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Did you ever stop to ask why Dr Jagan and the PPP did not prosecute any of the former Ministers from the PNC Government in 1992 when the PPP won?

Are you saying that the PNC was not corrupt? They rigged every election from 1973, they did so much nonsense and yet the PPP did not pursue anything against them.

Did you ever stop to think or ask yourself  that there is a gentleman's agreement between thieves?

So stop beating the drum that because the PNC did not charge any one from the former Government that is  enough reason to say that they did not steal .



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Chief posted:


Did you ever stop to ask why Dr Jagan and the PPP did not prosecute any of the former Ministers from the PNC Government in 1992 when the PPP won?

Are you saying that the PNC was not corrupt? They rigged every election from 1973, they did so much nonsense and yet the PPP did not pursue anything against them.

Did you ever stop to think or ask yourself  that there is a gentleman's agreement between thieves?

So stop beating the drum that because the PNC did not charge any one from the former Government that is  enough reason to say that they did not steal .



Here is why, since you always need a Techa. The Carter Center made a deal with the PPP NOT to Prosecute the stinking PNC THieves for exchange of FREE and FAIR Election!!!  Every DUNCE can learn, some quicker than some!!!

Nehru posted:

The Carter Center made a deal with the PPP NOT to Prosecute the stinking PNC THieves for exchange of FREE and FAIR Election!!! 

Why would they have to make a deal for free and fair election? Do you have evidence of this deal? What was the discussion?

Carter: Let there be free and fair election.

PNC: No. We will rig.

Carter: I insist.

PNC: Okay but no prosecution for anything.

Carter: Anything?

PNC: Corruption, murder, stealing, raping.

Carter: Done.

PNC: Okay, massa. We can have free and fair elections.

That makes no sense. The man with the big stick doesn't bargain to get what he wants.

Chief posted:

Yugi you Gilly and all the other PPP suppoertes need to be in jail if what Nehru is saying istrue.

If what Nehru is saying is correct then Gillbacka  communist Daddy Jagan was an ass.

Anta thanks.

Chief, there was no deal. Here is what happened: After the election results were announced, Carter congratulated Jagan and advised him to take the high ground, not to prosecute PNC officials for peace and security. Jagan agreed. That's all.

Chief posted:

Yugi you Gilly and all the other PPP suppoertes need to be in jail if what Nehru is saying istrue.

If what Nehru is saying is correct then Gillbacka  communist Daddy Jagan was an ass.

Anta thanks.

For a Haji, you usually talk stupidness. You get your licks Good and Prappa when you labelled us as Non Believers and you start again ?

yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:

Yugi you Gilly and all the other PPP suppoertes need to be in jail if what Nehru is saying istrue.

If what Nehru is saying is correct then Gillbacka  communist Daddy Jagan was an ass.

Anta thanks.

For a Haji, you usually talk stupidness. You get your licks Good and Prappa when you labelled us as Non Believers and you start again ?

Ok Yuji, I cleared up the issue. Let us move on.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:

Yugi you Gilly and all the other PPP suppoertes need to be in jail if what Nehru is saying istrue.

If what Nehru is saying is correct then Gillbacka  communist Daddy Jagan was an ass.

Anta thanks.

For a Haji, you usually talk stupidness. You get your licks Good and Prappa when you labelled us as Non Believers and you start again ?

Ok Yuji, I cleared up the issue. Let us move on.

Fair enough but Chief likes to Ghotay Dhall and sometimes if the dhall spoil it can get nasty.

yuji22 posted:
cain posted:

Oi man is what stupidness you goin on with now eh? Lef dah jail talk for yugi...he does like say people should get jail.

You were the one who was beating your chest about PPP MP's going to jail, you look foolish nowadays. Should I repost those threads ?

No need to, I still say Jail those bastards. 

Gilbakka posted:
Chief posted:

Yugi you Gilly and all the other PPP suppoertes need to be in jail if what Nehru is saying istrue.

If what Nehru is saying is correct then Gillbacka  communist Daddy Jagan was an ass.

Anta thanks.

Chief, there was no deal. Here is what happened: After the election results were announced, Carter congratulated Jagan and advised him to take the high ground, not to prosecute PNC officials for peace and security. Jagan agreed. That's all.

