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GNI's resident Brahmin screams of "ethnic cleansing" in the crabwood creek robbery right hay turns to be more indian on indian crime, fighting over money.



– admits to “setting it up”

By Andrew Carmichael

Police have arrested the husband involved in Sunday’s Crabwood Creek, Berbice robbery, and he has told investigators that he had planned the robbery.

Reports are that Krishnadatt Jettoo and his wife were beaten by five gunmen who invaded the couple’s Crabwood Creek home and took away in excess of $5 million in cash and jewellery.

Police in conducting their investigation interviewed the Jettoos and received conflicting reports.

Information reaching Guyana Times indicated that Jettoo told the Police that the men had a long gun, but his nine-year-old son corrected him saying that it was a short gun.

Investigators became interested and started treating Jettoo as a person of interest.

They held him as a suspect after learning that the intruders gained entry from the bathroom window which was the only window in the house where the grill was secured with screws.

This was something that only family members would have knew. Also the door to the upper flat was left open when the couple retired to bed.

Jettoo was arrested on Tuesday and taken into custody and later provided investigators with information on the robbery.

Acting Commander of B Division (Berbice), Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, speaking of the investigation, said it was revealed that the couple were going through a divorce and the husband set the criminals on his wife.

“But he never expected that they would have beaten him like that. He was beaten severely, but he was hoping that he would have received a couple slaps so that it would not look as though he set it up. He told us that he never expected the boys to be so ruthless.”

This, the Senior Superintendent noted, was said in the presence of Jettoo’s lawyer.

Watts said the Police were going to investigate all robberies. “We will not take anything for granted and ensure that the robbery is not planned internally.”

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Jagdeo can stage ee own robbery

September 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

De police now finding out that nuff of dem robberies, home invasion and kidnapped are staged. Even dem murders not what some people would want de public to believe.

Tek de husband who shoot he wife in Berbice and seh how gunmen come in de blackout and shoot he wife while he was hiding in de bathroom.

De police ketch him and charge him fuh murder.

Dem had this Crabwood Creek man who want he wife feel sorry fuh him. De woman was leffing him and he didn’t mean to tek lef and allow another man fuh walk in suh he hire three men fuh come in de house and terrorise he and he wife,

He write a note to de men fuh direct dem how to beat him and wha dem must do to de wife. In de note dem boys read, he write how one of de men must seh, “Shoot he sk**; shoot he sk**” because de man want de wife to feel sorry fuh him.

Dem hear he get a sound beating but he wife get more than he. He then whisper to de men “I didn’t pay y’all fuh all that licks.” De police ketch this one too as well as de bandits who beat him.

Then dem got this worker who stage de $4.5 million robbery. He do this thing next to CID headquarters. He then lef and go to CID and report it. While he reporting it, an officer who pass and see him wid de bandit ask, “Is not you and that thief man I just see laughing and gaffing cross de road?” Right away he start sweat and de police know he lying.

Dem boys hear de police lef and go straight to de thief man house. Dem ketch de thief man wid de money. De thief man, Caesar de police seh, refuse to bear he chafe and spill de whole plan.

Jagdeo is another stage man. He stage a wedding wha half de country attend. He then tun round and seh that he never married.

He stage Donald term in office. When people believe that Donald was leading de country, it was de same Jagdeo.

Dem boys seh don’t be surprised if he hire he scampish friends dem to stage a robbery to thief out some of he assets fuh hide ee real worth and then invite de media to come and see what ee really own.

Dem boys want tell him that this is Guyana; whatever you think you do in de dark, does come to light.

Talk half and remind Jagdeo and he friends de jail cell dark.


What's going on in Guyana is quite disturbing, with this family on family crime that now seems to be the norm.

What the hell has happened that makes someone go against their own in this manner and this frequent?


If Yugi, really cares he would keep politics out of this.



Originally Posted by cain:

What's going on in Guyana is quite disturbing, with this family on family crime that now seems to be the norm.

What the hell has happened that makes someone go against their own in this manner and this frequent?


MONEY! This is not new, just being used by Guyana Times and the indian racists like yuji as fuel for their "ethnic cleansing" chants.


Carmen Ganesh, 77 years old was stomped to death, her murder paid for by a relative in a land squabble with her. Patricia Kendall was murdered by her husband, again over money. And now this crabwood creek incident.


In each case the indo KKK gang led by Brahmin Yugi screamed the murders were "ethnic cleansing" by black man acting on the orders of Granger and Harmon. Turns out it's just Indians behaving badly in their mad quest for "disposable income". Rite brahmin Yugi?

Originally Posted by cain:

What's going on in Guyana is quite disturbing, with this family on family crime that now seems to be the norm.

What the hell has happened that makes someone go against their own in this manner and this frequent?


If Yugi, really cares he would keep politics out of this.



There are junkies everywhere and no one is aware how dangerous this is because most of them are still protected by family and their disease accommodated and  hidden least the reputation is lost. They commit most of the petty crimes and some of the more serious ones.


The government has to acknowledge they have a drug problem and establish treatment centers and PSAs to inform the people of the danger of having a junkie in their midst. These people are like the walking dead. They eat the living.

