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Reply to "Do you still remember your first love ?"

Originally Posted by Rev:



* How many of you ladies have ever had a guy tell you that you are HOT ?


* Some of you might be old---in your 40s/50s/60s and so you haven't heard the word HOT in decades.hahahaha


* Just kidding!


* How about adjectives like pretty, gorgeous, beautiful----you ever heard those ?


* What do men mean when they use words like hot, pretty, gorgeous and beautiful ?




When a man calls you  HOT---they look at your BODY.


When a man says you PRETTY---that look at your FACE.


When a man calls you GORGEOUS---they look at your CLOTHES.


But when they call you BEAUTIFUL----they see EVERYTHING.




* So which of those adjectives do you still hear ?



Why dont you shut your silly behind and not speak for "men" in general as thou you are divinely inspired and speak for yourself.When a person speaks to another in terms of beauty the project a cultural imprinting over and above natural inclinations for some forms. Humans "see" with their minds also (innate inclination to certain forms) and hearts (the subtotal of the emotional attachment to cultural iconography ie virginal, family, religion)


And please quit wasting space and write in paragraphs like the rest of the world does. List making does not make you communicate better.

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