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It was nice of Amral to let you back in---welcome back my friend---check out the social club--its nice there---posters are all in good spirits---the Rev is usually his real self there--kind and friendly and jovial.


Listen yuji! In future dont let anyone rile you up.


Joker pulled your chains---attacked your religion and your family-- and you returned fire--both of you got banned.


Look yuji---you gotta be  like the Rev---cool, calm and composed---there is not a human in this world who can anger the Rev---call me all the names in the book---no problemo---no biggie.


Anyway yuji, nice to have you back. Listen, the AFC is trying to put the PNC back into office. We must bulldoze the AFC at every opportunity---the AFC supporters on this forum lack intellectual firepower---many are 3rd rate intellects---no match for the PPP out that thread on Liar Moses and perceived terrorist



Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am back, thanks to admin. I will tone down my heated debates and keep things civilized. Good to be back.


Busy cleaning the snow here up north. My back is a bit sore, that is what happens when you hit 46.

Welcome Yuji.


It is plus 5-C = about plus 41-F.


Usually it can be minus 30's-C = minus 20's-F.


Thanks Guys. We sometimes get all wound up in our political views that we blank out what the other poster is trying to say. I guess we can still debate without getting personal.


Rev, I noticed that you battled the opposition all alone. Time for some backup. Yuji is back. 


I honestly saw the AFC as a party that would keep some of the PPP milk drinkers honest but Moses is bad news for the AFC because it now appears that he was drinking Ghee and Honey while he was with the PPP.


I still have a soft spot for young Gerhard, hope he can take the AFC down a new path otherwise the AFC is doomed and there will be no one to watch over some of the PPP milk drinkers.


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am back, thanks to admin. I will tone down my heated debates and keep things civilized. Good to be back.


Busy cleaning the snow here up north. My back is a bit sore, that is what happens when you hit 46.

Welcome Yuji.


It is plus 5-C = about plus 41-F.


Usually it can be minus 30's-C = minus 20's-F.

Like G-D has usurped de Rev's Numbaas and Figaas moniker


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