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Reply to "ELITE SUSHI CLUB(ESC): Every Man's Dream"

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



This thread is about a divine and heavenly subject--Sushi!


And here you are posting rubbish and filth--and feeling all happy about it.


You may not realize it bruddaman, but you are revealing your true self to your fellow posters.


That's right Bruddaman. You are coming across as a deeply frustrated, disheartened and defeated man.


The Rev empathizes with your plight Bruddaman. Hopefully in your next life you'll be happier and more delightful--you'll be like the Rev. Who knows God may even take a liking to you and bring you back as a sushi connoisseur.hahahaha





 Dude, give it a break. Whether you are selling real sushi or selling you particular brand of whorish pay-as-you- go ***** eating, that is  your  preference.  The claims that these particular treats are delectable morsels are so to you. Do not be displeased if you find few takers. Real sushi has no appeal and clubbing to eat metaphoric sushi is definitely not in the cards for any of us. You can put that on a plate with peas and rice and I for one do not want.


Insisting yours is the only way  won't make it so.  If a man is not happy at your offerings does not make him less of a man. It can, on the other the other hand,  you seem a sad empty man always with a need for ostentatious consumption to make fill that great nothing inside you. 


Contentment comes comes naturally with having kindness and moderation and originates in ones heart. It does not reside in possessions. If a rolex is needed to make you feel good, you have a problem. I have an imperial my wife give me many years ago but I wish I wish she had bought as vintage Martin D 28!  I do not think I wore the thing more than 5 times.


I do not even wear a watch presently. Before my android phones I used a Garmin Forerunner 305 sport watch. Now I  only have the Galaxy s3 and that is all the time keeping I need.
