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Former Member

OK folks.


Many here sit in their armchairs and post their opinions based on what they read in newspapers or hear from their superiors.


Yuji wanted to have a first hand look and analyze the situation in Guyana.


First, Guyana is experiencing unprecedented growth despite the doom and gloom that you read in Tabloids like the KN. All across Guyana, you see massive development.


Guyanese are generally happy with the PPP and prefer a PPP that "tek Lil bit" but is growing the economy. Some Guyanese are enjoying living standards that are higher than the 50 million in the USA that are living off foodstamps.


A no confidence motion will mean the death of the AFC. People are fed up with the AFC and their partnership with the PNC in blocking economic grown and progress. The AFC support has dwindled and only a coalition with the AFC can challenge the PPP.


The PNC is not ready for elections and they may not support a no confidence motion. The PNC rightfully is calling for local elections to have a "dry run" before a national elections.


Those who say bad things about Guyana need to have their eyes checked by a competent specialist and they should stop reading tabliod newspapers.


I put out a challenge to all AFC/PNC supporters that yuji will stop posting if the PNC wins a majority. The AFC is just a protest party and will be demolished.


Money talks and BS walks and the PPP is ready for elections.


The AFC and PNC are not ready for National elections. Carib was consistently making this observation. The blunder by the AFC was to call for National Elections with a no confidence motion instead of Local Elections. 


Five more years for the PPP. Five more years.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yugi, there is a high degree of uncertainty among many professional Guyanese.  Visiting and seeing is one thing, living there everyday is another.  However, I agree, there is a lot of doom and gloom from people who have little knowledge or have self interest.


Just look at poor ASJ, the banna was a die-hard PPP in 2011, then some family did not get a position, now he is a PPP/Guyana hater.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, yuh only talk half. Why yuh leff out de other half? About dat gold mining fiasco?

I saw a flash on CNN yesterday that Guyana seeing a reverse in deforestation due to reduced mining.  Maybe, that has run its course this time, like many other times in Guyana's history.

base, I ent talking bout dat. Is a lil secret bout yuji gold-mining interest in Guyana. De ting dat caus he to rush down dey. As de Krannickle would say, "It is understood that...."

Originally Posted by baseman:

Yugi, there is a high degree of uncertainty among many professional Guyanese.  Visiting and seeing is one thing, living there everyday is another.  However, I agree, there is a lot of doom and gloom from people who have little knowledge or have self interest.


Just look at poor ASJ, the banna was a die-hard PPP in 2011, then some family did not get a position, now he is a PPP/Guyana hater.




I spoke with some professionals and a majority prefer a PPP over the PNC any day of the week.


At the end of the day, most will cast heir votes besides the cup even though they might close their noses doing so because the alternatives in the AFC and PNC are far worse.


One professional expressed the lack of ethical behaviour of Nigel and wonder what was the AFC thinking when they chose Nigel. It will cost the AFC votes.


The PPP will use Nigel as an AFC joke and punching bag. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, yuh only talk half. Why yuh leff out de other half? About dat gold mining fiasco?

I saw a flash on CNN yesterday that Guyana seeing a reverse in deforestation due to reduced mining.  Maybe, that has run its course this time, like many other times in Guyana's history.

base, I ent talking bout dat. Is a lil secret bout yuji gold-mining interest in Guyana. De ting dat caus he to rush down dey. As de Krannickle would say, "It is understood that...."




I prefer to talk politics. Leave business aside.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yuji, Hope you had a great Trip.  I am not surprise at what you saw.  ASS WIPE are for losers.


Nehru bhai


Those who criticize the PPP and some rightfully so, do not fully understand the dynamics of politics in Guyana.


When we compare the Guyana today to the rice flower days of the PNC. Guyana is one million years ahead. 


PPP is certain to win a majority this time around. The AFC destroyed the goodwill shown towards them and was used as an instrument of economic destruction by the PNC.


Guyanese, especially Indo Guyanese want to see progress and development but when the AFC/PNC coalition wants to cripple the economy, the people will teach the AFC/PNC a harsh political lesson.


A relative from the Whim area who voted AFC in the past told me that they will never vote AFC again. They now see the AFC as an instrument of the PNC. The AFC will never be able to shake off that image.


People are scared to entertain the idea of another 28 years of PNC Donkey Cart Economics especially with Granger Rigging and Carl Greenidge who once destroyed the economy as an expert of PNC/AFC finance.


PPP for another 100 years.


