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Former Member

yuji, I respect the decision that you have made lately to supporter APNU (now), and to denounce the AFC and PPP altogether. I know you've made this choice before and came back to the PPP and then decided to go against them again. My question to you is: Are you confused or you just did it to avoid pressure from GNI members?                                         


Here is my reason! You support APNU and go against AFC; APNU may not win the forthcoming election without the backings of the AFC. Many here who're vying for AFC from the beginning now favors APNU as well since many AFC members jump ship and join APNU.

Gilbakka is vying for the AFC. KishanB is also vying for AFC. Mitwah and his gang are serving two masters by supporting APNU and AFC. Theatrically speaking, AFC cannot win the 2016 election single handedly. APNU many not win the 2016 election without the backing of the AFC. So what is the logic behind your decision? We have 2.5 years before election, will we see another change or two of your political affiliation before that time?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Jalil:
This is a Joke.....putting Yuji and TK in de same bag......Aya missing de point....Yuji never say he supporting PNC...Like TK......All Yuji is saying is PPP got Corrupted like or worst than PNC.......AND YUJI 100% CORRECT.

Yea de bai correct and abie muss vote foh abie mattie na mattah wah.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
This is a Joke.....putting Yuji and TK in de same bag......Aya missing de point....Yuji never say he supporting PNC...Like TK......All Yuji is saying is PPP got Corrupted like or worst than PNC.......AND YUJI 100% CORRECT.




I never said that I am supporting the PNC. I said that I am now an independent.

As for the PPP, they must wipe out corruption, give back the power to the grassroots supporters, fire the House of Israel thugs, hold Local Elections, Modernize the police force, listen to Afro Guyanese concerns and finally bring in new blood in the PPP.


Rammo needs to be his own man.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, I respect the decision that you have made lately to supporter APNU (now), and to denounce the AFC and PPP altogether. I know you've made this choice before and came back to the PPP and then decided to go against them again. My question to you is: Are you confused or you just did it to avoid pressure from GNI members?                                         


Here is my reason! You support APNU and go against AFC; APNU may not win the forthcoming election without the backings of the AFC. Many here who're vying for AFC from the beginning now favors APNU as well since many AFC members jump ship and join APNU.

Gilbakka is vying for the AFC. KishanB is also vying for AFC. Mitwah and his gang are serving two masters by supporting APNU and AFC. Theatrically speaking, AFC cannot win the 2016 election single handedly. APNU many not win the 2016 election without the backing of the AFC. So what is the logic behind your decision? We have 2.5 years before election, will we see another change or two of your political affiliation before that time?

Shut your poke and leave my brother Yugi alone.

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
This is a Joke.....putting Yuji and TK in de same bag......Aya missing de point....Yuji never say he supporting PNC...Like TK......All Yuji is saying is PPP got Corrupted like or worst than PNC.......AND YUJI 100% CORRECT.




I never said that I am supporting the PNC. I said that I am now an independent.

As for the PPP, they must wipe out corruption, give back the power to the grassroots supporters, fire the House of Israel thugs, hold Local Elections, Modernize the police force, listen to Afro Guyanese concerns and finally bring in new blood in the PPP.


Rammo needs to be his own man.

Well said Yugi!!!


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

What facts yuji provided to confirm that the PPP is all about corruption? When that fact is legally established, then we can get into that. Until then, it's pure speculation.  

WE speculating that you is a ass,i am sorry i know you is a ass

I don't have the kind of information you have to even touch on the subject of corruption. Please post the facts for everyone to see, and my last wish it to see the PPP in jail. Thank you!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

What facts yuji provided to confirm that the PPP is all about corruption? When that fact is legally established, then we can get into that. Until then, it's pure speculation.  

WE speculating that you is a ass,i am sorry i know you is a ass

I don't have the kind of information you have to even touch on the subject of corruption. Please post the facts for everyone to see, and my last wish it to see the PPP in jail. Thank you!

i just dont know  if to  feel sorry for you or want to slap you 


Cobra, we have to be fair to yuji22.

He didn't say he switched his support to APNU/PNC. He said he would be independent.

I interpret "independent" in yuji's context to mean that he would judge the PPP, AFC and APNU/PNC on issues and ongoing performance.

