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Young professionals endorse PPP/C’s “Plan for Prosperity”

At the launch of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) 2020 elections campaign on Sunday, several young professionals eagerly endorsed the Party’s “Plan for Prosperity”.

Entrepreneur Susan Rodrigues

The PPP/C had among its list of speakers a number of young professionals.
One issue that stood out in all their speeches was the fact that they lamented the broken promises of the APNU/AFC coalition to create opportunities and a better life for young people in Guyana. Thus, they urged the crowd, especially youths, to vote for the PPP/C, which is the only party that they believe has the best interest of youths at heart.
The current Vice Chair of Region One (Barima-Waini), Sarah Browne, described to the crowd her personal experience with the PPP/C as a young woman who was able to contribute to Guyana because of the Party providing opportunities for youths across our country.

Dr Erica Forte

“Almost five years ago, at the age of 23, voting for the first time, I strongly endorsed and campaigned for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic based on nothing more or nothing less than a progressive track record— a decision to date I have not regretted… I stand here today [Sunday] as evidence that the People’s Progressive Party believes in the abilities and capabilities of young people regardless of our ethnicity, regardless of our religion and regardless of whatever differences we may have,” she stated.
Browne went on further to lament the struggles which the residents of Region One have faced since the coalition assumed office in 2015.

Attorney-at-law, Savitri Parag

“…I travelled from Region One, a region where we are fed up, sick and tired of this Government. We are fed up because the increased taxes [have] begun to take its toll, and our lives… the cost of living has become higher. We are currently experiencing severe fuel shortage and a hike in fuel prices, so yes we’re fed up. We are fed up because this Government has failed to address our land titling issues and land extension issues which are necessary and important for our survival as Amerindians. We are fed up because this Government has refused to look at the interest of our farmers… Yes, we are definitely fed up because the funding from Government has dried up for sports, for culture, for other infrastructure, and so yes our region is definitely fed up,” she passionately expressed.

Region One Vice Chair Sarah Browne

The Vice Chair also made her case for the PPP/C and why it is critical that they are elected into office at this upcoming General and Regional Elections.
“As a young Amerindian woman, I believe that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic is the only party that believes in equality, that believes in inclusive governance and that believes that there is a place for all of us in our leadership. Compare that to a Government that campaigned strongly and appealed to young people for their support, who today, in Government, most of them are eligible for pension or they’re getting there”.
Another young woman, Susan Rodrigues, who is an entrepreneur, told her tale to the crowd about feeling deceived by the APNU/AFC coalition government and did not hold back on listing all the failures and deceptions she feels the Government has meted out to every Guyanese over the past five years.
“I was born and raised in a family of ordinary, hardworking people like most of you here today. But if you had asked me five years ago where I saw myself in the future, I would not have said in politics. But after having witnessed the deception by the APNU/AFC Government, their abuses in office, the flagrant violation of our Constitution, the incompetence, the corruption, the escalating cost of living, the decline in our economy, the exclusion of young people, the desperate need to hang on to the perks of office, I cannot and will not as a young, educated, professional woman, be excluded from the political arena anymore,” she said.
Further, she added: “I watched on as the coalition took the reins of power in 2015 and I can never forget their first act in office: they raised their own salaries. It is on our minds and it is in our hearts we remember how you made us feel when some of their salaries were raised by 100 per cent. They took care of themselves. They immediately forgot about us, they forgot about you, they forgot about the people that put them there. That one act would determine and shape Granger’s entire presidency and the legacy of his Government. They took care of themselves”.
Medical doctor, Erica Forte, also stated her case, specifically with regard to the failure of the Government in improving healthcare in Guyana but she expressed her confidence in and support of the PPP/C’s plans, especially for the health sector.
“As a young woman who intends to raise a family in this environment, I, like so many others, no matter where I am, I want to have access to quality healthcare. PPP/C intends to correct this…my people, the time has come for us to take a stand like we did in 1992 to correct the wrong that occurred in 2015. 2020 is our time. Let us secure our victory together,” Forte posited.
Further, Savitri Parag, an Attorney-at-Law, also gave her take on how she believes the coalition government failed young people and why they should not be allowed to return.
“The reality is there is oppression pushed in every corner of the society and especially so with our young people… The progression of a lawless society has caused young people to wonder whether there is a future for them in this illegal administration; young people who are qualified and hungry to give back to their country. Instead, they are victimised by not having jobs, by being demoted from positions for which they are well qualified. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the high positions in the public systems are filled with persons over their 60s and upwards and with political associations. There is no room left for the upward mobility of our youths,” Parag explained.
In 2015, the APNU/AFC coalition’s campaign was focused mainly on targeting young people who they promised would be the pivot of their Government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sean posted:

Young people are frustrated after Jackass Granger told them to sell Plantain Chips and cook up rice after they graduate from University.

Banna...look like you operating from an office in FREEDUMB HOUSE...why you gotta defend every little crap the PPP says it is going to do?

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Young people are frustrated after Jackass Granger told them to sell Plantain Chips and cook up rice after they graduate from University.

Banna...look like you operating from an office in FREEDUMB HOUSE...why you gotta defend every little crap the PPP says it is going to do?

How about giving up trying to graduate and sell plantain chips, dry coconut, and all together(cookup rice)?


PPP is by far the better local party ever to grace Guyana's soil.

The most sacred feature of a democracy is the right to vote in a free and fair elections and to that end the PNC failed miserably during both stints of their rule. They do not have the confidence of the people and they know it and so they have to prevent people from voicing their choice. The only way they got into power is by hatching on to another party that was stupid enough to allow it. The UF of the 60's and the AFC of the last decade quickly learned what wallaba feels like in their asses. But as both of those two parties made stupid decisions, the masses suffer.

Time to return the PPP to the helm of government so the country can start moving forward again.


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