‘You are not welcome here’ – disgruntled Lindeners tell Granger


“This tells me that there is a substantial number of members who are still interested in the Local Government campaign and in APNU while there are some only interested in causing disruption”- Granger

The accounts given to Kaieteur News about the series of events which occurred on Friday night at Mackenzie High School, Linden, differed each time it was related.

APNU Leader, David Granger

APNU Leader,
David Granger

The only consistent bit of information is that Opposition Leader, David Granger, was chased by a group of disgruntled Lindeners.
Granger, in his capacity as Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), visited Linden for a meeting which he said was advertised by mean of handbills.
Kaieteur News understands that the meeting which was scheduled to begin at 18:00hrs, started on time but a contingent who got there about 18:30hrs was locked out.
Region Ten Councilor, Leslie Gonsalves, recounted that he and approximately 60 other Lindeners were barred from entering the school compound and as such decided to protest the premises. He said that there were some 16 Lindeners inside listening to what Granger had to say.
According to Gonsalves, the contingent went to the school with intent to convince Granger that he has to address pending matters.
Gonsalves said that he and the others wanted Granger to understand that the people of Linden are not at all happy with the way the Chairman and Councilors are being sidelined; neither are they happy with the imposition of a Coordinator, Sandra Adams.
Gonsalves said that it is totally unacceptable that the grievances from the People’s National Congress Reform August congress are still to be properly addressed.
He said that the matters from Congress include the ‘fact’ that a large number of Lindeners were disenfranchised, “and we want him to sort out the Vanessa Kissoon issue as well”.
Going back to the coordinator issue, Gonsalves said “We cannot understand why they have to impose a coordinator here. We live in Region Ten; we should know what is best for us. Sandra Adams cuss out PNC (People’s Congress Reform) in 2006 and left for the US.
“She wasn’t here to work in the last election but now she want to come back and be the head n**ga in charge; to this we are saying no.”
Gonsalves said that the group who shouted to Granger “you are not welcome here” does not have a problem with the leader himself.
According to him, the Lindeners have a problem with the way Granger has been operating. “If you want to do something for Linden you have to consult with the people who living up here…Granger would not be welcome until he deals with outstanding issues.”
The Councilor claimed that there were several efforts made before to contract Granger to confront the issues but he never responded.
Asked why the group prepared placards if people just wanted to attend the meeting, Gonsalves said that they had no other choice but to put their concerns on paper.
Some placards read that “Burnham and Hoyte turning in their grave” and “Remember July 18, 2012.”  Gonsalves said that the latter was placed there because “Granger de go behind we back and make agreement for electricity with Ramotar.”
However, even with all his concerns, Gonsalves said “We are still diehard PNC people.”
Kaieteur News contacted Granger whose details of what happened differed significantly from those of Gonsalves.
Granger said that over 50 Lindeners attended and participated fully in the meeting which went on for three hours.
He said that while things proceeded peacefully inside the Mackenzie High School, a contingent of just about 30 people caused ruckus outside.
The politician said that from all indications, the group went with the intention of disrupting the meeting.
“They came with placards and were making an extreme amount of noise so they were not allowed in…When I was leaving they started shouting all sorts of things.”
Asked what the occurrence signaled to him, Granger said, “This tells me that there is a substantial amount of members who are still interested in the Local Government campaign and in APNU while there are some who are not interested in those things but in causing disruption.
“Last night (Friday night) convinced me that some Lindeners still want to see a united Party while some prefer to have a noisy protest.”
He said that Lindeners who attended the meeting raised issues about unity in PNCR, land settlement, and the way news is being covered by the National Communication Network (NCN) in Linden.
Granger added that a matter was raised about some persons who collected money in the United States for the Party but cannot account for it.
Granger told Kaieteur News, “I had a one and one meeting with Gonsalves prior to congress but the main issue here that needs to be understood is that (Sharma) Solomon is not the Chairman of PNC (Peoples National Congress Reform). He is the Chairman of the Regional Democratic Council. Solomon is an ordinary member of the PNC and so is Gonsalves and Vanessa Kissoon. They are not Party officials but they are preventing some officials from performing functions.”
The political leader said that other councilors attended the meeting as well as several other people of Linden.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Conscience, I hope the PPP pays you for working this Sunday.

