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Former Member

Zoom classes interrupted by porn


THE Child Protection Unit of the Police Service is investigating why online classes on video communication platform Zoom at a school in Tobago West were interrupted by pornographic material.

The children of Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Ayanna Webster-Roy, had their classes disturbed by the incidents, the minister said. The Express was told the pupils participating in the classes are from different schools as part of secondary school Zoom sessions.

The pupil who is alleged to have placed the pornographic materials is in form two.

Webster-Roy expressed disgust about the incident in a Facebook post.

The Minister said: “Forgive my rant post this morning, but some parents need to get a grip of their children. My daughters have both experienced interrupted online classes because some child either putting up pornography on the shared screen or playing hard porn movies in the background so that the entire classroom is disrupted! I don’t know about some of you all parents, but you see me, I want my children to learn eh!

“For goodness sake, teach your children that the rights some of them demand have equally important and corresponding responsibilities! Please check up yuh pickney dem!”

Asked to comment on the matter, members of the Child Protection Unit in Tobago confirmed the matter is actively engaging their attention and a list of pupils and teachers within the Zoom sessions is being complied.

The Children’s Authority is also looking at the incident. Webster-Roy

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@Mitwah posted:

Was sexuality hidden from you when you were a child?

It is considered wrong for children to see their parents have sex, so yes it was hidden from me. Society sees sex as a sin that's why it is hidden from view. God is a very disturbed person and must be exposed for the crimes he has committed with the devil and Lucifer to change interpretations of behavior. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune

It is considered wrong for children to see their parents have sex, so yes it was hidden from me. Society sees sex as a sin that's why it is hidden from view. God is a very disturbed person and must be exposed for the crimes he has committed with the devil and Lucifer to change interpretations of behavior. 

I agree. Animal spirits 


 Society sees sex as a sin that's why it is hidden from view.

Is sex for procreation a sin?

How about sex between similar genders?

How about premarital sex?

How about sex between consenting adults?

How about masturbation?

@Mitwah posted:

Is sex for procreation a sin?

How about sex between similar genders?

How about premarital sex?

How about sex between consenting adults?

How about masturbation?

Do animals sin when they have sex seeing there is no marriage?

@Former Member posted:

Do animals sin when they have sex seeing there is no marriage?

Animals don't have the ability and intelligence to understand or interpret the laws that teaches about sin. So, if Animals are not equipped with the ability to understand the laws, how can they be accountable? 

@Mitwah posted:

Animals don't have the ability and intelligence to understand or interpret the laws that teaches about sin. So, if Animals are not equipped with the ability to understand the laws, how can they be accountable? 

Wait a minute here. Can we equate man's sexual desire with animals' inability to comprehend laws? When a man stops thinking with his brain and only thinks with what in his pants, this is an animalistic behavior.

Last edited by Former Member

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