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Sorry for the late response. Busy with my mining investments.


Mits, I do not perform or endorse Karma Kanda sections of the Vedas. I am initiated into Iskcon and strictly follow the teachings of the Bhavagad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.


It is similar to Muslims only following the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Mohamed (PBUM).


We follow the following principles:


No eating of Fish, Meat or Eggs

No Intoxicants ( Alcohol, Coffee and Tea)

No Gambling

No relationships outside of marriage.


Very few Guyanese are initiated in Iskcon or follow these teachings. I sincerely hope that you now understand my dharmic principles and position.







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Sorry for the late response. Busy with my mining investments.


Mits, I do not perform or endorse Karma Kanda sections of the Vedas. I am initiated into Iskcon and strictly follow the teachings of the Bhavagad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.


It is similar to Muslims only following the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Mohamed (PBUM).


We follow the following principles:


No eating of Fish, Meat or Eggs

No Intoxicants ( Alcohol, Coffee and Tea)

No Gambling

No relationships outside of marriage.


Very few Guyanese are initiated in Iskcon or follow these teachings. I sincerely hope that you now understand my dharmic principles and position.







Hmmm! Pity your teachings left out castism and bigotry. 


Yugii Bhai, I appreciate your reply with great respect.


I myself do not endorse Karma Kanda, even though I would attend the shraads and participate in the performances.


I gather this much from your past postings that you follow the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.


As you know, I can be controversial. I recently had an argument with a pandit at a wake and things got a bit heated. The older heads are of the opinion that I should have stayed quiet, but the young people clapped and appreciated me for my views and for not following blindly.


I was hoping for a civil discussion with you in private. Perhaps another time. Best wishes with your investments.


Jai Shree Krishna Arpan.




Hare Krsna


Congratulations on taking on the Caste Bramhanas. It is because of them that I moved to Iskcon since I personally felt that the Karma Kanda sections of the Vedas is what allows the Caste Bramhanas from taking a stranglehold on Hindus and prevent them from thinking for themselves.


The Srimad Bhavgavatam instructs us to find out for ourselves before following blindly and you are quite correct on taking on the Pandit. A lot of these Karma Kanda practices do not apply to our times and must end but the Pandits use them to control the people who never took the time to find out for themselves.


Keep up the fight and support and encourage the young generation in restoring their dharma the way is should be practiced. Always protect Dharma and Dharma will protect you.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

We follow the following principles: No eating of Fish, Meat or Eggs


Yuji bhai:


* Regarding those principles.


* The Rev has a question.


* You guys don't eat sushi ?


* Good Jesus Lord!


* Listen! A life without sushi is empty, meaningless and barren.


* The Rev expects an honest and straightforward answer.




A lot of the priests, pandits, imams and so-called holy men out there preaching about god and the Koran and the Bible and the Gita---a lot of these bastards are immoral---they are crooked, corrupt, depraved, indecent, lewd, vile and downright wicked:






Last edited by Former Member



I honestly do not eat Sushi. In fact, my mother told me that since I was a baby, that I would spit out any fish, meats or eggs that she gave to me and for whatever reasons she stopped eating those products while she was pregnant for me.


I have never tasted it since I can remember and have a vegetarian wife and children. Hence I do not miss or have any desire to eat them.


That said, I am not a radical and do not condemn anybody's lifestyle or choice. We have the intelligence to choose and we all choose to eat differently. 



Originally Posted by Rev:

A lot of the priests, pandits, imams and so-called holy men out there preaching about god and the Koran and the Bible and the Gita---a lot of these bastards are immoral---they are crooked, corrupt, depraved, indecent, lewd, vile and downright wicked:









I do not disagree but we must be careful not to brand everyone with the same brush. We must educate ourselves in the matters of scripture before following blindly and we will not be conned by some of the people that you mentioned. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev I honestly do not eat Sushi---I have never tasted it since I can remember



* Well! Well! Well!


* The Rev admires your honesty.


* It takes a man of caliber to publicly admit he has never tasted sushi.


* Hopefully in your next life god or nature will bestow you with the rare gift of being a sushi connoisseur.


* Anyway yuji--god loves vegetarians equally as much as he loves the few sushi connoisseurs he brought into this planet.





Originally Posted by yuji22:



I do not disagree but we must be careful not to brand everyone with the same brush.



* Did the Rev say all priests/pandits/imams, etc are immoral ?


* I don't think so.


* In fact, this is what I wrote:


A lot of the priests, pandits, imams and so-called holy men out there ...


* I said, "A lot" not "All"


* Now! Lemme repeat the entire comment:


"A lot of the priests, pandits, imams and so-called holy men out there preaching about god and the Koran and the Bible and the Gita---a lot of these bastards are immoral---they are crooked, corrupt, depraved, indecent, lewd, vile and downright wicked." Rev



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I do not disagree but we must be careful not to brand everyone with the same brush.



* Did the Rev say all priests/pandits/imams, etc are immoral ?


* I don't think so.


* In fact, this is what I wrote:


A lot of the priests, pandits, imams and so-called holy men out there ...


* I said, "A lot" not "All"


* Now! Lemme repeat the entire comment:


"A lot of the priests, pandits, imams and so-called holy men out there preaching about god and the Koran and the Bible and the Gita---a lot of these bastards are immoral---they are crooked, corrupt, depraved, indecent, lewd, vile and downright wicked." Rev




Cool Rev. I admire folks who shoot from the hip. 


I understand why Mits chose to stand up to that Pandit. That Pandit might have been one of those folks that you mentioned or he may have been totally uneducated in matters of scriptures. Mits rightfully challenged him.


It is nice to see political friends and opponents having a discussion on non political matters. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Hare Krsna


Congratulations on taking on the Caste Bramhanas. It is because of them that I moved to Iskcon since I personally felt that the Karma Kanda sections of the Vedas is what allows the Caste Bramhanas from taking a stranglehold on Hindus and prevent them from thinking for themselves.


The Srimad Bhavgavatam instructs us to find out for ourselves before following blindly and you are quite correct on taking on the Pandit. A lot of these Karma Kanda practices do not apply to our times and must end but the Pandits use them to control the people who never took the time to find out for themselves.


Keep up the fight and support and encourage the young generation in restoring their dharma the way is should be practiced. Always protect Dharma and Dharma will protect you.



just read up on ISKCON...very interesting and enlightening


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