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Ashwariya and Abhishek on Oprah

America has Hollywood. Nigeria has Nollywood. But in India, it's all about Bollywood.

This booming, Hindi-language film industry turns out hundreds of vibrant films and musicals every year. And while many Hollywood celebrities have made names for themselves internationally, it's Bollywood that boasts the most famous couple in the world—Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan.

Ash and Abhi, as they're known to their 5 billion fans around the globe, were Bollywood superstars long before they fell in love and got married in April 2007. Abhi, Ash's leading man, was born into India's film industry. Both of his parents are famous Bollywood actors, and over the years, he's starred in more than 40 films.

After being crowned Miss World in 1994, Ash became Bollywood's breakout star. Since then, this emerald-eyed actress has landed dozens of endorsement deals and starred in more than 40 movies. She reportedly earns more than $15 million per film.

Now, for the first time, Ash and Abhi are sitting down for their first television interview together!

Before they were man and wife, Ash and Abhi were co-stars. After working with Ash in a few films, Abhi says he developed feelings for the actress who's been called the most beautiful woman in the world.

"I was filming in New York for a movie," he says. "And I used to stand on the balcony of my hotel room and wish that, 'One day, wouldn't it be nice if I was together with her, married.'"

Years later, the co-stars returned to New York City as a couple. They were there for the premiere of Guru, a film they worked on together, but Abhi had something special in store.

"After the premiere, we were back in the hotel," he says. "So I took her to the very same balcony, and I asked her to marry me."

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