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Former Member


OVER a period of 11 days in Region 10, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill held 18 meetings with residents, culminating in Block 22, Wismar, where he emphasised to the residents that their future lies in their own hands. Seeking to dispel rumours that Region 10 is neglected by the Administration, Minister Edghill told the gathering that Government’s policies and programmes are crafted for the development of every citizen, irrespective of their political affiliation or geographical location.

“We must recognise that the outcome of life as an individual is based on choices we make, you can either allow yourselves to be seen as outcasts or you can change that perception; nobody defines you, you define yourselves.”

Minister Edghill called on the residents to move away from the ‘victim syndrome’ and start making decisions that will better their lives and that of their children.

“Don’t allow people to define you, when you do that you will have problems, no matter what people say about you, you must make a choice of how you carry yourself; and with dignity, you can lift yourselves out of poverty.”

The residents were urged to reflect on their past actions of engagement, with the aim of trying to see how fruitful and beneficial those have been for their community.

“If you keep doing one thing over and over, and you keep getting the same result, isn’t it time to try something different, which might give a different result?”

However, in moving forward with Government and the relevant authorities playing their roles, Minister Edghill stressed the need to revive community spirit in Region 10.

“We need your cooperation at the minimum if we are going to do our part. We need your cooperation, revive community spirit, and what we are doing and saying should be in the interest of all, we must also cross the line of prejudice and start seeing a bright future.”

Further, the Minister informed the residents that they need to hold their elected regional leaders to task as there continues to be very little engagement between the region and Central Government.

It was noted that such engagement is critical for the region to move forward and get the kind of development it deserves.

Meanwhile several issues, including, high water bills, street lighting in some areas, deplorable roads, and the needs for proper recreational facilities for youths were raised by residents as they sought Government’s intervention.

However while the Minister noted the issues raised; he took the time to point out some of the issues that should be addressed at the level of their town council.

“In every region you have a regional democratic council, and they are supposed to represent you and give voice to your dreams and make known to the Government your wishes and desires, and how they can be best served; the truth is the engagement between central Government and the Region is almost non-existent,” he acknowledged.

As he promised Government’s interventions where necessary, he called on residents to demand more at their regional level as it is their responsibility to visit communities, see what their needs are and make proper representation for budgetary allocations.

In his closing remarks, the Minister thanked the residents for coming out, as it reflects positively, and shows that there are still persons in Region 10 who are willing to engage in dialogue with the aim of furthering development in their communities.




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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Minister Edghill called on the residents to move away from the ‘victim syndrome’ and start making decisions that will better their lives and that of their children.


Let them work and earn what they want to own. Don't give them more welfare.

Lazy people always blame someone else for their plight.


The people and all of guyana will be contributive to their upliftment if the get local control of their districts and can make decisions for themselves. That they are denied local elections to select their representatives on their own is solely a consequence of roadblocks by the PPP

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The people and all of guyana will be contributive to their upliftment if the get local control of their districts and can make decisions for themselves. That they are denied local elections to select their representatives on their own is solely a consequence of roadblocks by the PPP


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The people and all of guyana will be contributive to their upliftment if the get local control of their districts and can make decisions for themselves. That they are denied local elections to select their representatives on their own is solely a consequence of roadblocks by the PPP


LGE will have no effect on lazy people. They want and depend on welfare.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Minister Edghill called on the residents to move away from the ‘victim syndrome’ and start making decisions that will better their lives and that of their children.


Let them work and earn what they want to own. Don't give them more welfare.

Lazy people always blame someone else for their plight.

Your usual racism at work.  Lindeners go all over the country seeking work opportunities, in gold, forestry, etc.  They have NO expectations of expecting any help from the PPP which despises them because they are blacks.  Noted Uncle Tom stooge Edghill states exactly that. Did he acknowledge attempts made by mnay Lindners to survive despite the NEGLECT that it has suffered under the PPP. 


Has the PPP attempted to defend Lindeners from the abuse which they suffer from the Chinese?  NO!


Has the PPP attempted to develop alternate industries in Linden, that would utilize what was (at least up to 2002) the SECOND LARGEST pool of skilled workers in Guyana?  NO!


Edghill just needs ti thank his PPP gods that Lindeners didn't drive him out of that town for chatting his bigoted bile!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Can someone tell me what are Edghills qualifications to be a Junior Minister of finance? I am just curious..........please do share.

He hates himself as a black man and he loved drinking rotten PPP milk.  These are the only blacks who the PPP respects.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Can someone tell me what are Edghills qualifications to be a Junior Minister of finance? I am just curious..........please do share.

He hates himself as a black man and he loved drinking rotten PPP milk.  These are the only blacks who the PPP respects.

And he is much higher up the food chain than you are!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Minister Edghill called on the residents to move away from the ‘victim syndrome’ and start making decisions that will better their lives and that of their children.


Let them work and earn what they want to own. Don't give them more welfare.

Lazy people always blame someone else for their plight.

Your usual racism at work.  Lindeners go all over the country seeking work opportunities, in gold, forestry, etc.  They have NO expectations of expecting any help from the PPP which despises them because they are blacks.  Noted Uncle Tom stooge Edghill states exactly that. Did he acknowledge attempts made by mnay Lindners to survive despite the NEGLECT that it has suffered under the PPP. 


