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Reply to "Do you still remember your first love ?"

Originally Posted by Rev:

Arrite! Regarding this first love business sentimental yuji crying about in the lead post. I guess we are not talking about puppy love or crush or regular girlfriends or the fun times with the maid.


* My first love, from the day I met that woman, I had this feelings no words can explain. Rev can sometimes be "wordy"  but I can't explain that feelings. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.


* My first love and definitely my last love is the woman I am spending the rest of my life with, adventuring with, having fun with.


* She is a world class wife, a world class mother, a world class human being. She is my best friend. She is the only woman in the world who is always right. That's the key right there to happiness for any man---accepting that his woman is always right. 


* Like I said my first love will be my last love.



Rev that's the rule my friend. The wife says the same to me all the time. You accept that, even deep down inside you, you disagree. But you grin and bear.
