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Four men in court over Black Bush murder


Posted By David Papannah On October 16, 2013 @ 5:18 am In Local News | No Comments

Four Black Bush Polder men were yesterday charged with murdering Lesbeholden man, Jeewanlall Deonarine in a crime that has shocked and divided the agricultural community.

Carlton Chaitram, 37, of Mibicuri, South Black Bush Polder; Rajesh Singh, 38, of Lesbeholden, North Black Bush Polder; Nazim Azimulla, 42, of Johanna, South Black Bush Polder and Kumar Mangru, 17 all made their appearance Before Magistrate Rhondel Weaver at the Mibicuri court, Corentyne.

In the packed courtroom, the quartet was read the charge of murdering  Deonarine, called ‘Bingle’, 50, of Lot 12 Lesbeholden, South Black Bush Polder. The men were not required to plead after the charge was read.

Jeewanlall Deonarine

Jeewanlall Deonarine

The men were represented by Ganesh Hira.

Carlton Chaitram

Carlton Chaitram

Hira told the court that during last Tuesday his clients were taken into custody at Whim. He also told the court that on Friday the men were released on station bail of $150,000. However, they were re-arrested and charged.  He stated that the prosecution file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice on two occasions. He was at the time making an application for statements to be released to the defence.

Police Prosecutor, Corporal Althea Solomon in reply said that statements from the case cannot be disclosed at this time. She explained that it is a preliminary inquiry into the death of  Deonarine which is to be conducted and not a trial. Hence, statements are not to be disclosed. She stated further, that guided by a  ruling by the Chief Justice, unless a witness requests to refresh their memory, the prosecution cannot release any file or statements.  In the preliminary inquiry, once a witness’s memory is refreshed, counsel can make an application for statements.

Magistrate Weaver ruled against Hira’s application.

Deonarine was beaten during a confrontation at a shop on October 5th. He sustained a cavernous wound at the back of his head and blood was coming through his nose. He was found dead at around 10 pm. He was reportedly attacked by a gang of men who were consuming alcohol.

Totaram Dhanraj, the deceased’s son-in-law had told this publication that, he along with Deonarine and another person went to purchase cigarettes. His father-in-law and the driver of their car, PFF 8720, remained behind whilst he went to purchase the cigarettes. However a man, who was drinking started to rough him up while he was entering the shop. After he was punched to the face he ran and went off in the

 Rajesh Singh

Rajesh Singh

car. However, Deonarine stayed behind and there was a confrontation with the men in the shop who reportedly dealt him several lashes to his body.

Nazim Azimulla

Nazim Azimulla

A post-mortem (PM) examination performed on the body of Deonarine stated that he died from shock and cerebral haemorrhage. Pathologist Dr Vivekanand Brijmohan performed the PM.

Reports said that before tragedy struck, the 50-year-old man and his family were celebrating his wife’s birthday and a farewell for his son-in-law.

The matter was adjourned  to the 5th of November 2013 at the Mibicuri magistrate’s court.

 Kumar Mangru

Kumar Mangru

Replies sorted oldest to newest

THis will be thrown out. It will be very difficult for the prosecution to prove who delivered the death blow. It also seems that statements were obtained without the presence of a lawyer.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

THis will be thrown out. It will be very difficult for the prosecution to prove who delivered the death blow. It also seems that statements were obtained without the presence of a lawyer.



Those are clearly Nagamootoo supporters who gave the afc the additional seats in parliament and hence the opposition's majority to ruin the nation. The AFC/PNC gave a directive to their supporters to rob and maim in order to make the nation ungovernable. However these fellows did the robbing and maiming but neglected to give the afc/pnc their cut of the spoils, instead they end up in rum shop sporting. Ramjattan and Nagamootoo vex bad as they didn't get their cut to sport.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Those are clearly Nagamootoo supporters who gave the afc the additional seats in parliament and hence the opposition's majority to ruin the nation. The AFC/PNC gave a directive to their supporters to rob and maim in order to make the nation ungovernable. However these fellows did the robbing and maiming but neglected to give the afc/pnc their cut of the spoils, instead they end up in rum shop sporting. Ramjattan and Nagamootoo vex bad as they didn't get their cut to sport.

This is clearly a bunch of impoverished farmers with nothing to do after a hard day getting drunk and acting out as they do everywhere in every rural village on every Friday night. These fellows did what is increasingly becoming habit in these fights ( once fist fights), employing a weapon.

