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Former Member

Rupununi for APNU+AFC:



Amerindian women in the Rupununi this afternoon

burst out in spontaneous celebration

at the news that PPP Health Minister Bheri Ramsarran was fired.


They applauded demands for the same treatment

for Attorney General Anil Nandlall and Finance Minister Ashni Singh,

both of whom acted outside of the law.

The news that the

"slap & strip" Minister

was given the boot

came when Amerindians gathered

at Aishalton and Annai

to welcome the

Coalition's prime ministerial candidate,

Moses Nagamootoo,


Candidate Nigel Hughes and others.



Mr. Nagamootoo assured residents of Rupununi that the new Coalition Government will do these:-

1. Re-activate the Moco Moco hydro facility;

2. Complete an all-weather Lethem/Linden highway and provide good roads to link all communities;

3. Build a technical school in Region 9;

4. Provide better health services with resident surgeons;

5. Complete titles for Amerindian lands and guarantee their rights to minerals and forestry;

6. Give Amerindians first bid to contracts within their communities for local jobs;

7. Raise salary of nurses, teachers and security ranks;

8. Revisit all contracts to ensure that Amerindians are provided jobs and that communal lands are not given out without their consent;

9. All hinterland airstrips will be upgraded and works will be de- linked from those taking place at Timehri.

10. Special attention to boost quality of education and prevent high school drop out.

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