Thanks Gilly. My point is jJagan took the high ground that does not mean that the PNC did not commit crime against the Guyanese people.

The boy Yugi fail to understand simple logic. 

Jagdeo belaway everything to he and his friends , today the rest is history. Probably the PNC decided to take the high ground as well. It's pay back!

This boy Yugi holding on that the PPP did no wrong, they were frigging thieves that is why they lost the elections, now we have bigger thieves. 


My view is that if you do the crime, then you do the time. I understand Jagan's reason for doing it, trying to strengthen a fragile democracy and bringing the nation together. However, his good intentions were not manifested. The nation is as divided as before and political corruption and crimes continue to exist. My view is that if the whole bunch had been prosecuted, it would have sent a message to everyone and at least have dealt with one of the problems that keep Guyana poor

Zed posted:

My view is that if you do the crime, then you do the time. I understand Jagan's reason for doing it, trying to strengthen a fragile democracy and bringing the nation together. However, his good intentions were not manifested. The nation is as divided as before and political corruption and crimes continue to exist. My view is that if the whole bunch had been prosecuted, it would have sent a message to everyone and at least have dealt with one of the problems that keep Guyana poor

I get your point, Z. But let's look at it this way: Jagan's 1961-64 government faced general strikes, riots, looting and killing orchestrated by the PNC. That horrendous experience was fresh in Jagan's mind in October 1992. Even before the election results were declared, PNC thugs were beating up people on the streets. Prime Minister Hamilton Green was adamant that Hoyte should not accept defeat. President Carter had to de-fuse the tension and real threat of disturbances by persuading Hoyte to phone Jagan and congratulate him graciously. Jagan did not want to begin his presidency with riots like 1962-64. So, no vengeance against PNC officials for peace and stability sake.

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

My view is that if the whole bunch had been prosecuted, it would have sent a message to everyone and at least have dealt with one of the problems that keep Guyana poor

That would have done two things: 1. Set a precedent that would restrict the corruption of the incoming party and establish an unwanted standard of behavior for the politicians. 2. It would have appeared an even more intense witch hunt than was complained about, resulting in worse racial conflict.

Last edited by antabanta
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Whether it's PPP, PNC, AFC, Democrats or Republicans, no matter what part of the world, most politicians are very corrupted individuals. They steal, they shove their hands down women's blouses, they they force kiss them, they grab wherever....

Boys and men are victims too. 

Oh rass, fuh true!

Chief posted:

In the meantime Yugi swearing that the Ppp boys are not corrupt.

You are a liar. This statement coming form a Haji is disgraceful.

I said that the following:

If I called you a thief and crooked businessman without providing proof, it is wrong. I made it very clear that the AFC/PNC crooks made all sorts of wild claims against the PPP and none of it has been proven.

In fact, they (PNC) have been busted for attempting to steal and denied that they received any bonus until a brave soul revealed their crookery. In addition Granger lied about putting the money into an escrow account.

One member posted that you rushed to Guyana when the PNC won and if that is true and you support the PNC why don't you grow some ball* and call up Granger and tell him directly that he is a fraud and liar ?

Why don't you highlight what the AFC/PNC crooks and criminals did ? Gil plastered you good and proper and I do not wish to repeat what was said because that was enough to expose you as a fraud and liar.

Stop bing a bare faced liar.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:

In the meantime Yugi swearing that the Ppp boys are not corrupt.

You are a liar. This statement coming form a Haji is disgraceful.

I said that the following:

If I called you a thief and crooked businessman without providing proof, it is wrong. I made it very clear that the AFC/PNC crooks made all sorts of wild claims against the PPP and none of it has been proven.

In fact, they (PNC) have been busted for attempting to steal and denied that they received any bonus until a brave soul revealed their crookery. In addition Granger lied about putting the money into an escrow account.

One member posted that you rushed to Guyana when the PNC won and if that is true and you support the PNC why don't you grow some ball* and call up Granger and tell him directly that he is a fraud and liar ?

Why don't you highlight what the AFC/PNC crooks and criminals did ? Gil plastered you good and proper and I do not wish to repeat what was said because that was enough to expose you as a fraud and liar.

Stop bing a bare faced liar.


