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“You will go down as the most disgusting Speaker in the last 50 years”- Dharamlall to Scotland

House Speaker, Barton Scotland.

House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland.

Guyana’s opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) is increasingly demonstrating its impatience and intolerance with the posture of House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland.

Scotland has declined to comment

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo and Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira have in recent days been joined by PPPC parliamentarian, Nigel Dharamlall in voicing grave concerns about the Speaker towards the opposition benches.

He justified his outnigel_fb1

burst on Facebook in an interview with Demerara Waves Online News.  “I did because personally I think the position of the Speaker has to ensure that there is some semblance of order in the House -and the same whip that the Speaker uses on the Opposition- I don’t think that the Speaker is balanced, he ought to be also using that same approach to the government,” said Dharamlall, a former Permanent Secretary of the then Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.

He said the Speaker must bear responsibility for sittings of the National Assembly descending into disorder.

Dharamlall, who has also described the “The Speaker is very unbiased …And unfair,” is optimistic that the manner in which Dr. Scotland manages the affairs of the House could be resolved if he is “fair in his dealings” with parliamentarians.

PPPC parliamentarian, Nigel Dharmlall reading a copy of his party's official organ, Thunder.

PPPC parliamentarian, Nigel Dharmlall reading a copy of his party’s official organ, Thunder.

Both Dharamlall and Teixeira have said that PPPC representatives have raised their concerns with the House Speaker.

Labelling Scotland as “partisan,” Jagdeo has  vowed that the PPPC would resist future attempts to protect government MPs while lecture their opposition counterparts. “Any attempt now and in the future by the Speaker to curtail the freedoms and privileges we enjoy in Parliament to represent the people of this country we will vigorously oppose,” Jagdeo has said.

 Dharamlall, who has also described the “The Speaker is very unbiased …And unfair,”

What this chap saying in this statement.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dharamlall has no grounds to stand on. Only to fanatical PPP ideologues does this man have standing. Unfair is what this miserable racist did in  chastising Amerindians like they are wards of the state with threats to withhold government access if they do not submit to his directives.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

Dharamlall has no grounds to stand on. Only to fanatical PPP ideologues does this man have standing. Unfair is what this miserable racist did in  chastising Amerindians like they are wards of the state with threats to withhold government access if they do not submit to his directives.

This is the kind of twisting of facts that I find disturbing.  Dharamlall never chastised Amerindians.  He works with Yvonne Pearson and others for the development of Amerindian communities.  Your friends in the coalition were the ones who fired thousands of Amerindians and took away their stipends.  You are sitting on the wrong side of the fence.  You should be supporting your people, not trying to destroy them.

Bibi Haniffa

Guyana politics too funny. This joker makes me laugh.  Where do the PPP find these losers?  Is he one of the promising stars.

Reminds of meeting a few Guyanese PPP MPs at a popular watering hole. I could not believe my ears.  A bunch of "rummies" who could not  speak proper English let alone make plausible arguments. 

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
  Dharamlall never chastised Amerindians.  

Nigel Dharamlall, the Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Minis-try who was recorded threatening to bar access to his office and withhold stipends from Amerindian leaders during a meeting with some indigenous leaders and youths should apologise or even be fired.

Bibi Let me educate you:

Mitwah posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
  Dharamlall never chastised Amerindians.  

Nigel Dharamlall, the Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Minis-try who was recorded threatening to bar access to his office and withhold stipends from Amerindian leaders during a meeting with some indigenous leaders and youths should apologise or even be fired.

Bibi Let me educate you:

Pandit - what you are writing here is a lie.  Go back and read Dharamlall's statement on this incident.  You believe and thrive on a lot of trash peddled in the media.

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:

Dharamlall has no grounds to stand on. Only to fanatical PPP ideologues does this man have standing. Unfair is what this miserable racist did in  chastising Amerindians like they are wards of the state with threats to withhold government access if they do not submit to his directives.

DrumLall is an echo of the BIG ZINC in the PPP.  He is being paid to talk rubbish.  Yes the Speaker can improve the operations of the Chambers, but have he ever met a SPEAKER CALLED SASE NARAIN, SC?

That KRULLIE CRAB who was given a Senior Counsel badge for sucking the testies of Burnham.

He banned Cheddi Jagan for trying to speak the truth.

Ow Scotland is a much better speaker than that Burnham Testie sucker.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:

Dharamlall has no grounds to stand on. Only to fanatical PPP ideologues does this man have standing. Unfair is what this miserable racist did in  chastising Amerindians like they are wards of the state with threats to withhold government access if they do not submit to his directives.

This is the kind of twisting of facts that I find disturbing.  Dharamlall never chastised Amerindians.  He works with Yvonne Pearson and others for the development of Amerindian communities.  Your friends in the coalition were the ones who fired thousands of Amerindians and took away their stipends.  You are sitting on the wrong side of the fence.  You should be supporting your people, not trying to destroy them.

He not only scolded them he warned them if they do not do as he say they would be forthwith banned from his office and not have access to any of the resources therein. I am not twisting anything. You are denying a fact.

I do not care if he works with Pearson. She is a PPP supplicant first and an Amerindian second. She was there also when this fellow went on his rant.

The 2000 amerindian designated CSOs were PPP selected and chosen to do their bidding and not employed in the service of their people. Monies paid out to political operatives should not come from budget allocations. It should be from party coffers. The PPP are in a habit of using state assets to their advantage and complaining of injustices when such excesses are questioned. 

I am not sitting on any side of a fence. I am standing up against  agit prop by a sycophant and ideologue.  My opinions are  not pulled from the ether. They are grounded in reality. I have no friends in the coliations. They come under the same scrutiny as the PPP and I am never reticent of being critical of them either. You just do not like me complaining against the PPP. As you say, and stupidly so, they are blood.



Bibi Haniffa posted

Pandit - what you are writing here is a lie.  Go back and read Dharamlall's statement on this incident.  You believe and thrive on a lot of trash peddled in the media.

It is not the media that recorded him but the amerindians themselves. His never denied it was his voice. If he did then all of the PPP bigwigs in from of whom he made the statement would have to back him up. In that case he would be calling all the amerindians there liars.


In the OP we have the same kind of dog whistle the PPP is accustomed to making. Their 20 years of controlling the speakership and shutting out opposition voices per rules were not seen as denying a voice but using the rules. They did the same with all oversight. NICIL never offered an accounting, the opposition never could help with budget formation and cannot complain of specific line items. They could only vote yes or no. That was held up in court so if the APNU hold them to the same standards they would be screaming racism no less than they do above.


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