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Youth organisation launches programme to combat suicide

Students of the New Amsterdam Technical Institute during Collins’ presentation on the PYARG

Students of the New Amsterdam Technical Institute during Collins’ presentation on the PYARG

Youths need to be provided with meaningful interventions and long term programmes to combat suicide and crime. This is according to the Executive Officer of the President’s Youth Award Republic of Guyana, Alistair Collins.
Collins recently returned from what he deemed as a successful outreach to the New Amsterdam, Region Six area. He said the organisation’s aim is to elevate the morale of the community, given the recent number of suicides and criminal activity in the area.
The official said the focus will be on self-awareness, motivational leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Collins added that the youth award programme will also be promoting social cohesion within the community.

Collins further stated that PYARG has had a significant presence in the region since the award was officially launched in 1998. However he explained that the programme was not too satisfied with the turn out at this present launch.
Nonetheless he said the award has reformulated its plan to better suit the youths it intends to engage.
“At the launch of the PYARG programme at the New Amsterdam Technical Institute we have seen over 500 persons signing on to the award.”Collins noted.

It is hoped that the PYARG would be a positive distraction in the form of a non-formal education programme that youths are happy to be involved with. He noted that through interactions with members of the community, he was informed that many youths in the area are in need of meaningful activities to engage their time.
“The president youth award is a programme that can have them (youths) meaningfully engaged in community services, the learning of skills and involve them in physical recreation as well as the much anticipated adventurous journeys which exposes them to the wonders and beauty of Guyana.”
Collins said that many times youth and circumstances are blamed for many issues in society, but no one offers many consequential programmes to change things.
“We often just sit and criticise; we have to work together with the young people, together with the community, together with the adults so we can effect lasting change.”

The official said while in Region Six he met with the Mayor of New Amsterdam, Kirt Wynter, who pledged his full support to the programme and all activities.
PYARG will also be constructing a basketball court and a mini lawn tennis court at the Lochaber Primary school in the near future. This, Collins said, will be a form of community service for participants of the programme



This is a very good start,I applaud those staying the course.

However Granger et al already sport out the money from the treasury left by the PPP on 50% raises for themselves and other extravagances to party faithful and putting down payment on Amerindian votes. 

These clowns in office have no plans to address the suicide problem in Guyana such as public service messages, making it part of the curriculum in school at an early age, mental health services, suicide hotline etc. 


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