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Sacrifice is very important- President Ramotar - at Eid Festival


Georgetown, GINA, August 19, 2012 -- Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar joins the Muslim Community in celebrating Eid


As Muslims around the world today celebrate Eid which symbolizes the end of the holy month of Ramadan, His Excellency Donald Ramotar this morning joined his Muslim brothers and sisters, gathered at Peters Hall Jamma Masjid to celebrate this important event on their calender.


The Head of State said sacrifices are needed in anything good that is done moreso anything worthwhile in this world, as such, to accomplish the objective of building a society which upholds all the freedoms that exist such as democracy; it is important for sacrifices to be made.


“These things will only be sustainable if we are able to work, produce and have a prospering society…they do not sustain themselves…Sacrifice is very important generally and in everything that we do,” Ramotar added.


President Donald Ramotar at Peter’s Hall Jamma Masjid


The Head of State believes that the month of Ramadan gives Muslims the opportunity to remember the less fortunate in the society and the world as a whole, during which, the millions of people that go to bed hungry not because of the lack of resources but mainly because of greed in some sections of the society.


“I think it helps them to remember the less fortunate in the society and the world as a whole…Many times we remember too, that there are millions of people who go to bed hungry everyday not because of the lack of resources but mainly because of greed in some sections of society,” Ramotar said

He Added that the month of Ramadan teaches discipline which can be forged into everyday life, which is necessary for a people, if they are to move forward sticking to a course and a direction.


In addition to remembering the less fortunate, the giving of gifts amongst other forms of generosity is encouraged particularly the less fortunate.


“I believe that the gifts we give should not be those that last for a day but rather that which can last for a lifetime…that is why we have been working extremely hard to give the gift of education to every child,” Ramotar explained.


The country is set to accomplish one of its millennium development goals which is universal secondary education. This the Head of State believes is extremely important because education is the biggest and most important gift someone can receive, which will serve to equip them in the fight against poverty, and will see them emerging from poverty.


“At this time too, we remember solidarity, not only in our country but in other parts of the world where life expectancy is less than 50 because of poverty and other serious evils that exist in the society,” Ramotar said.


A section of Muslims gathered at Peter’s Hall Jamma Masjid to celebrate Eid


He charged all to remember the situation in Palestine where people live in the worst possible condition that one can imagine; therefore the need to unite, strengthen the society and propagate one’s conscience to what is happening in other parts of the world.


Muslims the world over one month ago, embarked on the holy Ramadan, which is one month of fasting, which rests on the foundation of sacrificing themselves and remembering humanity.


During this month not only did they use it as a stepping stone to get closer to Allah but to remember those less fortunate in society and stand in solidarity with them by acts of generosity.

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“I believe that the gifts we give should not be those that last for a day but rather that which can last for a lifetime…that is why we have been working extremely hard to give the gift of education to every child,” Ramotar explained.


Your dislikes for the president and his Ministers are just words of hate. It doesn't take away anything of value from their persona or public duties. I expected you to continue this mantra for the next ten years. A nasty attitude is an expression that says a lot about the person.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Your dislikes for the president and his Ministers are just words of hate. It doesn't take away anything of value from their persona or public duties. I expected you to continue this mantra for the next ten years. A nasty attitude is an expression that says a lot about the person.

The man is a crook and his record of work is for party and as a leech not for the people. He squatted in two boards and fiddled. GUYSUCO went deep into a hole and is presently on life support OMAI dug a hole in our nations soil plundering  billions of oz of gold and claiming that in its 20 years it never made a profit. It then proceeded to move from gold to leverage buy out and resale of the nations assets ie Linmine to BOSAI. All of this had to be facilitated by that piggy.


That is what you get from democratic centralism. It is a Leninist creed that does not produce thinkers but ideologues and leeches. Being a consummate sycophant tells a lot about a person.



The man you're speaking of is the commander-in-chief and the president of the land of your birth and all of its people. You can put that in your pipe and smoke it until 2016. Let's speak reality, Mr. Dragon. And, you can whine like a top until your ass dislodged from your four legs. What a noise maker you are!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

The man you're speaking of is the commander-in-chief and the president of the land of your birth and all of its people. You can put that in your pipe and smoke it until 2016. Let's speak reality, Mr. Dragon. And, you can whine like a top until your ass dislodged from your four legs. What a noise maker you are!