I am a witness that you worked beyond the call of duty, even to the point of reading and relaying a report from Glenn Lall's Kaieteur News that Khurshid Sattaur and BJ want to shut down.

Don't gloat on wha happen in Linden. Granger and his supporters will sort out their problem eventually. As Gonsalves says, “We are still diehard PNC people.”


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Conscience, I hope the PPP pays you for working this Sunday.

I am a witness that you worked beyond the call of duty, even to the point of reading and relaying a report from Glenn Lall's Kaieteur News that Khurshid Sattaur and BJ want to shut down.

Don't gloat on wha happen in Linden. Granger and his supporters will sort out their problem eventually. As Gonsalves says, “We are still diehard PNC people.”



Looks like Gil is now a PNC spokesperson.




However, even with all his concerns, Gonsalves said “We are still diehard PNC people.”


* You folks see that ?


* Despite the betrayal and the rigging by Granger, Lindeners remain "diehard PNC people."


* Now let's turn to Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan.



* Those two ugly, nasty, filthy, stinking dogs chose to betray and abandon the PPP. And today they are working 24/7 to remove the PPP from office and put the PNC into power.


* Guyanese must never, ever trust those two rotten scoundrels. Hopefully Karma will deal severely with them.



Originally Posted by Rev:



However, even with all his concerns, Gonsalves said “We are still diehard PNC people.”


* You folks see that ?


* Despite the betrayal and the rigging by Granger, Lindeners remain "diehard PNC people."


* Now let's turn to Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan.



* Those two ugly, nasty, filthy, stinking dogs chose to betray and abandon the PPP. And today they are working 24/7 to remove the PPP from office and put the PNC into power.


* Guyanese must never, ever trust those two rotten scoundrels. Hopefully Karma will deal severely with them.




"Hopefully Karma will deal severely with them."


Karma will unleash the harshest treatment on these two traitors.

They will rot in hell.


Those two are the embodiment of TRAITORS.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:



However, even with all his concerns, Gonsalves said “We are still diehard PNC people.”


* You folks see that ?


* Despite the betrayal and the rigging by Granger, Lindeners remain "diehard PNC people."


* Now let's turn to Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan.



* Those two ugly, nasty, filthy, stinking dogs chose to betray and abandon the PPP. And today they are working 24/7 to remove the PPP from office and put the PNC into power.


* Guyanese must never, ever trust those two rotten scoundrels. Hopefully Karma will deal severely with them.




"Hopefully Karma will deal severely with them."


Karma will unleash the harshest treatment on these two traitors.

They will rot in hell.


Those two are the embodiment of TRAITORS.


I hold Rev responsible for damaging yuji's brain. yuji is now programmed to repeat Rev's posts with a few idiosyncratic strokes of his own.

Feel free to compare their posts, people.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I hold Rev responsible for damaging yuji's brain. yuji is now programmed to repeat Rev's posts with a few idiosyncratic strokes of his own.

Feel free to compare their posts, people.


Old bai Gilbakka:


* Yuji is an independent thinker and a highly intelligent and honorable man who has deep convictions.


* You bolted the PPP decades ago and are now supporting traitors like Moses and Khemraj.


* You are entitled to your choice and yuji is also entitled to his choice---he supports the PPP 100%.



Originally Posted by Rev:


Old bai Gilbakka:


* Yuji is an independent thinker and a highly intelligent and honorable man who has deep convictions.


* You are entitled to your choice and yuji is also entitled to his choice---he supports the PPP 100%.



Indeed, yuji is entitled to his PPP choice, but a comparison of his comments to yours shows clearly that he picks up words and phrases that you use initially. The posts are there for everyone to see. That doesn't look like independent thinking.

