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In order to resolve the problems in this world I think we have to genuinely like blacks. This would eliminate the poverty, medical problems and make the employment  at 100% because of karma. Blacks are not asking to be loved, they just want to be recognized as = in the human race. We would have to like them to the point of accepting them in our families with marriage and put away our suspicions. My county Guyana is poor because the Indians there resent blacks simply for their racial difference. We have to treat them fairly with jobs and kindness although we may think they are inferior. They are our test that we have to pass with our thoughts. I don’t know if the Jews are to blame for the segregation because they stay away from us unless there is business to conduct. If it is true that the Jews were persecuted in history then I would understand their alienation from the rest of us because they feel we will never accept themβ€”and this must me a sad feeling among them. I believe that God is evil and he is harming us intentionally for no fault of our own and if the Jews are god’s chosen then they must be evil as him. We would have to hear from the Jew to really know what to believe about the Jew. This is Ron.

Tags: Racism, Guyana, Schizophrenia

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It may appear that you suffer from a lack of understanding on Guyana's so called racial problems. It is a matter of mistrust between the two races that started in the 1960's.


Guyana was ruled by two Black dictators Burnham and Hoyte who systematically discriminated against the Indo population which has till this day created a mistrust of any Afro based party.


Blacks also feel mistrust of Indos since the recent massive development of Guyana left them behind. You see, many Indos are now investing massive amount of US dollars in Guyana and they can afford to to do since they have accumulated great amounts of wealth in North America.


Asking for acceptance is not the answer. It puts you at a disadvantage. Acceptance has to be voluntary and portraying an image of once race being untrustworthy of another due to their experiences and calling it racism is unacceptable and incorrect.


You have in fact, take a racist position yourself. My proof is that you are dragging the Jews into this debate.


How can god be evil ? You need to carefully study the scriptures.


Please take your hogwash elsewhere.

Last edited by Former Member
I myself don't quite understand Ronald's argument. Indeed the entire world would be a better place if there was more trust, understanding and respect but the reality is that much of those are sadly lacking. Today the guy who we helped put in charge of Iraq is refusing to step down and threatening to use force to preserve his position instead of thanking us for the opportunity and now allowing someone else to try their hand at governing that country. Same in Guyana where the same old guards are hanging on to the power lever. Jagdeo was a welcome option because of his youth and intelligence but eventually he too got corrupted and is now burdening the country's resources. Nonetheless, he did bring Guyana out of the downward spiral that existed prior to 1992. Today blacks are at a disadvantage similar to that experienced by Indians during the PNC rule and hopefully that pattern will changed. Unfortunately blacks don't have the right representatives to help their cause. This is similar to the Republicans who have squandered the past six years trying to unelect Obama rather of doing what is necessary to progress America's dreams and aspirations. Blacks in Guyana need such a representative who will put through a call to the PPP governing body and say "I know y'all in charge but leh abee wuk together to better all of our lives. You tek lil and we tek lil". I was hopeful that this would become a reality with the 2011 election but unfortunately a bunch of kids were left to share out the toys and all hell broke loose instead. Hopefully those kids will be grown up by the next election.

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