Maybe the gods and goddesses (Navagrahas) were turned into stone that indicates the death of their spirits as those forms. What would we have to do to the stone images to restore their spirits? I think time has to be destroyed so their memories can manifest in our minds to recreate them. Maybe it is time that we help the gods and goddesses and not the other way around because they are presently incapable to help us. I think God did this crime through the death of Jesus. The stone images must have to produce tears somehow so we have to think of that happening so it can happen. It is possible that the rain is telling us to do that with that sign of raining. Maybe we have to cry and put our tears on the stones to restore Krishna and others. What if the Jews put their tears on The wailing Wall what would happen? How do we induce crying to do this? Maybe we can put the tears of our babies on the wailing Wall or the religious artifacts.