Thanks again for reminding me of my 63 "old bai" years, you scoundrel of indeterminate age.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Old bai Gilbakka:


* Yuji is an independent thinker and a highly intelligent and honorable man who has deep convictions.


* You are entitled to your choice and yuji is also entitled to his choice---he supports the PPP 100%.



Indeed, yuji is entitled to his PPP choice, but a comparison of his comments to yours shows clearly that he picks up words and phrases that you use initially. The posts are there for everyone to see. That doesn't look like independent thinking.

Thanks again for reminding me of my 63 "old bai" years, you scoundrel of indeterminate age.




I offer my deepest sympathy as your AFC wheels fall apart. I know that it pains you when yuji attacks the AFC for being a bunch of traitors.


Look at the Black Guyanese in the PNC, they are angry at their leader but they remain committed to the PNC.


Now that is loyalty.


Unlike the traitors in the AFC including yourself who are working 24/7 to destroy the PPP and reinstate Riggers like Granger to office.


Have you no shame ?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Old bai Gilbakka:


* Yuji is an independent thinker and a highly intelligent and honorable man who has deep convictions.


* You are entitled to your choice and yuji is also entitled to his choice---he supports the PPP 100%.



Indeed, yuji is entitled to his PPP choice, but a comparison of his comments to yours shows clearly that he picks up words and phrases that you use initially. The posts are there for everyone to see. That doesn't look like independent thinking.

Thanks again for reminding me of my 63 "old bai" years, you scoundrel of indeterminate age.




I offer my deepest sympathy as your AFC wheels fall apart. I know that it pains you when yuji attacks the AFC for being a bunch of traitors.


Look at the Black Guyanese in the PNC, they are angry at their leader but they remain committed to the PNC.


Now that is loyalty.


Unlike the traitors in the AFC including yourself who are working 24/7 to destroy the PPP and reinstate Riggers like Granger to office.


Have you no shame ?

Shame for what? For being a coolie and not being loyal to a corrupt coolie-led PPP?

Sorry, I make decisions with my intellect, not with my brown skin.

The corrupt PPP must go, come what may.

Originally Posted by yuji22:.




I offer my deepest sympathy as your AFC wheels fall apart. I know that it pains you when yuji attacks the AFC for being a bunch of traitors.


Look at the Black Guyanese in the PNC, they are angry at their leader but they remain committed to the PNC.


Now that is loyalty.


Unlike the traitors in the AFC including yourself who are working 24/7 to destroy the PPP and reinstate Riggers like Granger to office.


Have you no shame ?

Here is the difference. With all its warts the PNC is more democratic than is the PPP.  The PNC can allow a certain level of dissension within its ranks.


PPP supporters aren't allowed to express dissension with their leadership, so are forced to leave the PPP.


This is why the PPP is panicking.  They have no idea how many within their ranks are disaffected with leadership as these supporters are afraid to publicly voice their views.


Whenever the next elections will occur this is when those PPP supporters who don't like their views will be heard.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


The PPP criminals enjoying and fattening themselves.....

talk about a picture being worth a thousand words


dis wan is priceless!!

Looks quite gay.  Is the PPP a gay organization?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Indeed, yuji is entitled to his PPP choice, but a comparison of his comments to yours shows clearly that he picks up words and phrases that you use initially.




* Lemme point you to the Bible.


"History merely repeats itself. Nothing is new; it has all been done or said before. What can you point to that is new." Ecclesiastes Ch1:9


* We all borrow the best from others Gilbakka----it's all been said before.


* Say thanks Rev.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


The PPP criminals enjoying and fattening themselves.....

talk about a picture being worth a thousand words


dis wan is priceless!!

Looks quite gay.  Is the PPP a gay organization?

Rev, what's the saying about burds of a feather?