Originally Posted by cain:

What's going on in Guyana is quite disturbing, with this family on family crime that now seems to be the norm.

What the hell has happened that makes someone go against their own in this manner and this frequent?


If Yugi, really cares he would keep politics out of this.



Cain, this atmosphere of greed and selfishness was created by Jagdeo, his ministers, ROs and NDCs.

Families became very greedy and selfish that they learn from the past government and would even take advantage of each other, sometimes with violence. There are many examples of this happening. 


Its really bad as Django mentioned. Even NGOs who want to help, feel unsafe  while staying with 'friends', who would often take advantage of them in their own homes. 'Friends' would steal from NGOs and lie, even when strong evidence points to them.

This is huge concern for NGOs operating in Guyana, they don't know who to trust and it is the main obstacle to developing the people and country.


I am not sure how this could be resolved. Maybe generations with National Unity governments, where trust and compassion is re-established.   

Originally Posted by Itaname:

GNI's resident Brahmin screams of "ethnic cleansing" in the crabwood creek robbery right hay turns to be more indian on indian crime, fighting over money.



– admits to “setting it up”

By Andrew Carmichael

Police have arrested the husband involved in Sunday’s Crabwood Creek, Berbice robbery, and he has told investigators that he had planned the robbery.

Reports are that Krishnadatt Jettoo and his wife were beaten by five gunmen who invaded the couple’s Crabwood Creek home and took away in excess of $5 million in cash and jewellery.

Police in conducting their investigation interviewed the Jettoos and received conflicting reports.

Information reaching Guyana Times indicated that Jettoo told the Police that the men had a long gun, but his nine-year-old son corrected him saying that it was a short gun.

Investigators became interested and started treating Jettoo as a person of interest.

They held him as a suspect after learning that the intruders gained entry from the bathroom window which was the only window in the house where the grill was secured with screws.

This was something that only family members would have knew. Also the door to the upper flat was left open when the couple retired to bed.

Jettoo was arrested on Tuesday and taken into custody and later provided investigators with information on the robbery.

Acting Commander of B Division (Berbice), Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, speaking of the investigation, said it was revealed that the couple were going through a divorce and the husband set the criminals on his wife.

“But he never expected that they would have beaten him like that. He was beaten severely, but he was hoping that he would have received a couple slaps so that it would not look as though he set it up. He told us that he never expected the boys to be so ruthless.”

This, the Senior Superintendent noted, was said in the presence of Jettoo’s lawyer.

Watts said the Police were going to investigate all robberies. “We will not take anything for granted and ensure that the robbery is not planned internally.”

Like Brahmin Yugi gone looking fuh "ethnic cleansing" victims. Come in Brahmin.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I see Yugi is in the house.

Yuji the cockroach snuck in under cover of darkness and back out quietly. Truth is like floodlights on this cockroach, he scampers away!


Yes yuji the cockroach blaming BLACKMAN, when Indians are also killing their own family.


Kari says the poor silent Indian is afraid to condemn this behavior on the part of yuji and cobra.


CRIME is a problem and ALL races suffer, and Indians are increasingly involved as perpetrators, sadly sometimes even against THEIR FAMILIES!

Originally Posted by caribny:

Yes yuji the cockroach blaming BLACKMAN, when Indians are also killing their own family.


Kari says the poor silent Indian is afraid to condemn this behavior on the part of yuji and cobra.


CRIME is a problem and ALL races suffer, and Indians are increasingly involved as perpetrators, sadly sometimes even against THEIR FAMILIES!

All these skonts hay like Nehru prattling about small time, minor offenders  Granger released, but not a WORD about the large scale DRUG culture fostered by indian drug lords. Guyanese society is now plagued with drug addicts and the resulting crime, rapes, and breakdown of the family affecting even poor indians.


But who gives a shit, as long as these pathetic, lowlife skonts like nehru, rama, cobra and Yugi can scream how Indians are rich businessmen. The piles of dead druggies and lives destroyed is just collateral damage.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
 a shit, as long as these pathetic, lowlife skonts like nehru, rama, cobra and Yugi can scream how Indians are rich businessmen. The piles of dead druggies and lives destroyed is just collateral damage.

And people like Kari enable them by pretending to be quiet and shy, and so not speaking out against them.  Yet simultaneously telling blacks that racism in Guyana is their fault, so they must beg Indians for forgiveness.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I see Yugi is in the house.

Yuji the cockroach snuck in under cover of darkness and back out quietly. Truth is like floodlights on this cockroach, he scampers away!



Block-maker’s death was a paid hit – police source

September 12, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Estranged wife in custody, claims murdered man had planned to kill her

By Romila Boodram

Murdered: Nathan Persaud

Murdered: Nathan Persaud

In a surprising turn of events, detectives probing the death of 42-year-old Nathan Persaud, who was allegedly beaten to death on Tuesday last, have arrested his estranged wife.

The woman was taken into custody a few hours after Persaud’s body was found in his living room with a stab wound to the chest, and his head bashed in with a hammer.

