While contending that it is impossible for government to function properly without a Cabinet, recently-elected Alliance for Change (AFC) leader Khemraj Ramjattan on Friday insisted that there is no definitive ruling by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) that prevents the president and his ministers from continuing to meet. 


Khemraj Ramjattan

“It is important to understand that you cannot have a vacuum government. Governance does not allow that because there is too much on the plate,” Ramjattan, who is Public Security Minister, said on Friday on the sidelines of a ceremony for the presentation of tablet computers and robotic kits to the Guyana Council of Organisations for People with Disabilities (GOCPD).

The CCJ on June 18th found that the December 21st no-confidence motion was validly passed with the votes of 33 members of the 65-member National Assembly, thereby compelling the resignation of Cabinet and the holding of general elections. The Cabinet met last Tuesday and dealt with several matters, including taking note of more than a dozen multi-million dollar contracts…..