Real sushi has no appeal and clubbing to eat metaphoric sushi is definitely not in the cards for any of us. You can put that on a plate with peas and rice and I for one do not want.
Jane Russell
Good Jesus Lord!
Are you admitting to the forum that you stormborn, a 53 year old man, have have never, ever, ever feasted on sushi in your life ?
This is a human tragedy!
Listen storm! A life without sushi is empty, meaningless and barren!
Got to give you credit stormy--you are a brave man---a very brave man--admitting to the world you have never feasted on sushi.
The Rev wishes to extend his deepest sympathies to you stormborn.
Hopefully in your next life God is kinder to you stormborn---this life is over for you--but hopefully in your next life you get to experience and enjoy the heavenly bliss of sushi.hahahahahahaha