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All of them had returned to Britain from South America, where they had been infected via mosquito bites

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which carry the Zika virus. Three cases of Zika have been confirmed in Britain.

Three travellers who returned to the UK from South and Central America have been diagnosed with the Zika virus, a mosquito-borne illness that has been linked to brain deformities in babies.

Public Health England said in a statement on its website the three people had presented with the virus after travelling to Colombia, Suriname and Guyana, all countries which are experiencing Zika outbreaks.

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Mr.T posted:
ian posted:

Are they Indians!!! Or you waiting on confirmation to celebrate. 


Is that important? What exactly is the point that you are making? Are you worried that the females in your family might deliver a dogla baby with a shrunken head?

T, I think you have crossed the line here. We were warned that you do not bring family in your postings. I hope Amral sees this. You are bringing race in this in this epidemic.

Mr.T posted:
ian posted:

Are they Indians!!! Or you waiting on confirmation to celebrate. 


Is that important? What exactly is the point that you are making? Are you worried that the females in your family might deliver a dogla baby with a shrunken head?

We are worried that this zika virus will have a negative effect on the Big 50th anniversary celebration in May this year, spending all the millions and No one coming to the PARTY.


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