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Former Member

It was fun folks.


I hope that everyone behaves and defend their political views. 


To all my opponents and friends, I hope that you did not take anything personally. Politics brings out the worse in us as we defend our political position.


I hope that D2 returns. His contribution is valuable to this community.


Mitwah and Bgurd please make peace. 


Brother Chief, May Allah give you the strength to continue aspire our community.


Joker, I hope your dreams are realized. You are a good man and I know that you meant well for Guyana.


Jalil bhai, yuji never harboured any hard feelings for you. I understand your frustration with the PPP.


Mitwah Bhai, keep up your battles with the caste Bramhanas.


My friend Rev, you will be missed the most.


To admin, it is not an easy job to run this site. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be a part of your family.


Please delete my handle and remove my membership.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 is a smart man.

He chooses to depart in the middle of a poll which shows, as of this moment, March 4 at 9:20AM, that he is most likely to be among the top three persons suspended.

yuji22 is not man enough to accept a popular verdict.

By declaring at this stage that he is leaving, yuji22 hopes there will be no more votes against him.

Unlike Jalil, who is honest to say he will be absent for two weeks and will return to face the verdict, yuji22 has given no assurance that he will not return.

As Mars has pointed out, this is the 4th time yuji22 is leaving. 

I knew all along that yuji22 has authoritarian instincts. When we were voting overwhelmingly for Raymond as Moderator, yuji22 wanted Admin to make a decision regardless of the vote.

I call upon all GNI members to see yuji's ploy for what it is, a clumsy Brer Anancy trick.

I call upon those members who had planned to vote against yuji22 to go ahead and register their disgust by voting still. I did.

yuji22 thinks he is smart.




Gilbaka look..... "Jagdeo & Ramotar funny fellas teking licks like peas"


It is interesting to know why

the 2 Main Jagabats who promote and practice Buggerism

was not listed on this Ballot?


We can Understand de Old PPP boys

Rama & Nehru not on de list...

But what about the 2 Jhonny Come lately Jagabats...

where is Rev & Skeldon.....

If they dey too suffering from de diarrhea

we hope they survive 


Where is De Rev & Skeldon????




Who deserves to be suspended for 2 weeks.
Top 3 with the most votes will be gone.
De Amral tracking poll is showing
de only landslide de funny fellas will get
is a wholesale disapproval ....
and a landslide rejection ....
1 vote
4 votes
1 vote
3 votes
0 votes
0 votes
3 votes
0 votes
5 votes
0 votes
Total Votes: 17 


De statement of polls showing out of 17 votes cast


De 2 Jagdeo & Ramotar Funny Fellas

(yuji & Hydro Seeds)

got 9 Disaproval Votes.



De other 8 AFC & APNU (Combined Opposition)


got 8 Disaproval Votes.


De Amral poll shows

De Jagabats are more Dis-approved

than the entire combined opposition.

Even if yuh hide some of them Crab Louse...

dem still get licks like peas.






Now only Bisram, PNC Hydro-Engineer & Gocool Budhoo

could give PPP a Majority or landslide victory.

GECOM cuts ties with Boodoo,

Joint Opposition “happy”,


The Guyana Elections Commission has decided to formally cut ties with its former Chief Elections Officer, Gocool Boodoo. The decision by the seven member Commission was expected as Opposition nominated members had indicated that “it was time for Gocool to go”.

And the Chairman of the Commission also appeared set on looking for a new Chief Elections Officer.


The seven member Commission met on Tuesday afternoon and decided that the Commission will not be renewing Gocool Boodoo’s contract. His contract ended in April, 2013. Tuesday’s decision essentially brings an end to Boodoo’s two decade career with the Elections body.


“Mr. Boodoo has been associated with GECOM for the better part of twenty years and he has supervised three elections in his capacity as Chief Elections Officer in 2001, 2006 and 2011.  

All three of those elections were flawed in preventable ways”,

The APNU Leader reiterated the position of his party that once Boodoo’s contract had expired, “there were no grounds for any renewal”.

According to Mr. Granger,  Boodoo’s performance over the years, “did not warrant any form of extension and we are quite happy with the decision”. He added that “we have had enough of Boodoo and we need a change”.