While police cannot connect the dots into the block-maker’s death as yet, they claimed that his estranged partner is providing vital information which can very well lead to an early breakthrough in this case.

Kaieteur News was informed that Persaud and his wife were engaged in a bitter dispute over a property located at the entrance of Diamond New Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD).

The woman allegedly told detectives that while she had nothing to do with the block-maker’s death, she was informed that her former spouse had concocted a plot with two men to execute her.

The woman claimed that she however ignored the warnings.

Police said that they have gathered enough evidence which indicates that Persaud’s death was a paid hit.

It is believed that Persaud’s killer travelled to his Lot 66 Herstelling New Scheme, EBD home from the city. They are basing their theory on the fact that the killer spent a little over 20 minutes asking residents in the area for directions to Persaud’s home.

The suspect allegedly had his victim’s address written on a piece of paper.

“It’s very clear that he (suspect) didn’t know where he was going. I am certain he never met the man he killed,” a police source said.

There are also reports that a resident from the area, after receiving a description of the alleged killer, said that she was in a mini bus with an individual who fitted the killer’s description.

The suspect is reportedly fair in complexion, about six feet tall with afro-hair style. He was wearing a pair of blue pants and was carrying a blue haversack.

Yesterday, when this newspaper revisited the scene, an individual, claiming to have seen the suspected killer, said that she was in the area on Tuesday when the man approached her.

“He had a piece of paper and he asked me if I know where Lot 66 is located and I tell him that I am not from the area and he walk away.”

A blood stained hammer recovered at the crime scene

A blood stained hammer recovered at the crime scene

Kaieteur News was informed that two days before Persaud was killed, someone had telephoned him and threatened to end his life.

“The killer called him two days before and tell him ‘I am coming to kill you’,” a relative said.

She further explained that Persaud had confided in his sons.

“He told his sons that his life was in danger and that he has to leave the country.”

This newspaper was informed that Persaud was waiting on the court matter to end.

“He tell his sons that once the court matter finish, he will transfer his shares in their names and he will go and get his visa and leave the country because he is scared,” the relative said.

Persaud’s body was discovered around 09:45 hrs on Thursday by neighbours.

The back of his head was bashed in and detectives recovered a hammer, two knives and a piece of rock, all of which had blood stains.

Neighbours said that they heard the man screaming earlier in his house but they were too scared to enter his home since they were all females.

“We called the (Providence) police station but the lines were engaged. He was screaming on and off. When the screaming stopped, we went back inside,” a neighbour said.

Kaieteur News was told that about 10 minutes after the screaming stopped, a strange man was seen walking out of Persaud’s yard.

He allegedly smiled and waved at a neighbour.


Look at dis "ethnic" cleansing. Is whey we revered Brahmin Yugi gaan? This thread is to Yugi like what kryptonite is to superman.

Last edited by Former Member

And the truth is out.  Cibra, yuji, rama, seignet, VVP, and basemen scream "black man a kill ahbee" and here we see that some of this is Indos killing Indos, or Indos paying Afros to kill Indos.


I note that the Indo KKK, and their supporters have nothing to say on this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
 a shit, as long as these pathetic, lowlife skonts like nehru, rama, cobra and Yugi can scream how Indians are rich businessmen. The piles of dead druggies and lives destroyed is just collateral damage.

And people like Kari enable them by pretending to be quiet and shy, and so not speaking out against them.  Yet simultaneously telling blacks that racism in Guyana is their fault, so they must beg Indians for forgiveness.

Where is the GNI Brahmin Yugi22?

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 hiding under his rock. Well it's raining.

Yuji has to hide de Stink Funny Fish.

Yuji Love, Admire, Protect & Defend Kwameism.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 hiding under his rock. Well it's raining.

Yuji has to hide de Stink Funny Fish.

Yuji Love, Admire, Protect & Defend Kwameism.

It looks like your are jealous of the man.  You were cleansed a long time ago, eeh?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 hiding under his rock. Well it's raining.

Yuji has to hide de Stink Funny Fish.

Yuji Love, Admire, Protect & Defend Kwameism.

It looks like your are jealous of the man.  You were cleansed a long time ago, eeh?

Yugi drink trench water and got brain damaged. Is wuh you drinking soon maaning?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 hiding under his rock. Well it's raining.

Yuji has to hide de Stink Funny Fish.

Yuji Love, Admire, Protect & Defend Kwameism.

It looks like your are jealous of the man.  You were cleansed a long time ago, eeh?

Yugi drink trench water and got brain damaged. Is wuh you drinking soon maaning?

I am not drinking PISS like you.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 hiding under his rock. Well it's raining.

Yuji has to hide de Stink Funny Fish.

Yuji Love, Admire, Protect & Defend Kwameism.

It looks like your are jealous of the man.  You were cleansed a long time ago, eeh?

Yugi drink trench water and got brain damaged. Is wuh you drinking soon maaning?

I am not drinking PISS like you.

Drunky, I am very happy for you.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

Look Yugi, mo ethnic cleansing going on. Indian people running fuh dey life. When will this stop??????

You do know that the Indo KKK, and their closet friends, will claim that blacks are like the elephant.


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