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Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Happy Birthday Chief.

Attn: Mars

You seem to have a lot of idle time on your hands and it has become the Devil's workshop.

I publicly apologized right here at GNI for my once outrageous claims towards Chief and publicly stated my embarrassment at those comments.

Admin should give Mars some time out.


I understand that you guys are mostly all Indians here and the Apan Jhat support mechanism comes into play. In a case like this you folks will support abee mattie regardless. It's all par for the course with me posting on GNI. I'm an outsider and I don't roll with any cliques. But it just goes to show the level of hypocrisy of most of you outright racists. All of a sudden Chief is an angel when you already know that Chief has made posts here in support of terrorists and you have called him out for it. You're caught with your pants down and now you want to turn the blame on me. Not gonna work.

The Admin is free to act however he pleases. It's his forum. Mars will be alive and kicking even though rumors are thrown around here that I am dead, I had a heart attack and whatever else those morons try to use to silence me.

believe it or not i agree you. some of the heading of topics by two guys in particular appears to be sympathetic to ISIS endeavors. They appear to wish America evil, strange how ppl demonstrate gratitudes. 


seignet posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Happy Birthday Chief.

Attn: Mars

You seem to have a lot of idle time on your hands and it has become the Devil's workshop.

I publicly apologized right here at GNI for my once outrageous claims towards Chief and publicly stated my embarrassment at those comments.

Admin should give Mars some time out.


I understand that you guys are mostly all Indians here and the Apan Jhat support mechanism comes into play. In a case like this you folks will support abee mattie regardless. It's all par for the course with me posting on GNI. I'm an outsider and I don't roll with any cliques. But it just goes to show the level of hypocrisy of most of you outright racists. All of a sudden Chief is an angel when you already know that Chief has made posts here in support of terrorists and you have called him out for it. You're caught with your pants down and now you want to turn the blame on me. Not gonna work.

The Admin is free to act however he pleases. It's his forum. Mars will be alive and kicking even though rumors are thrown around here that I am dead, I had a heart attack and whatever else those morons try to use to silence me.

believe it or not i agree you. some of the heading of topics by two guys in particular appears to be sympathetic to ISIS endeavors. They appear to wish America evil, strange how ppl demonstrate gratitudes. 


I just knew that one of these days we would agree on something. 👍

A lot more people agree with what I said, they just cannot show it especially since I don’t support the PPP blindly and I've become Public Enemy #1. You just have to laugh at some of them coming out of the woodwork now showing support for the Angel Chief when they themselves have accused him of posting in support of terrorists previously.






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Last edited by Mars

Yugi publicly apologised and yet Mars cannot accept that.

He continues to lie and fabricate this shit about me being a terrorist and he is brining race into this.

I challenge Mars to produce one piece of my posting here where I support terrorism.



Chief I seem to recall you being upset when some mention was made about terrorists not buried by Islamic I correct?

Now this might have come over as sympathising with them where to you they should be buried in the way of their religion and that would piss people off, especially when at times we hear from Muslims that these people are going against their teachings. 

What is your take on this? Maybe by your answer this issue could be put to rest...or....

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Chief I seem to recall you being upset when some mention was made about terrorists not buried by Islamic I correct?

Now this might have come over as sympathising with them where to you they should be buried in the way of their religion and that would piss people off, especially when at times we hear from Muslims that these people are going against their teachings. 

What is your take on this? Maybe by your answer this issue could be put to rest...or....

I was not upset.

All I stated that it is the duty of every Muslim to offer the funeral prayer or Janaza for another Muslim.


Given a charged atmosphere it might not be politically correct but religiously it is.

International treaties are signed that in war bodies should be handed over for proper burial to the home country. What I mentioned then and will say again, is that I feel,  Osama Bin Ladin body should not have been thrown out at sea.  We already killed him and rightfully so, but his body should have been returned for a proper Islamic burial.

As an American I will like to see that if any of our fellow American  is captured and killed at least the family deserve to have the body for a proper burial.

Last edited by Chief

But why should someone who disrespects the people they either killed or maimed and also disrespects their religion with acts against what their religion "supposedly teaches" be treated with any respect, dead or alive?

I believe you even said these people are not acting as true Islamists should, so why should they be treated as such? If you treat them as such you are saying they have acted according to the Islam teaching. 

Do you know if the taliban sent home all the bodies of those they slaughtered so that they receive decent burials?

Last edited by cain
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