Money talks and BS walks.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, yuh only talk half. Why yuh leff out de other half? About dat gold mining fiasco?

I saw a flash on CNN yesterday that Guyana seeing a reverse in deforestation due to reduced mining.  Maybe, that has run its course this time, like many other times in Guyana's history.

base, I ent talking bout dat. Is a lil secret bout yuji gold-mining interest in Guyana. De ting dat caus he to rush down dey. As de Krannickle would say, "It is understood that...."




I prefer to talk politics. Leave business aside.

Understood. Gentlemen's agreement takes effect from 11:45AM today.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji, yuh only talk half. Why yuh leff out de other half? About dat gold mining fiasco?

I saw a flash on CNN yesterday that Guyana seeing a reverse in deforestation due to reduced mining.  Maybe, that has run its course this time, like many other times in Guyana's history.

base, I ent talking bout dat. Is a lil secret bout yuji gold-mining interest in Guyana. De ting dat caus he to rush down dey. As de Krannickle would say, "It is understood that...."




I prefer to talk politics. Leave business aside.

Understood. Gentlemen's agreement takes effect from 11:45AM today.


Thank you.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks.


Many here sit in their armchairs and post their opinions based on what they read in newspapers or hear from their superiors.


Yuji wanted to have a first hand look and analyze the situation in Guyana.


First, Guyana is experiencing unprecedented growth despite the doom and gloom that you read in Tabloids like the KN. All across Guyana, you see massive development.


Guyanese are generally happy with the PPP and prefer a PPP that "tek Lil bit" but is growing the economy. Some Guyanese are enjoying living standards that are higher than the 50 million in the USA that are living off foodstamps.


A no confidence motion will mean the death of the AFC. People are fed up with the AFC and their partnership with the PNC in blocking economic grown and progress. The AFC support has dwindled and only a coalition with the AFC can challenge the PPP.


The PNC is not ready for elections and they may not support a no confidence motion. The PNC rightfully is calling for local elections to have a "dry run" before a national elections.


Those who say bad things about Guyana need to have their eyes checked by a competent specialist and they should stop reading tabliod newspapers.


I put out a challenge to all AFC/PNC supporters that yuji will stop posting if the PNC wins a majority. The AFC is just a protest party and will be demolished.


Money talks and BS walks and the PPP is ready for elections.


The AFC and PNC are not ready for National elections. Carib was consistently making this observation. The blunder by the AFC was to call for National Elections with a no confidence motion instead of Local Elections. 


Five more years for the PPP. Five more years.



PNC shall never win, so we are stuck with this goat YUJI.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

yuji is originally from Berbice and still owns his property there.

I sense a lot a lot of envy for yuji but in life you must be respectful of those who are successful, I got where I am because of hard work and taking financial risks.

i never know canjie mad house was yours,this explains a lot 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

yuji is originally from Berbice and still owns his property there.

I sense a lot a lot of envy for yuji but in life you must be respectful of those who are successful, I got where I am because of hard work and taking financial risks.

You doan own no property there you are kwame's property when you land deh. Tell dem bai de trute.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks.


Many here sit in their armchairs and post their opinions based on what they read in newspapers or hear from their superiors.


Yuji wanted to have a first hand look and analyze the situation in Guyana.


First, Guyana is experiencing unprecedented growth despite the doom and gloom that you read in Tabloids like the KN. All across Guyana, you see massive development.


Guyanese are generally happy with the PPP and prefer a PPP that "tek Lil bit" but is growing the economy. Some Guyanese are enjoying living standards that are higher than the 50 million in the USA that are living off foodstamps.


A no confidence motion will mean the death of the AFC. People are fed up with the AFC and their partnership with the PNC in blocking economic grown and progress. The AFC support has dwindled and only a coalition with the AFC can challenge the PPP.


The PNC is not ready for elections and they may not support a no confidence motion. The PNC rightfully is calling for local elections to have a "dry run" before a national elections.


Those who say bad things about Guyana need to have their eyes checked by a competent specialist and they should stop reading tabliod newspapers.


I put out a challenge to all AFC/PNC supporters that yuji will stop posting if the PNC wins a majority. The AFC is just a protest party and will be demolished.


Money talks and BS walks and the PPP is ready for elections.


The AFC and PNC are not ready for National elections. Carib was consistently making this observation. The blunder by the AFC was to call for National Elections with a no confidence motion instead of Local Elections. 


Five more years for the PPP. Five more years.



This same BS has been written by you long before you put your feet down on Guyana's soil.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks.