I did not not select him nor did any other Guyanese outside to the narrow coven of the PPP party.  In a democracy, even as narrow as the scope of ours is, I do not have to like him. I already do not respect crooks so he would not fit in by default.


I may be making noise to you but that is what you can hear given you lack the proper filters to understand your world outside the spoon fed reality of our politics. Had you the capacity to break out of the bonds of that political ethos you would be able to grasp it is not only broken but it is one that inevitably leads men to the dark side.


Let me make this clear to you. If you don't like President Ramotar because he's a crook, Granger and Ramjattan are also crooks. They are no stranger to fraud and deceptions, and they are Guyanese who live with the same corruption that embedded in them. Would you like to shy away from this reality?         

You and I are Guyanese and we both know it all too well. Telling the people on this board that the AFC can do better is a mock reality when they're still a party hanging from a thread. They are a party that embraced the PNC criminal elements to destabilize a functioning government. They burn schools and hospitals and suffer children to gain political mileage.         

You, on the other hand, turned into a buck neemakaram to speak with such hate for the ruling government. (For the first time I am addressing you as a buck just to spare the true Ameriands the insult you brought to them).     

Like I said, you have to lick your wounds until 2016. And, that if the constituents want to sink the AFC from ever rising again from all the unrest and propaganda, they sell to the voters. This is not your grandfather Guyana; it's a new Guyana with smart people that are very much informed about their government and policies. When Baseman, an ex-supporter explains the dishonesty of the AFC, you either believe or get to burn.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Let me make this clear to you. If you don't like President Ramotar because he's a crook, Granger and Ramjattan are also crooks. They are no stranger to fraud and deceptions, and they are Guyanese who live with the same corruption that embedded in them. Would you like to shy away from this reality?         

You and I are Guyanese and we both know it all too well. Telling the people on this board that the AFC can do better is a mock reality when they're still a party hanging from a thread. They are a party that embraced the PNC criminal elements to destabilize a functioning government. They burn schools and hospitals and suffer children to gain political mileage.         

You, on the other hand, turned into a buck neemakaram to speak with such hate for the ruling government. (For the first time I am addressing you as a buck just to spare the true Ameriands the insult you brought to them).     

Like I said, you have to lick your wounds until 2016. And, that if the constituents want to sink the AFC from ever rising again from all the unrest and propaganda, they sell to the voters. This is not your grandfather Guyana; it's a new Guyana with smart people that are very much informed about their government and policies. When Baseman, an ex-supporter explains the dishonesty of the AFC, you either believe or get to burn.

 I do not know of Granger or Ramjattan squatting on Boards or implanting their children in cushy jobs.


 I am not obliged on any account to give anyone in an administrative post a pass simply on the assumption that corruption is endemic. If you seel the job and corruption persists then you are incompetent. If you allow and facilitate corruption then you are corrupt. This fatso is corrupt.


I do not know that you can use the term nimakaharam with Amerindians. ( I guess the buck here was your gratuitous jab that you are a creature of a greater god!) No immigrant group, Africans, Indians Chinese etc can give us anything. You by coming get what was formerly ours. Unlike some South American nations we are the minority so democracy puts us in the disadvantage of being deprived of power to use what is left of our assets as we see fit. Instead, we are at the mercy of the carpetbaggers and therefore at their mercy.


Only to a bigot like you accustomed to the docility of native people you think me out of line to your pre eminent status as over lord. Well, that exist only in your mind and as long as you are a bigot you will remain an idiot.


I do not see anyone licking wounds. I see the PPP with its nose bloodied and its hands no longer reaching for the nations till unrestrained. There will be no give aways and no budget crammed with port to feed the PPP's kit and kin. I am not of the AFC the longer the PPP waits to call an election the more bloodied they will get and the more their corrupt underbelly will be exposed. By 2016 they would have been all prepared to skip town because after then, they would most likely end up in jail. They are not winning another election.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
By 2016 they would have been all prepared to skip town because after then, they would most likely end up in jail. They are not winning another election.

On or before 2016, the PPP/C will again win the elections and form the government.


2016,i think we will get a early election,i hope so for the sake of guyana.this is the ppp last term,the fools is living in the past,may somebody should tell them the world is changing and they is still living in the cold war 


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