Opposition nominated member of the Guyana Elections Commission Vincent Alexander in a stinging letter to the press last week, lashed out at the former Chief Elections Officer for almost giving the PPP the majority in Parliament following the last elections although the combined Opposition parties, APNU and Alliance for Change had pulled in more votes.


Mr. Alexander appeared convinced that Boodoo made no calculation error and his “mistake” may have been deliberate.


Following the 2006 elections, there was also controversy surrounding the awarding of a Regional seat to the PPP from Region 10 although the AFC had picked up more votes.

The Opposition parties point to those two errors among other issues that supported their calls for the Guyana Elections Commission to cut ties with Boodoo.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

How come Kapadilla not on that bad boys list?

I thought that some day the name calling and insults will result in members quitting this board. Eventually this board will be dominated by the PNC-AFC coalition. There will be no opposing views and the curtain will come down on this comedy show. Lights out.   

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

How come Kapadilla not on that bad boys list?

I thought that some day the name calling and insults will result in members quitting this board. Eventually this board will be dominated by the PNC-AFC coalition. There will be no opposing views and the curtain will come down on this comedy show. Lights out.   

Skelly you must ask Yuji and Rev about that.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Admin should require real names

Shut your poke!

Admin already has our real names (at least that which we disclose) and other information necessary to identify who we are. 


Its the public who don't know, and I don't see why they should.  Guyana is a vindictive country and there is no need to expose people's relatives to vicious people who might not like what we post here.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

How come Kapadilla not on that bad boys list?

I thought that some day the name calling and insults will result in members quitting this board. Eventually this board will be dominated by the PNC-AFC coalition. There will be no opposing views and the curtain will come down on this comedy show. Lights out.   

Skelly you must ask Yuji and Rev about that.

You nah gat haan an mouth ? Wah you na ask dem Ms. Malaprop?

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Gilbaka look..... "Jagdeo & Ramotar funny fellas teking licks like peas"


It is interesting to know why

the 2 Main Jagabats who promote and practice Buggerism

was not listed on this Ballot?


We can Understand de Old PPP boys

Rama & Nehru not on de list...

But what about the 2 Jhonny Come lately Jagabats...

where is Rev & Skeldon.....

If they dey too suffering from de diarrhea

we hope they survive 


Where is De Rev & Skeldon????




Who deserves to be suspended for 2 weeks.
Top 3 with the most votes will be gone.
De Amral tracking poll is showing
de only landslide de funny fellas will get
is a wholesale disapproval ....
and a landslide rejection ....
1 vote
4 votes
1 vote
3 votes
0 votes
0 votes
3 votes
0 votes
5 votes
0 votes
Total Votes: 17 


De statement of polls showing out of 17 votes cast


De 2 Jagdeo & Ramotar Funny Fellas

(yuji & Hydro Seeds)

got 9 Disaproval Votes.



De other 8 AFC & APNU (Combined Opposition)


got 8 Disaproval Votes.


De Amral poll shows

De Jagabats are more Dis-approved

than the entire combined opposition.

Even if yuh hide some of them Crab Louse...

dem still get licks like peas.






Now only Bisram, PNC Hydro-Engineer & Gocool Budhoo

could give PPP a Majority or landslide victory.

GECOM cuts ties with Boodoo,

Joint Opposition “happy”,


The Guyana Elections Commission has decided to formally cut ties with its former Chief Elections Officer, Gocool Boodoo. The decision by the seven member Commission was expected as Opposition nominated members had indicated that “it was time for Gocool to go”.

And the Chairman of the Commission also appeared set on looking for a new Chief Elections Officer.


The seven member Commission met on Tuesday afternoon and decided that the Commission will not be renewing Gocool Boodoo’s contract. His contract ended in April, 2013. Tuesday’s decision essentially brings an end to Boodoo’s two decade career with the Elections body.


“Mr. Boodoo has been associated with GECOM for the better part of twenty years and he has supervised three elections in his capacity as Chief Elections Officer in 2001, 2006 and 2011.  

All three of those elections were flawed in preventable ways”,

The APNU Leader reiterated the position of his party that once Boodoo’s contract had expired, “there were no grounds for any renewal”.

