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‘You should have a President for only one term’ – Nagamootoo declares

January 22, 2016 7:53 am Category: Internet, latest news, Local News A+ / A-

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is of the view that “you should have a President for only one term or five years” after which that leader should be changed since the “thieving” and corruption always starts in the second term.

He reportedly told a gathering at the Richie Rich Catering Hall in Queens, New York, on Saturday last, that “the thieving always starts in the second term” and as such, one of the best ways to prevent corruption is to change the Head of State as periodically as possible.

According to Mr. Nagamootoo, even the two-term presidential limit was too long a period for one person to remain leader of Guyana.
“When we decided to change the Constitution to allow a President to contest the elections only two occasions, two times, we realise that that itself is a danger,” he posited.

“In 50 years we only changed our government twice and if we don’t change our governments quickly and periodically, you end up in all kinds of situations where you are not moving forward because you stay with the same leaders too long. You have to think about changing governments as quickly as you can, as periodically as you can, because thieving is a disease,” he declared.

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If only they know they have ONE term, then they start thieving from Day ONE. What about the Prime Minister, his term should be 1 year, with 50% raise, 50 million renovation, new SUV, he started thieving from the start. Granger should tell these fools to go now, their intentions are to thief.


Nagamootoo wants presidential one-term limit

 “thieving always starts in second term”

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo believes one of the best ways to prevent corruption from occurring is to periodically change the Head of State, noting that Presidents are bound to engage in dishonest activities should they be allowed to serve for more than one term.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

“You should have a president for only one term or five years, because the thieving always starts in the second term!” Nagamootoo dynamically declared during his address to a small gathering on Saturday last at the Richie Rich Catering Hall in Queens, New York.
The Prime Minister stated that even the two-term presidential limit was too long a period for one person to remain as the leader of Guyana.

“When we decided to change the Constitution to allow a president to contest the elections only two occasions, two times, we realise that that itself is a danger,” he expressed.Nagamootoo also exclaimed that Governments should be changed sporadically in order to avoid acts of corruption.

“In 50 years, we only changed our Government twice and if you don’t change Governments quickly and periodically, you end up in…all kinds of situations where you are not moving forward, because you stay with the same leaders too long…You have to think about changing Governments as quickly as you can, as periodically as you can, because thieving is a disease,” he affirmed.

Nagamootoo, since on the campaign trail, had expressed a desire to clip the wings of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition’s presidential candidate.

During the party’s Vreed-en-Hoop rally in the lead-up to the May 11 General and Regional Elections, Nagamootoo strongly advocated for a reduction of the presidential powers and vowed to make this the first order of business upon assumption to office.

“We need to have a constitutional change; part of the problem in Guyana is that too much power is concentrated on one person’s hand…!” the politician had then stated.

Shortly after assumption to office, Nagamootoo made recommendations for all Government Ministers and parliamentarians to get massive salary increases in order to pre-empt and prevent the urge to “steal”.  (Nagamootoo’s speech at the event will be aired on the Evening News tonight)


Last edited by Django

Nagamoutie is a fool if he really believes the PNC clan of Caribj and his GDF cohorts will allow some lil coolie to head up the Govt when they are the power behind the scenes.  He will be squshed like a lil cockroach and tossed aside so fast, he won't know what got him!

baseman posted:

Nagamoutie is a fool if he really believes the PNC clan of Caribj and his GDF cohorts will allow some lil coolie to head up the Govt when they are the power behind the scenes.  He will be squshed like a lil cockroach and tossed aside so fast, he won't know what got him!

PNC will chew them up and spit them out. Tek time.


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