I expect that yuji will support certain positions taken by each party and reject other positions, according to his personal criteria.

And I think yuji is assuming a mature role in his political commentary.

Cobra,regarding your observation on Gilbakka, you are correct.

For now I'm leaning heavily in favor of the AFC. I'm not losing sleep on whether they can win elections or if APNU wins.

The voters within the country will decide that.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
This is a Joke.....putting Yuji and TK in de same bag......Aya missing de point....Yuji never say he supporting PNC...Like TK......All Yuji is saying is PPP got Corrupted like or worst than PNC.......AND YUJI 100% CORRECT.




I never said that I am supporting the PNC. I said that I am now an independent.

As for the PPP, they must wipe out corruption, give back the power to the grassroots supporters, fire the House of Israel thugs, hold Local Elections, Modernize the police force, listen to Afro Guyanese concerns and finally bring in new blood in the PPP.


Rammo needs to be his own man.

Well said Yugi!!!



Thanks Brother Chief.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Cobra, we have to be fair to yuji22.

He didn't say he switched his support to APNU/PNC. He said he would be independent.

I interpret "independent" in yuji's context to mean that he would judge the PPP, AFC and APNU/PNC on issues and ongoing performance.

I expect that yuji will support certain positions taken by each party and reject other positions, according to his personal criteria.

And I think yuji is assuming a mature role in his political commentary.

Cobra,regarding your observation on Gilbakka, you are correct.

For now I'm leaning heavily in favor of the AFC. I'm not losing sleep on whether they can win elections or if APNU wins.

The voters within the country will decide that.




That is my exact position. I cannot add or subtract from anything that you posted.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

What facts yuji provided to confirm that the PPP is all about corruption? When that fact is legally established, then we can get into that. Until then, it's pure speculation.  

WE speculating that you is a ass,i am sorry i know you is a ass

I don't have the kind of information you have to even touch on the subject of corruption. Please post the facts for everyone to see, and my last wish it to see the PPP in jail. Thank you!

Go read the Heist of Guyana. Where were you when we have been posting all the corruption under the PPP? Explain why do we need two treasuries in Guyana? Have you not been reading the various auditors reports?

No more snake oil from you.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, I respect the decision that you have made lately to supporter APNU (now), and to denounce the AFC and PPP altogether. I know you've made this choice before and came back to the PPP and then decided to go against them again. My question to you is: Are you confused or you just did it to avoid pressure from GNI members?                                         


Here is my reason! You support APNU and go against AFC; APNU may not win the forthcoming election without the backings of the AFC. Many here who're vying for AFC from the beginning now favors APNU as well since many AFC members jump ship and join APNU.

Gilbakka is vying for the AFC. KishanB is also vying for AFC. Mitwah and his gang are serving two masters by supporting APNU and AFC. Theatrically speaking, AFC cannot win the 2016 election single handedly. APNU many not win the 2016 election without the backing of the AFC. So what is the logic behind your decision? We have 2.5 years before election, will we see another change or two of your political affiliation before that time?

Shut your poke and leave my brother Yugi alone.

Well said Chief. How you doing my brother?  Platinum respect for Yugi for his honesty. I will never support the PNC. Right now, my support is for the AFC. The people in Guyana have their say on election day.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, I respect the decision that you have made lately to supporter APNU (now), and to denounce the AFC and PPP altogether. I know you've made this choice before and came back to the PPP and then decided to go against them again. My question to you is: Are you confused or you just did it to avoid pressure from GNI members?                                         


Here is my reason! You support APNU and go against AFC; APNU may not win the forthcoming election without the backings of the AFC. Many here who're vying for AFC from the beginning now favors APNU as well since many AFC members jump ship and join APNU.

Gilbakka is vying for the AFC. KishanB is also vying for AFC. Mitwah and his gang are serving two masters by supporting APNU and AFC. Theatrically speaking, AFC cannot win the 2016 election single handedly. APNU many not win the 2016 election without the backing of the AFC. So what is the logic behind your decision? We have 2.5 years before election, will we see another change or two of your political affiliation before that time?