According to Mr. Granger,  Boodoo’s performance over the years, “did not warrant any form of extension and we are quite happy with the decision”. He added that “we have had enough of Boodoo and we need a change”.


Opposition nominated member of the Guyana Elections Commission Vincent Alexander in a stinging letter to the press last week, lashed out at the former Chief Elections Officer for almost giving the PPP the majority in Parliament following the last elections although the combined Opposition parties, APNU and Alliance for Change had pulled in more votes.


Mr. Alexander appeared convinced that Boodoo made no calculation error and his “mistake” may have been deliberate.


Following the 2006 elections, there was also controversy surrounding the awarding of a Regional seat to the PPP from Region 10 although the AFC had picked up more votes.

The Opposition parties point to those two errors among other issues that supported their calls for the Guyana Elections Commission to cut ties with Boodoo.

Is nah time FH JALIL, MITWAH to come back???

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Gilbaka look..... "Jagdeo & Ramotar funny fellas teking licks like peas"


It is interesting to know why

the 2 Main Jagabats who promote and practice Buggerism

was not listed on this Ballot?


We can Understand de Old PPP boys

Rama & Nehru not on de list...

But what about the 2 Jhonny Come lately Jagabats...

where is Rev & Skeldon.....

If they dey too suffering from de diarrhea

we hope they survive 


Where is De Rev & Skeldon????




Who deserves to be suspended for 2 weeks.
Top 3 with the most votes will be gone.
De Amral tracking poll is showing
de only landslide de funny fellas will get
is a wholesale disapproval ....
and a landslide rejection ....
1 vote
4 votes
1 vote
3 votes
0 votes
0 votes
3 votes
0 votes
5 votes
0 votes
Total Votes: 17 


De statement of polls showing out of 17 votes cast


De 2 Jagdeo & Ramotar Funny Fellas

(yuji & Hydro Seeds)

got 9 Disaproval Votes.



De other 8 AFC & APNU (Combined Opposition)


got 8 Disaproval Votes.


De Amral poll shows

De Jagabats are more Dis-approved

than the entire combined opposition.

Even if yuh hide some of them Crab Louse...

dem still get licks like peas.






Now only Bisram, PNC Hydro-Engineer & Gocool Budhoo

could give PPP a Majority or landslide victory.

GECOM cuts ties with Boodoo,

Joint Opposition “happy”,


The Guyana Elections Commission has decided to formally cut ties with its former Chief Elections Officer, Gocool Boodoo. The decision by the seven member Commission was expected as Opposition nominated members had indicated that “it was time for Gocool to go”.

And the Chairman of the Commission also appeared set on looking for a new Chief Elections Officer.


The seven member Commission met on Tuesday afternoon and decided that the Commission will not be renewing Gocool Boodoo’s contract. His contract ended in April, 2013. Tuesday’s decision essentially brings an end to Boodoo’s two decade career with the Elections body.


“Mr. Boodoo has been associated with GECOM for the better part of twenty years and he has supervised three elections in his capacity as Chief Elections Officer in 2001, 2006 and 2011.  

All three of those elections were flawed in preventable ways”,

The APNU Leader reiterated the position of his party that once Boodoo’s contract had expired, “there were no grounds for any renewal”.

According to Mr. Granger,  Boodoo’s performance over the years, “did not warrant any form of extension and we are quite happy with the decision”. He added that “we have had enough of Boodoo and we need a change”.


Opposition nominated member of the Guyana Elections Commission Vincent Alexander in a stinging letter to the press last week, lashed out at the former Chief Elections Officer for almost giving the PPP the majority in Parliament following the last elections although the combined Opposition parties, APNU and Alliance for Change had pulled in more votes.


Mr. Alexander appeared convinced that Boodoo made no calculation error and his “mistake” may have been deliberate.


Following the 2006 elections, there was also controversy surrounding the awarding of a Regional seat to the PPP from Region 10 although the AFC had picked up more votes.

The Opposition parties point to those two errors among other issues that supported their calls for the Guyana Elections Commission to cut ties with Boodoo.

Is nah time FH JALIL, MITWAH to come back???

Good question.


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