The poor fellow they murdered was a target for robbery as a wino is as a supplier of liquor. He was as poor as they are. I am certain you do not know black bush. Most of those people there are on the margin of margins and barely can raise their heads.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

This is clearly a bunch of impoverished farmers with nothing to do after a hard day getting drunk and acting out as they do everywhere in every rural village on every Friday night. These fellows did what is increasingly becoming habit in these fights ( once fist fights), employing a weapon.

The poor fellow they murdered was a target for robbery as a wino is as a supplier of liquor. He was as poor as they are. I am certain you do not know black bush. Most of those people there are on the margin of margins and barely can raise their heads.

Look how you excuse the wicked master plan of the afc/pnc. They held a rally in bbice and told the poor and inpoverished(because of chronic rum drinking) that they should rob and maim to get what is theirs instead of doing honest work. This has been a common thread as we see what happened in Linden and Agricola, the AFC/pnc selling a dream of freeness and no need to work to the public. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I see coCaine raise he ugly head again, he must have sodomized a few lil boys and had his fill on his recent trip to Guyana with Mitjuanita. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I see coCaine raise he ugly head again, he must have sodomized a few lil boys and had his fill on his recent trip to Guyana with Mitjuanita. 



Dude, no one will be sorry if I paste your ugly mug and your low life reality this site. To you think they will? Those like you need more to hide than those you pretend you know on a personal level. Examine if anyone here has attacked you as a person and then reconsider.


You only belittle yourself and demonstrate what a miserable dunce you are. Address the issues with substance without presuming you know a persons character that you can attack. You do not know  a damn about me or Cain.



You have my permission to post my personal data here. I expect your permission for me do do the same in exchange. Otherwise quit the stupid shit and concentrate on the debate. Put up or shut up.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, no one will be sorry if I paste your ugly mug and your low life reality this site. To you think they will? Those like you need more to hide than those you pretend you know on a personal level. Examine if anyone here has attacked you as a person and then reconsider.


You only belittle yourself and demonstrate what a miserable dunce you are. Address the issues with substance without presuming you know a persons character that you can attack. You do not know  a damn about me or Cain.



You have my permission to post my personal data here. I expect your permission for me do do the same in exchange. Otherwise quit the stupid shit and concentrate on the debate. Put up or shut up.

When you reveal your own identity then come again. You post behind your avatar hurling insults and demeaning other in conjunction with those in the pedophile gang. Why are you so upset about cain? I don't even mention him. Read again, I mentioned coCaine, a drug. ahahah  Meanwhile it would do you well to mind your own business and not try to protect those that have harassed me for years. When you raise your voice in my defense against those harasser then you will have the right to redicule me. ahahaha

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, no one will be sorry if I paste your ugly mug and your low life reality this site. To you think they will? Those like you need more to hide than those you pretend you know on a personal level. Examine if anyone here has attacked you as a person and then reconsider.


You only belittle yourself and demonstrate what a miserable dunce you are. Address the issues with substance without presuming you know a persons character that you can attack. You do not know  a damn about me or Cain.



You have my permission to post my personal data here. I expect your permission for me do do the same in exchange. Otherwise quit the stupid shit and concentrate on the debate. Put up or shut up.

When you reveal your own identity then come again. You post behind your avatar hurling insults and demeaning other in conjunction with those in the pedophile gang. Why are you so upset about cain? I don't even mention him. Read again, I mentioned coCaine, a drug. ahahah  Meanwhile it would do you well to mind your own business and not try to protect those that have harassed me for years. When you raise your voice in my defense against those harasser then you will have the right to redicule me. ahahaha

You never revealed your identity on your own. on the site. What you did with nuff never even caused your real name to be mentioned here. I will treat this creep with a dose of his own realty. My identity is not hidden. You folks are simply twits. I registered with it here for over 5 years. Further, I am exactly as I say I am and not a white man as you presume. I do have a white grandfather but none of his genes is in my phenotype. I just carry his name.


Do you know he uses cocaine or that mitwah is a pedophile? Are you such a worm that you would use the most horrible of human depravities as your crutch? Bro, you waste your talents on stupid attempts to assassinate character when you can be harassing them in a manner no less than they harass you.


The point is, you folks take your bottom feeding habits to extreme. Everyone knows you and no one has tried to address you on personal levels. They guy call you a godie so what? Call them names in response. Do not pretend you know their character and attribute to it these horrible 


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