Is what happen to yuji again.  Me nah vying for no one because my god seh do not trust any flesh.


yuji let your conscience be your guide.



jai Sri Krishna.

Last edited by Former Member

Opposition leaders sayâ€ĶDocument “The Heist of Guyana”

October 21, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Members of the Joint Opposition are urging the public to carefully file the series of articles that are being published in Kaieteur News called, “The Heist of Guyana.” The full-page column details in a sequential format how Guyana has been “parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Bharat Jagdeo.”

Carl Greenidge

Carl Greenidge

The series unveils the “rampant corruption, preferential treatment and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration.” It also explained that it will reveal how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends and what we have today, is an economy that is controlled by a small group of influential persons with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration. Members of the Joint Opposition have supported the cause and they are strongly suggesting that members of the public “keep these reports of unbelievably poignant and accurate accounts of the truth which bring to light – The Jagdeo deception.” Former Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Volda Lawrence, has said, “I believe that the team involved in this process at Kaieteur News is doing an exceptional job. The Publisher Glenn Lall is brave in stepping up to the plate to do this and it is an extremely commendable act and I look forward to it. However, we must not lose sight of what these articles mean. These articles on the heist of Guyana are not only informative, but expose in no uncertain terms, how the Jagdeo regime is trying to control the economy and it is important for the people of Guyana not to be fooled by the  structures being built all over. It is all a deception.  It is upon this background, I am urging members of the public to keep these copies for reference so that they can be armed with the truth.” Carl Greenidge, the Shadow Minister of Finance for the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity, also believes that it is critical that citizens pay attention to the “Heist of Guyana” series. The Member of Parliament said, “It is natural for there to be comments on performance of any Government for they collect our monies and how they spend it, can adversely affect our lives.” “Guyana faces some serious problems of morality and state lawlessness and this makes it imperative that civil society and political parties address the problems which give rise to such behaviour.” “The press has a key role in this regard and as responsible citizens we have to recognize and protect them in this pursuit.” Greenidge asserted that there has been a massive upsurge of corruption under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). He noted too, that the regime and its reaction to that development, “is special” because almost uniquely in this region, the Government instead of making an effort to bring it down; “works hand in hand with those very criminals once they are prepared to fund the PPP because it sees white and blue collar crime as acceptable just as it sees a Minister having a right to have his wife audit the books of the entities overseen by the Minister.” “Instead of fighting corruption, the Government viciously attacks those who dare to highlight the problem. One of the main features in Guyana which has allowed these phenomena to gain such a foothold is a weak civil society and a consequential inability to force Governments to live by an acceptable standard. Part of that weakness has been reflected in the fact that outcries and complaints about outrageous behavior are raised and quickly forgotten and patterns of behaviours are not traced or brought to the public’s attention in any systematic manner.” “However, the attempt by Kaieteur News to publish its perception of what is happening under the rubric of “Heist” is most welcomed for its continuity and persistence even in the face of unacceptable Government and PPP retaliation and defamation, and for its investigative work.   I would encourage them to continue which is necessary in defense of our fundamental rights.”

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

What facts yuji provided to confirm that the PPP is all about corruption? When that fact is legally established, then we can get into that. Until then, it's pure speculation.  

WE speculating that you is a ass,i am sorry i know you is a ass

I don't have the kind of information you have to even touch on the subject of corruption. Please post the facts for everyone to see, and my last wish it to see the PPP in jail. Thank you!

Cobra, see the picture?


Originally Posted by Cobra:

If they were guilty, they would have been behind bars already. Pure speculation gain? Yes/no?



If we truly love Guyana and want to see a full fledged democracy then we must speak out against what is wrong about the PPP of today. It does not help Guyana or Guyanese if we sit idly by and allow Guyana to move in the wrong direction.


The PPP lost so many loyal and dedicated supporters because those former supporters chose to be on the right side of history. How can all of these former die hard PPP supporters be wrong ?


Honesty is good for the soul, we must not be afraid to speak out.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

If they were guilty, they would have been behind bars already. Pure speculation gain? Yes/no?

No. They are above the law. See how Ashni was not charged for leaving the scene of an accident. How much Jagdeo paid for the land at Sparendaam?

APNU run things. Why Ashni is not behind bars for his crime?


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