Is the PPP corrupt? Is Jagdeo a thief? Did Jagdeo and his cabal take Guyana for a ride?

antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:

The Carter Center made a deal with the PPP NOT to Prosecute the stinking PNC THieves for exchange of FREE and FAIR Election!!! 

Why would they have to make a deal for free and fair election? Do you have evidence of this deal? What was the discussion?

Carter: Let there be free and fair election.

PNC: No. We will rig.

Carter: I insist.

PNC: Okay but no prosecution for anything.

Carter: Anything?

PNC: Corruption, murder, stealing, raping.

Carter: Done.

PNC: Okay, massa. We can have free and fair elections.

That makes no sense. The man with the big stick doesn't bargain to get what he wants.

The only workable solution is an independent sovereign country.  The PPP was in power but they never had street power to enforce the law on the streets with the exception of the vigilante squads striking back at a few criminals and Waddell who was on TV openly calling for a militant African response. How else can anyone explain Anti-koolie serials like Hamiltoon Greene and despicable ruthless characters like Larry Leewis being allowed to function as if they are Sunday school boys in society.  But in a sense it is better that these anti-koolie die in their beds shouting for another can of condense milk rather than killing them and turning them into heroes for their racist anti-koolie  supporters.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Yugi, it is the only workable solution to protect our cultural/religious identity and human rights on the South American continent. This is a watershed moment in the history of East Indian and Dougla people in Guyana.

I am slowly leaning towards agreeing with you. There was a former member of GNI named Shaitaan who said that Indos are becoming an endangered race of people in Guyana, he was also right.

Prashad posted:
antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:

The Carter Center made a deal with the PPP NOT to Prosecute the stinking PNC THieves for exchange of FREE and FAIR Election!!! 

Why would they have to make a deal for free and fair election? Do you have evidence of this deal? What was the discussion?

Carter: Let there be free and fair election.

PNC: No. We will rig.

Carter: I insist.

PNC: Okay but no prosecution for anything.

Carter: Anything?

PNC: Corruption, murder, stealing, raping.

Carter: Done.

PNC: Okay, massa. We can have free and fair elections.

That makes no sense. The man with the big stick doesn't bargain to get what he wants.

The only workable solution is an independent sovereign country.  The PPP was in power but they never had street power to enforce the law on the streets with the exception of the vigilante squads striking back at a few criminals and Waddell who was on TV openly calling for a militant African response. How else can anyone explain Anti-koolie serials like Hamiltoon Greene and despicable ruthless characters like Larry Leewis being allowed to function as if they are Sunday school boys in society.  But in a sense it is better that these anti-koolie die in their beds shouting for another can of condense milk rather than killing them and turning them into heroes for their racist anti-koolie  supporters.

What is your explanation for the rampant corruption that was clearly visible within the PPP government? What is your explanation for the blatant victimization by Jagdeo against anyone who stood between him and the opportunity to steal? Is Jagdeo African?

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

And Yugi calling me a liar.

Yugi you keep denying that the Ppp I'd not corrupt.

If the PPP was corrupt, would you say that today's PNC is more corrupt?

Not even close. Blackman can't teef like coolie. However, that is beside the point. The govt has to be accountable to the people, all the people and any govt.


What I have learned since becoming a member of GNI, PPP supporters don't like to hear about Indian thieves. Anytime there are robberies, they already picture a Blackman in their mind. At present, many cocaine users and pushers are Indians. Guyana is in a survival state for all to get a piece of the pie. Some will kill their own brother to get what they want. Blacks and Indian are in competition in every illegal trade in Guyana. That's the inconvenient truth. 

Prince posted:

What I have learned since becoming a member of GNI, PPP supporters don't like to hear about Indian thieves. Anytime there are robberies, they already picture a Blackman in their mind. At present, many cocaine users and pushers are Indians. Guyana is in a survival state for all to get a piece of the pie. Some will kill their own brother to get what they want. Blacks and Indian are in competition in every illegal trade in Guyana. That's the inconvenient truth. 

So very true!

You need to add that PPP supporters are also in the habit of harassing Indians who disagree with them.

Look at GNI , look at thier behaviour, calling everyone names and curising .

Nehru wake up in the morning and start cursing and calling people names here on GNI. One can only imagine what he do at his home, probably be greet his wife early in the morning by saying . If we can take a cue form GNI then he is capable of saying bad things to his family.


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