Following a protest by party members during a meeting in Linden on Friday evening, PNC leader David Granger lashed out at Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon and APNU MP Vanessa Kissoon. In the aftermath of the embarrassing incident Granger told Kaieteur News, “The main issue here that needs to be understood is that Solomon is not the Chairman of PNC. He is the Chairman of the Regional Democratic Council. Solomon is an ordinary member of the PNC and so is (Leslie) Gonsalves and Vanessa Kissoon.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, what's the saying about burds of a feather?




Read this:


"A mirror reflects a man's face but what he is really like is shown by the kinds of friends he chooses." Proverb 27:19


* There is something suspicious about those boys above.LOL



Originally Posted by Rev:




* Lemme point you to the Bible.


"History merely repeats itself. Nothing is new; it has all been done or said before. What can you point to that is new." Ecclesiastes Ch1:9


* We all borrow the best from others Gilbakka----it's all been said before.



... which begs the question: which sleazeball did Rev borrow the best from?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

... which begs the question: which sleazeball did Rev borrow the best from?




* Both the Book of Proverbs and the Book of Ecclesiastes were written by Solomon, so I guess Solomon is the "sleazeball" the Rev borrowed from.hahahaha




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I offer my deepest sympathy as your AFC wheels fall apart. I know that it pains you when yuji attacks the AFC for being a bunch of traitors.


Look at the Black Guyanese in the PNC, they are angry at their leader but they remain committed to the PNC.


Now that is loyalty.


Unlike the traitors in the AFC including yourself who are working 24/7 to destroy the PPP and reinstate Riggers like Granger to office.


Have you no shame ?




* Gilbakka is among the 5% who will be voting for the AFC in the next election. We all know the characteristics of the typical 5 percenter.


* Gilbakka needs to stop reading  FICTION and start reading books that will enlighten him and inject some wisdom into his old 63 year old brain.hahahaha




I thought was 1 percent it is now 5%?


I think wid all the problems in camp granger you might actually see the country voting all out AFC.


You know no one is interested in the thief man PPP party? right?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

... which begs the question: which sleazeball did Rev borrow the best from?




* Both the Book of Proverbs and the Book of Ecclesiastes were written by Solomon, so I guess Solomon is the "sleazeball" the Rev borrowed from.hahahaha




Don't dodge the question, smartass. You know damn well I'm not referring to your Old Testament quote but to your usual racial and malicious stridulations.

You're good at verbal gymnastics but that doesn't hide your perversity and sleazeball conduct. All you posts are there for public viewing.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Don't dodge the question, smartass.


* Bwoy gilbakka! Ever since you started hanging with Beavis and Butthead, sorry Moses and Khemraj You become vulgar just like them.LOL


* Look! You older than the Rev---by far---but Rev more mature so I won't call you names.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Don't dodge the question, smartass.


* Bwoy gilbakka! Ever since you started hanging with Beavis and Butthead, sorry Moses and Khemraj You become vulgar just like them.LOL


* Look! You older than the Rev---by far---but Rev more mature so I won't call you names.



Who mo vulgar dan kwame plug, Jagdeo?


Granger, in his capacity as Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), visited Linden for a meeting which he said was advertised by mean of handbills.


But YET this frucker shut the gate so on long serving PNC supporters.  WHY is he hiding from the people?


PR disaster.  PPP win again because of them parthna Grainja


I always used to tell you all about Carbin get buy out, now Grainja get buy out.


PNC for sale.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Granger, in his capacity as Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), visited Linden for a meeting which he said was advertised by mean of handbills.


But YET this frucker shut the gate so on long serving PNC supporters.  WHY is he hiding from the people?


PR disaster.  PPP win again because of them parthna Grainja


I always used to tell you all about Carbin get buy out, now Grainja get buy out.


PNC for sale.

Palatiks Bai Brian. You shuud no dah.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Dissention in the camp. You people talk about the PPP dictatorship at freedom House? Listen to Clarissa. Looks like Grainger is emperor of the PNC.


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