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Youths omitted from APNU+AFC List of Candidates


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With Nomination Day over, there has been much talk about the List of Candidates for various parties. The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), in a press release, showed a diverse mix of both new, young and elderly person on their List of Candidates. 

However, the APNU+AFC Coalition List of Candidates was criticized heavily by political commentators for no bolstering youths.

In fact, the APNU+AFC List of Candidates contained many welder citizens, including many involved in a series of scandals.

Political commentators has questioned why the lack of youths on the APNU+AFC List of Candidates promising that youths will be the main focus. Further, the said political commentators have argued that those featured on the APNU+AFC List of Candidates are the same old uninspiring persons who were in Government post 2015.

Some controversial figures and those involve in scandals on the list are:

1. Valerie Adams-Yearwood

2. Simona Broomes

3. Sherod Duncan

4. Annette Fergusson

5. Roysdale Forde

6. Joseph Harmon

7. Catherine Hughes

8. Volda Lawrence

9. David Patterson

10. Khemraj Ramjattan

The National and Regional Elections will be held on the 2nd March 2020.


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