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Former Member

– points to party’s track record of promoting young talent

Contrary to the coalition Government, which is dominated by senior citizens at the top of the hierarchy, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is assuring that his party, if elected into Government, will propel youths into positions that will allow their dynamism to bring about real change.

Jagdeo was at the time being interviewed on the radio show “Hot Seat” by radio host Curtis Armstrong, popularly known as “DJ Casual” when it was pointed out that the majority of the voting population are youths.
“We have always kept our promise to young people. I started off in the PPP as a Minister in my 20s. I became President at 35 years old. I’m still in the party. When I was President, over 60 per cent of my Cabinet was in their 20s, 30s and 40s. You had young Permanent Secretaries. You had young people representing us everywhere.”

Opposition Leader
Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

“It’s the same with the party leadership now. If you look at it, it’s a combination of young people and older people. Look at our representation in Parliament. And most importantly, we chose a Presidential Candidate who is now 39 years old. And he came into Government when he was in his 20s. He has experience.”

In fact, Jagdeo noted that the People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) Presidential Candidate, Irfaan Ali, has more experience in Government than President Granger himself. And he pointed to the fact that the older generation even dominates the narrative being spun by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC).
“He [Irfaan Ali] has experience, unlike President Granger himself. He [David Granger] didn’t have governmental experience when he came into office. And so this is why they are lost, visionless, floundering at sea. So to us, young people are important, not just for sports or culture,” he said.

President David Granger’s original Cabinet

“You cannot be burdened by the past generation. Every time you open the papers, it’s Lincoln Lewis, people who are in their 60s, 70s already, trying to define our future. Where are the young people? We want to get past all this stuff. The young people of this country want to move forward.”

Jagdeo noted that under the coalition Government, housing has slowed and jobs have dried up. These things, he said, are issues that youths care about. It was earlier this year that Minister of Social Cohesion, Dr George Norton had revealed that youth unemployment was at 40 per cent.

PPP/C Presidential Candidate, Dr Irfaan Ali

In April of this year, hundreds of young people who were unemployed had crowded the National Sports Hall, Homestretch Avenue, Georgetown, where the Department of Youth held its first job fair to address the scourge of unemployment.
Senior Research, Planning and Development Officer within the Department, Adeti De Jesus told Guyana Times that the unemployed youths turned up to the Sports Hall before 07:00h to be interviewed.
According to her, when the officials arrived to open the doors, youths were already lined up outside. In fact, youths who had become desperate for employment after being at home for a number of years took the opportunity to apply online for the job fair prior to Friday’s event.
Some 701 online applications were received, De Jesus said, while other youths showed up to the event without being registered. Those persons were referred to the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency where they were interviewed for future employment.


Source: The Beacon Of Truth...Guyana Times.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

A youthful Dr Irfaan Ali PhD will lead the youth charge against the geriatric cabal!

And those geriatrics will unleash their equally youthful supporters to repel said charge. And u know how that will turn out.

The only leading Phd Ali will be doing is talking his youthful supporters to the nearest pasture in Leanora to graze under the beautiful Guyana sunshine ( weather permitting)

PNC ain't going anyway. If they were, they would have done so already.

Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

A youthful Dr Irfaan Ali PhD will lead the youth charge against the geriatric cabal!

And those geriatrics will unleash their equally youthful supporters to repel said charge. And u know how that will turn out.

The only leading Phd Ali will be doing is talking his youthful supporters to the nearest pasture in Leanora to graze under the beautiful Guyana sunshine ( weather permitting)

PNC ain't going anyway. If they were, they would have done so already.

You sound like a traitor!!😡


It was Jagdeo and the PPP which won a landslide at LGE by some 50,000 votes.

It was Jagdeo who beat the PNC to the punch by putting forward a no confidence motion and mashing up the PNC despite Moses and PNC challenging to “Bring it on”

It was the PNC which ran to CCJ to stop Jagdeo from running a third time cause they are scared Shyte of Jagdeo winning.

It is the PNC stalling and violating the constitution and hiding from elections like antimen.

Jagdeo is a two term democratically elected President.

All elections under the PPP were declared free and fair by the international community.

PNC is a 28 percent party and AFC is dead. 

PNC promised young people a "good life" and "jobs jobs jobs" gave them Katahar. Jackass Granger put a bunch of PNC dinosaurs in charge and told young people to go sell Gata, Pera and Plantain chips.

Ray needs to put on his thinking cap and the Guyanese people don’t want A return of KSI to line up for food again. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Baseman posted:

A youthful Dr Irfaan Ali PhD will lead the youth charge against the geriatric cabal!

And those geriatrics will unleash their equally youthful supporters to repel said charge. And u know how that will turn out.

The only leading Phd Ali will be doing is talking his youthful supporters to the nearest pasture in Leanora to graze under the beautiful Guyana sunshine ( weather permitting)

PNC ain't going anyway. If they were, they would have done so already.

You sound like a traitor!!😡

Nah bai, jus calling a spade a spade..


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