Bhai Rev, I must say that I am really impressed. I am so happy that you love "Bhabhi", so much. You referred to your Beloved Wife as World's Best Wife, best Mother, Best Human Being, & your Best Friend.(She must be a good Daughter and "Bahu" too), May God always keep you both together and always happy and in Love. Amen. And may you both get to spend happy and healthy 65th Wedding Anniversary together. Amen. Sadly people these days are bragging about extra marital affairs, there is a saying in India when Men brag about too many affairs then there are none,meaning no affairs at all, they are just playing out their desires but they do not realize that in doing so they may be encouraging other's to follow such examples. Becuz these days people tend to learn B-d things faster than good things. That is why it is always advisable that even if one is doing such horrible acts of having extra marital affairs then they should keep it to themselves, who knows what STD's they will catch on?? Besides we all have to stand in front of God one day and be answerable to all our good and bad deeds. And they should also understand that their kids will follow in their foot steps. Please forgive me if I have written something unnecessary here. So I am sorry.
Once again I congratulate you for treating your woman as a Princess in your life. May she also treat you with love, understanding and a lot of respect for you.