Has the PPP attempted to defend Lindeners from the abuse which they suffer from the Chinese?  NO!


Has the PPP attempted to develop alternate industries in Linden, that would utilize what was (at least up to 2002) the SECOND LARGEST pool of skilled workers in Guyana?  NO!


Edghill just needs ti thank his PPP gods that Lindeners didn't drive him out of that town for chatting his bigoted bile!

So why they complain if they are gainfully employed. There are lazy bums all over the world.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

LGE will have no effect on lazy people. They want and depend on welfare.

Please itemize the type of welfare that people in Linden get.  The PPP sold te loss making Guymine to the Chinese who fired most of them.  They refuse to do the same to Guysuco. 


Guysuco will never be profitable because its lowest projected production costs remain HIGHER than world prices.  Yet the PPP keeps this albatross rather than selling it off to the Chinese.


The day that Guysuco is sold and thousands of sugar workers end up on the breadline you can bray your racist bile.


Shelly quit with your racist stereotypes, I guess sugar workers are lazy also?


The entire public sector are lazy also? All the teachers, policemen, Healthcare workers and other government employees are lazy also but your PPP are nothing but super stars who are saving their earnings and getting obscenely wealthy?


You really are dumb as you sound.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So why they complain if they are gainfully employed. There are lazy bums all over the world.

Why did Indians complain under the PNC and  set fire to cane fields? 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

And he is much higher up the food chain than you are!!!

If you mean closer to those PPP predators who will gobble him out and defecate most of him, as he is mere human waste, then he is welcome to that.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

LGE will have no effect on lazy people. They want and depend on welfare.

Funny, Bunrham used to say the same thing when it came to national elections.  He saw them as serving no useful purpose.


I see that the PPP=PNC in seeing that Guyanese ought not to be involved in selecting who they wish to lead them.  The PPP is afraid to rig these elections, so they simply just not have them. And now they claim that there is no need for them.


Then they blame those who lead local municipalities.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So why they complain if they are gainfully employed. There are lazy bums all over the world.

Why did Indians complain under the PNC and  set fire to cane fields? 

The security guards empolyed by the PNC set fire to the sugar cane fields.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So why they complain if they are gainfully employed. There are lazy bums all over the world.

Why did Indians complain under the PNC and  set fire to cane fields? 

The security guards empolyed by the PNC set fire to the sugar cane fields.

Sorry the PPP hooligans boasted about setting fire to the cane fields to their communist friends in the UK and elsewhere.  Don't try and change that story now.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So why they complain if they are gainfully employed. There are lazy bums all over the world.

Why did Indians complain under the PNC and  set fire to cane fields? 

The security guards empolyed by the PNC set fire to the sugar cane fields.


it was an attempt to blame the PPP.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So why they complain if they are gainfully employed. There are lazy bums all over the world.

Why did Indians complain under the PNC and  set fire to cane fields? 

The security guards empolyed by the PNC set fire to the sugar cane fields.


it was an attempt to blame the PPP.

I see so when the PPP boasted to their communist friends in the UK that they were burning down canes and engaging in other forms of economic sabotage they were doing so to make themselves look bad.  Hmmmmm!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So why they complain if they are gainfully employed. There are lazy bums all over the world.

Why did Indians complain under the PNC and  set fire to cane fields? 

The security guards empolyed by the PNC set fire to the sugar cane fields.


it was an attempt to blame the PPP.

I see so when the PPP boasted to their communist friends in the UK that they were burning down canes and engaging in other forms of economic sabotage they were doing so to make themselves look bad.  Hmmmmm!!!

yugi is an EXTREMELY STUPID individual, he talks of things he knows nothing of.


Telling us Lindeners that our future lies in our own hands is an insult. The Chinese owners of the electricity plant have had more help from the PPP, than black Lindeners have had in the last 22 years. Unless you are Indo or Chinese, you are nothing in the eyes of the PPP regime.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So why they complain if they are gainfully employed. There are lazy bums all over the world.

Why did Indians complain under the PNC and  set fire to cane fields? 

The security guards empolyed by the PNC set fire to the sugar cane fields.


it was an attempt to blame the PPP.

I see so when the PPP boasted to their communist friends in the UK that they were burning down canes and engaging in other forms of economic sabotage they were doing so to make themselves look bad.  Hmmmmm!!!

Prove it. Those were just rumors. No hearsay.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Prove it. Those were just rumors. No hearsay.

We know that the PPP went on strike. We know that the PNC sent people to cut cane to ensure that sugar was produced.  We know that PPP strikers burnt canes to prevent this.


So why don't you prove that the PNC burnt canes?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PPP sabotaged the economy by burning cane.

Bai Brian, you show up. You like wan hydra. Where are your other heads hiding?

Check your bt.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PPP sabotaged the economy by burning cane.

Bai Brian, you show up. You like wan hydra. Where are your other heads hiding?

Check your bt.

You finished watching your cartoons on PBS? Shows your juvenile mentality. Do you even know what'a a hydra?


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