Many here sit in their armchairs and post their opinions based on what they read in newspapers or hear from their superiors.


Yuji wanted to have a first hand look and analyze the situation in Guyana.


First, Guyana is experiencing unprecedented growth despite the doom and gloom that you read in Tabloids like the KN. All across Guyana, you see massive development.


Guyanese are generally happy with the PPP and prefer a PPP that "tek Lil bit" but is growing the economy. Some Guyanese are enjoying living standards that are higher than the 50 million in the USA that are living off foodstamps.


A no confidence motion will mean the death of the AFC. People are fed up with the AFC and their partnership with the PNC in blocking economic grown and progress. The AFC support has dwindled and only a coalition with the AFC can challenge the PPP.


The PNC is not ready for elections and they may not support a no confidence motion. The PNC rightfully is calling for local elections to have a "dry run" before a national elections.


Those who say bad things about Guyana need to have their eyes checked by a competent specialist and they should stop reading tabliod newspapers.


I put out a challenge to all AFC/PNC supporters that yuji will stop posting if the PNC wins a majority. The AFC is just a protest party and will be demolished.


Money talks and BS walks and the PPP is ready for elections.


The AFC and PNC are not ready for National elections. Carib was consistently making this observation. The blunder by the AFC was to call for National Elections with a no confidence motion instead of Local Elections. 


Five more years for the PPP. Five more years.



Yugi how come you went to Guyana and did not go to Freedom house?. There was no sighting of you there.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks.


Many here sit in their armchairs and post their opinions based on what they read in newspapers or hear from their superiors.


Yuji wanted to have a first hand look and analyze the situation in Guyana.


First, Guyana is experiencing unprecedented growth despite the doom and gloom that you read in Tabloids like the KN. All across Guyana, you see massive development.


Guyanese are generally happy with the PPP and prefer a PPP that "tek Lil bit" but is growing the economy. Some Guyanese are enjoying living standards that are higher than the 50 million in the USA that are living off foodstamps.


A no confidence motion will mean the death of the AFC. People are fed up with the AFC and their partnership with the PNC in blocking economic grown and progress. The AFC support has dwindled and only a coalition with the AFC can challenge the PPP.


The PNC is not ready for elections and they may not support a no confidence motion. The PNC rightfully is calling for local elections to have a "dry run" before a national elections.


Those who say bad things about Guyana need to have their eyes checked by a competent specialist and they should stop reading tabliod newspapers.


I put out a challenge to all AFC/PNC supporters that yuji will stop posting if the PNC wins a majority. The AFC is just a protest party and will be demolished.


Money talks and BS walks and the PPP is ready for elections.


The AFC and PNC are not ready for National elections. Carib was consistently making this observation. The blunder by the AFC was to call for National Elections with a no confidence motion instead of Local Elections. 


Five more years for the PPP. Five more years.



PNC shall never win, so we are stuck with this goat YUJI.

Truth, apart from the PPP, the PNC is the only next realistic Govt.  Don't worry, flour boy days will be here again.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks.


Many here sit in their armchairs and post their opinions based on what they read in newspapers or hear from their superiors.


Yuji wanted to have a first hand look and analyze the situation in Guyana.


First, Guyana is experiencing unprecedented growth despite the doom and gloom that you read in Tabloids like the KN. All across Guyana, you see massive development.


Guyanese are generally happy with the PPP and prefer a PPP that "tek Lil bit" but is growing the economy. Some Guyanese are enjoying living standards that are higher than the 50 million in the USA that are living off foodstamps.


A no confidence motion will mean the death of the AFC. People are fed up with the AFC and their partnership with the PNC in blocking economic grown and progress. The AFC support has dwindled and only a coalition with the AFC can challenge the PPP.


The PNC is not ready for elections and they may not support a no confidence motion. The PNC rightfully is calling for local elections to have a "dry run" before a national elections.


Those who say bad things about Guyana need to have their eyes checked by a competent specialist and they should stop reading tabliod newspapers.


I put out a challenge to all AFC/PNC supporters that yuji will stop posting if the PNC wins a majority. The AFC is just a protest party and will be demolished.


Money talks and BS walks and the PPP is ready for elections.


The AFC and PNC are not ready for National elections. Carib was consistently making this observation. The blunder by the AFC was to call for National Elections with a no confidence motion instead of Local Elections. 


Five more years for the PPP. Five more years.



Yugi how come you went to Guyana and did not go to Freedom house?. There was no sighting of you there.

Wally is asking a billion-dollar question.


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