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Former bank employee caught ‘moonlighting’ as bandit

February 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News


- used dad’s vehicle as getaway car

A former bank employee, who ‘moonlighted’ as a bandit, is to be charged along with three others in connection with a spate of armed robberies on the East Coast and East Bank of Demerara.


Police said that the Eccles, East Bank Demerara resident is in his twenties and was employed at a Government entity having previously worked at a city bank.


He was arrested at his workplace this week and has since identified two accomplices, who are also in their twenties.


Several robbery victims have identified the trio, who are scheduled to appear in the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court today.


Kaieteur News understands that detectives tracked down the former bank employee after getting the licence number of a vehicle that was used in a number of robberies which started sometime around December 2012. The vehicle belongs to the suspect’s father.


The ex-bank employee told detectives that the gang would attack their victims in lonely areas while using his father’s car.


One of the robbers would be armed with a handgun while the others carried choppers. 


The group reportedly targeted residents of Montrose, Lusignan, Annandale, La Bonne Intention, on the East Coast of Demerara and Diamond, East Bank Demerara.


Kaieteur News understands that the ex-bank employee told investigators that he turned to a life of crime because he was not making enough money. “He said that the money (salary) was too small,” a source said. None of the items stolen by the gang has been recovered.




Nehru ......Kwame seh dont blame Blackman fuh all the Crimes in the Indian areas.

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Young Comrades turn to Crime.....complain not making enough money...wants to know why they cant get good Jobs from PPP like Lamumba, Kwame and Bynoe

These young punks need to realize that it takes someone with a good sense of how to be corrupt to get a job with the PPP, without that,they doan stand a chance.


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