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Former Member

It's a little premature to strike this note, but since the government of the day has failed miserably since taking office, the question must be asked: Do you think APNU/AFC coalition government deserves a second term in office?

I am in the process of sending an email to Dr. Vishnu Bisram to arrange an independent polling on how the citizens of Guyana rate their government performance to date, and how likely they are to vote the coalition back in office for a second term.

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No, I do not think so. Some of my reasons -

They are unable to manage the economy.

they are unable to deal with corruption  they seem to be part of the problem

cannot manage public relations - bad optics

have not really articulated a clear vision of their priorities in government.

poor management at the ministerial level

continue to loose sight of the bigger picture and deal with little things that have no effect on improving the quality of life of guyanese

perception of the level of crime in the country has not changed

the productive sector, other than gold has been in trouble and continue to be in trouble.

militaristic trend in the government 

are doing some of the same things that they accused the previous government of 


the level of taxes that they have imposed on the poor and working class

no concrete action to encourage growth in the private sector




Regardless what the diaspora says, the people there will have to decide.  They need to be convinced of all we say and that the PPP will be better.  Only they will decide if they get a second term, and if they are given fair and square, then they deserve the chance and the people deserve what ever they get!

I hope the PNC respect the will of the people regadless of the outcome.


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