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When I was young there was this Portuguese girl whose backyard and our backyard was separated by a trench. We would sit on our respective sides of the trench and whisper endearments when no one was looking. We had to whisper a bit loudly since the trench was a bit wide and had ducks swimming by, quacking and so on. 

This girl with was the most beautiful girl I ever saw, exceptionally pretty with blond hair (real ) and I even painted her picture standing in the sunset, hair blowing in the breeze.  Then I rolled it up, tied it to a brick and threw it over the trench almost hitting her on the knee.  When she jumped aside, revealing slender thighs, I almost swooned.
One day the family packed up and left leaving me heartbroken. They just disappeared and no one knew where they had moved too. 
Many years later, when I was in 6th form in high school, I overheard one of my friends talking about a Portuguese family with a teenage girl that was living in his neighbourhood.  
It was a million to one shot, but being a firm believer in fate, I took a huge leap of faith and wrote a letter of inquiry, and asked the guy to deliver it personally to the girl.
I received a letter from her inundated with talcum powder and lipsticked lip prints.  It was indeed my trench girl!
I arranged a date, and with heart palpitating, I raced up on my racing bike on the 20 mile journey to meet the fair blond hair maiden.
To make a long story short, I was disappointed. She had a case of acne, had grown a bit chubby, and hair had grown dark.  
Now, I don't know if this is considered a heartbreak, but after we chatted, I raced back home very disappointed and forlorn at the cruel joke fate had played on me.  